Author Topic: January goals  (Read 4160 times)


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #50 on: January 17, 2025, 12:05:33 AM »
I'm not tracking weight or steps. (I don't track steps because I also bike a lot.) I did walk a little more than three miles yesterday. So far, I've managed to exercise at least a little each day this year. I've read parts of the book I'm working on all but a couple of days (hoping to make up some time this weekend). I've gotten 15 things out of the house, and I don't entirely care about numbers or days, as long as the net continues to be getting rid of things.

The thing that was stuck about my phone migration is still stuck, but I've transferred and initialized a few more apps, and I've removed several things I didn't ask for that came pre-installed on my phone. (Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon, and Temu, among others.)

There are some goals I'm trying to do that I'm less able to state quantitatively, namely sleep better and eat less sugar. So far, so good, on both fronts. The Costco bags of almonds and pistachios seem to help with cutting down on other junk and post-lunch energy crashes. I still seem to operate better with an afternoon nap, and time permitting, I'm helping myself to those.

Exercising: still at it. A couple lighter days because reasons, but I haven't skipped a day entirely yet.

Book: paused the last couple of days because something else needed my reading time and attention, but that's done now, so I'm optimistic about picking it back up tomorrow.

Phone: finally unstuck the thing that was bugging me most about the transfer. I can now stop also carrying my old phone. There are a couple more little things I'm going to try to move over, and I'm going to hang onto the old phone until I'm sure I got everything, but I'm hoping eventually to offer it to someone who can make use of whatever time and function it has left.

Items out of house: 23 (plus recycled an empty box we didn't still need to save). Everything is gone that was requested. Nothing new is currently listed; hoping to pick that back up tomorrow when I'm again home during daylight to take decent photos of things.

Eating less sugar: made a bit of an exception a couple days ago but mostly holding steady on this one. Nuts are still helping with satiety and not crashing.

Sleep: my last couple nights have been so-so, but still in aggregate better than usual. I'll be going to bed early tonight.

@MaybeBabyMustache you've inspired me to add a language goal, but I mostly don't do language lessons. Mine's going to need to be more like, "read or listen to some of [language] each day."


  • Bristles
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Re: January goals
« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2025, 02:30:20 PM »
Third week check-in.

A good week except for lack of sleep. Exercise is a bit so-so but I have been eating well..

  • Sleep more. At least seven hours at least four nights a week. Absolutely not. One night this week. A couple of others have been close but not good enough.
  • Drastically reduce time spent on screens. Better but not good enough.
  • Continue getting rid of stuff/sorting out the apartment. I need to finalize taking care of all the stuff from my bedroom to be. Handyman comes at the 14th. Need to finalize Monday 6th, which is a bank holiday, including dropping it all off at dump and charity shop. Feels really good. I still have things to take care of/dispose of but there is continous improvement. There will be more of a mess when painter comes in, as I have to empty out some mores stuff,  but after that it will be finished.
  • Continue with my bedroom. Decide on flooring no later than Wednesday 8th. Discuss wall colour w/painter during second week of January. Go to IKEA to buy bed 5th or 6th of Jan. Handyman has been here, almost finished. Electrician will come next week and it's a very small job, hopefully only a couple of hours. Painter friend was here yesterday, we're good. He will come in later, after everything else is complete. I just have to decide on wall colour. I have slept in the unfinished room a couple of nights and it's really nice already.
  • Eat better. Started January at 79.4 kilograms. End lower. Want to end at 78.4 or lower. Increase protein and veggies. Log food on MFP. Decided to go hard core weeks w/o kids and easier when they are here (not logging those weeks). It's going really well. 76.2 this morning and tonight I have been food prepping for the next three days.
  • Go to the gym eight times. I was there yesterday, my first time in ages.
  • Swim two times. Would like to try the pool on my way home from work. I have been once and hope to fit in another the coming week.
  • Go for a walk for at least ten minutes every day. Another miss this week, but have gotten quite a few steps the other days. Most of the ice has melted, which really helps. Tomorrow I will get another pair of medical insoles during lunch hour.
  • Yoga & stretching at least three times a week, at least ten minutes every day. I have done yoga four days this week. It worries me how stiff I have become.
  • Take the kids to the indoor pool twice. Completed for this month, but I have told them that we will go every weekend the spend with me so hope to go next weekend as well.
  • Start thinking about growing/garden. Planning in my head. Will not do anything until after bedrooms is finished.

I track with colors:
Green: completed
Blue: progress/on track
Orange: at risk/behind
Red: did not complete


  • Senior Mustachian
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Re: January goals
« Reply #52 on: January 19, 2025, 03:29:04 PM »
Well, my updated goals are going well.

I'm managing to eat only the extremely limited range of foods that are safe for me to eat. The extreme pain is under control, and I'm able to eat at least 1200 calories most days.

The no-sugar goal is off the table. With how limited my food options are, I can't afford to rule out sugar now.


  • Bristles
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Re: January goals
« Reply #53 on: January 19, 2025, 09:03:18 PM »
Overall, my goals are going well. I did miss a 10k step day over the weekend, but I won't let one day throw off my whole month!

San Diego Girl

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Re: January goals
« Reply #54 on: January 19, 2025, 11:06:33 PM »
I am on track for my goals this month and it feels good.

Showing up feels like the most meaningful one so far.  Often times, I get so anxious about a certain thing I need to do or accomplish and if I can just muster the energy to slap on a smile and show up for it, it is funny how often it is not nearly as stressful or challenging as I was anticipating, if that makes sense.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2025, 11:08:23 PM by San Diego Girl »


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: January goals
« Reply #55 on: January 20, 2025, 05:45:02 AM »
Progress update:

20 weightlifting sessions (11 / 20 done so far)
22 hot power yoga classes (10 / 22 done so far)

I skipped a yoga day on Saturday to go do trail maintenance on the Florida Trail instead.  It was a perfect cloudy and breezy day, right around 70 degrees the whole time. :)


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #56 on: January 20, 2025, 09:11:32 AM »
Ten days in, and I am still dry for January. Went back to the gym last Thursday (Jan. 2) and went every weekday this week, which was my goal. Feeling good! Though the number on the scale isn’t going down yet, probably because I am building muscle mass back up as I am in theory losing fat mass.

Twenty days in. Had a drink on Saturday, which didn’t taste very good and felt gross. So it was kind of a good thing in that it reminded me how much better I have felt not drinking.

Still doing the gym consistently M-F.


  • Bristles
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Re: January goals
« Reply #57 on: January 20, 2025, 09:15:36 AM »
For anyone who misses one day, don't forget that you had 19 other days of hitting your goal. Don't let one bad day ruin 19 good ones.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #58 on: January 20, 2025, 09:34:54 AM »
2 weeks in a row going to the gym 4x!

Yoga 1x
Ran 3x
20k steps a day now on day 52!
Tracked food all week, 2nd week in a row

For me tracking food isn’t so much calorie counting as accountability, it keeps me closer to living the No-S Plan (3 meals a day). Though in actuality I eat more like 4 meals a day. I could adjust that in myfitness pal if I wanted but this is good.

Wow, lost 4 lbs from 1/10! That’s very unusual but goes to show that everything I learned at the beginning of 2024 I can put into use and see results. At this point am only a few pounds off where I want to be. I also measure more by clothes fit and inches.

As much as it hurts recording your high weight at times, it’s so nice to see progress.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #59 on: January 20, 2025, 09:37:24 AM »
For anyone who misses one day, don't forget that you had 19 other days of hitting your goal. Don't let one bad day ruin 19 good ones.



  • Senior Mustachian
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Re: January goals
« Reply #60 on: January 20, 2025, 09:45:03 AM »
I don't make New Year's Resolutions, but I always like to have goals.

1) Weigh myself every day. I find this keeps me honest without having to track every single calorie.
2) 100 pushups a day.
3) 10k steps a day.
4) Follow the financial goals I have set. Max my roth, max my HSA, max my 401k.
5) Do one fun thing this month. Already knocked this off by going skiing with a group of friends.

C'moooon!  You're so close to the One Punch Man workout!  Add 2000 steps, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats.  Do that for 3 years, have all your hair fall out, then join the hero association! :D

You. I like you.

I never realized this before . . . but is one punch man just adult Caillou?


  • Bristles
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Re: January goals
« Reply #61 on: January 20, 2025, 02:11:37 PM »
I don't make New Year's Resolutions, but I always like to have goals.

1) Weigh myself every day. I find this keeps me honest without having to track every single calorie.
2) 100 pushups a day.
3) 10k steps a day.
4) Follow the financial goals I have set. Max my roth, max my HSA, max my 401k.
5) Do one fun thing this month. Already knocked this off by going skiing with a group of friends.

C'moooon!  You're so close to the One Punch Man workout!  Add 2000 steps, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats.  Do that for 3 years, have all your hair fall out, then join the hero association! :D

You. I like you.

I never realized this before . . . but is one punch man just adult Caillou?

Off the cuff, I would say no; Caillou was bald from childhood, One Punch Man lost his hair after rigorous training


  • Senior Mustachian
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Re: January goals
« Reply #62 on: January 20, 2025, 02:23:41 PM »
I don't make New Year's Resolutions, but I always like to have goals.

1) Weigh myself every day. I find this keeps me honest without having to track every single calorie.
2) 100 pushups a day.
3) 10k steps a day.
4) Follow the financial goals I have set. Max my roth, max my HSA, max my 401k.
5) Do one fun thing this month. Already knocked this off by going skiing with a group of friends.

C'moooon!  You're so close to the One Punch Man workout!  Add 2000 steps, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats.  Do that for 3 years, have all your hair fall out, then join the hero association! :D

You. I like you.

I never realized this before . . . but is one punch man just adult Caillou?

Off the cuff, I would say no; Caillou was bald from childhood, One Punch Man lost his hair after rigorous training

C'mon.  Look at those pictures and tell me this isn't at least a separated at birth sort of situation:


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #63 on: January 21, 2025, 07:35:29 AM »
Stomach bug was followed by a persistent cold, so not as productive as one would hope... at least I'm getting some reading done.

1. Read 4 books (include DNFs) - 6/4 complete
  a. 1 from TBR - 1/1 complete
  b. 1 Sequel - 2/1 complete
2. Do yoga once a week - No, only 1/3 so far :(
3. Listen to music every day - Back on track

4. No unplanned personal spend - Still going well
5. Keep "Consumables" under $700 - 356/700, with everyone sick, no one's hungry
6. Cooking
  a. Try a new recipe - Not yet
  b. Cook for freezer/pantry - Black Bean Soup, Dal Makhani

House Stuff:
7. Drywall repair
  a. Paint - Done! Finally! It was literally a 10 minute job once I got to it
8. Baseboard - Done main room, only laundry left
9. Put Away Holiday Decor - All away, just need to return bin to attic
10. Caulk Baseboards - Supplies acquired
11. Re-caulk Kitchen Counter - Done!
12. Hang Basement Doors
  a. Laundry
  b. Utility Closet

13. Plan Garden
  a. Schedule for tilling/ordering bushes
  b. What to plant in raised bed
     i) Use only existing seed supply

14. See Wicked - Done!
15. DH trip - Cancelled for illness
16. Met Broadcast Aida - Babysitting planned
17. Opera (Feb) - Plan baby coverage
18. Museum visit - Cancelled for illness


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #64 on: January 21, 2025, 02:46:22 PM »
Two more things left the house, for a total of 25 this year.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: January goals
« Reply #65 on: January 22, 2025, 05:46:49 AM »
I don't make New Year's Resolutions, but I always like to have goals.

1) Weigh myself every day. I find this keeps me honest without having to track every single calorie.
2) 100 pushups a day.
3) 10k steps a day.
4) Follow the financial goals I have set. Max my roth, max my HSA, max my 401k.
5) Do one fun thing this month. Already knocked this off by going skiing with a group of friends.

C'moooon!  You're so close to the One Punch Man workout!  Add 2000 steps, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats.  Do that for 3 years, have all your hair fall out, then join the hero association! :D

You. I like you.

I never realized this before . . . but is one punch man just adult Caillou?

Off the cuff, I would say no; Caillou was bald from childhood, One Punch Man lost his hair after rigorous training

C'mon.  Look at those pictures and tell me this isn't at least a separated at birth sort of situation:

Brothers from other mothers, perhaps.  What's Caillou's hero rank/monster rating?


  • Senior Mustachian
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Re: January goals
« Reply #66 on: January 22, 2025, 08:10:13 AM »
I don't make New Year's Resolutions, but I always like to have goals.

1) Weigh myself every day. I find this keeps me honest without having to track every single calorie.
2) 100 pushups a day.
3) 10k steps a day.
4) Follow the financial goals I have set. Max my roth, max my HSA, max my 401k.
5) Do one fun thing this month. Already knocked this off by going skiing with a group of friends.

C'moooon!  You're so close to the One Punch Man workout!  Add 2000 steps, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats.  Do that for 3 years, have all your hair fall out, then join the hero association! :D

You. I like you.

I never realized this before . . . but is one punch man just adult Caillou?

Off the cuff, I would say no; Caillou was bald from childhood, One Punch Man lost his hair after rigorous training

C'mon.  Look at those pictures and tell me this isn't at least a separated at birth sort of situation:

Brothers from other mothers, perhaps.  What's Caillou's hero rank/monster rating?

I'd say he's at least a dragon level monster, as he is a threat to multiple cities.


  • Bristles
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Re: January goals
« Reply #67 on: January 22, 2025, 08:29:32 AM »
I have lost the few pounds that I put on during the holidays, so I am happy with that. Now, I just gotta keep at it. Being healthy is a marathon not a sprint. That is why I am focusing so hard on good habits more than anything else.


  • Bristles
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Re: January goals
« Reply #68 on: January 26, 2025, 08:41:55 AM »
Another weekly check-in, and another good week except for lack of sleep also this week.

  • Sleep more. At least seven hours at least four nights a week. Still not good. One night (barely) also this week. Stayed up late bit Fri & Sat and then the kíds woke me up early -> low energy level.
  • Drastically reduce time spent on screens. Not really.
  • Continue getting rid of stuff/sorting out the apartment. I need to finalize taking care of all the stuff from my bedroom to be. Handyman comes at the 14th. Need to finalize Monday 6th, which is a bank holiday, including dropping it all off at dump and charity shop. Not a lot of progress this week, but still ok.
  • Continue with my bedroom. Decide on flooring no later than Wednesday 8th. Discuss wall colour w/painter during second week of January. Go to IKEA to buy bed 5th or 6th of Jan. Handyman has finished. Electrician had to reschedule, will come in tomrorrow. I have decided which wall colour. Sleeping in there and it's already great.
  • Eat better. Started January at 79.4 kilograms. End lower. Want to end at 78.4 or lower. Increase protein and veggies. Log food on MFP. Decided to go hard core weeks w/o kids and easier when they are here (not logging those weeks). Still going really well. 75,6 this morning even w/not strict eating for a few days.
  • Go to the gym eight times. Three so far. Will have to be careful, foot is a bit achey.
  • Swim two times. Would like to try the pool on my way home from work.Went for a second time today, only swam half of what I wanted bc chaos and kids weren't happy. But it is completed anyway.
  • Go for a walk for at least ten minutes every day. I think I missed one day, but have several days w/a lot of steps so I'm good.
  • Yoga & stretching at least three times a week, at least ten minutes every day. Three days this week. I like it but keep forgetting to do it.
  • Take the kids to the indoor pool twice. Completed for this month, but I have told them that we will go every weekend they spend with me so hope to go next weekend as well.
  • Start thinking about growing/garden. Planning in my head. Will not do anything until after bedrooms is finished.

I track with colors:
Green: completed
Blue: progress/on track
Orange: at risk/behind
Red: did not complete


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #69 on: January 27, 2025, 09:36:12 AM »
This month is dragging on, but not in a productive way...

1. Read 4 books (include DNFs) - 7/4 complete
  a. 1 from TBR - 1/1 complete
  b. 1 Sequel - 2/1 complete
2. Do yoga once a week - 2/4, made it last week
3. Listen to music every day - missed a few more days, but I'm catching up

4. No unplanned personal spend - Still going well
5. Keep "Consumables" under $700 - 467/700
6. Cooking
  a. Try a new recipe - This might not happen this month
  b. Cook for freezer/pantry - Black Bean Soup, Dal Makhani

House Stuff:
7. Drywall repair
  a. Paint - Done! Finally! It was literally a 10 minute job once I got to it
8. Baseboard - Done main room, only laundry left
9. Put Away Holiday Decor - Done!
10. Caulk Baseboards - Supplies acquired
11. Re-caulk Kitchen Counter - Done!
12. Hang Basement Doors
  a. Laundry
  b. Utility Closet

13. Plan Garden
  a. Schedule for tilling/ordering bushes
  b. What to plant in raised bed
     i) Use only existing seed supply

14. See Wicked - Done!
15. DH trip - Cancelled for illness
16. Met Broadcast Aida - Cancelled for illness
17. Opera (Feb) - Babysitting planned
18. Museum visit - Rescheduled, babysitting planned


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #70 on: January 28, 2025, 08:53:58 AM »
@Raenia - yes, exactly that. Dragging on, not in a productive way!


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #71 on: January 28, 2025, 09:02:00 AM »
Forcing myself to do an update, mostly so I can remember what's left on my list:


-Continue to pay for DS18’s college expenses - yes
-Work on finding a new job - lots of networking, but *such* a frustrating process. Did get offered a part-time job
-Earn $300 in side hustle - well over this already
-Monthly freezer/pantry challenge:
       -Use up ½ of the freezer pizza, 1 can of coconut milk & figure out what to do with all of the curry paste - Yes. Used a can of coconut milk. Finished the small jar of curry paste in the fridge, and opened the enormous tub in the pantry & made a tiny dent in that.
-Make second property tax payment (pull majority from savings. Cash flow $1500 of it) - made the payment, assuming we're going to be able to cash flow about $1k

-Decide if we need to do any college tours for DS17 - he got rejected from one of his moonshot schools, but will likely tour a safety school (that I think he'll love, but what do I know, I'm just the mom?) He got into one of his top choices, so we'll do a tour in March that combines top school with safety school
-Optimize points, perks & miles for travel - used the last of my expiring United plus points, which was awesome. Also used a Hyatt free night for a ski trip, plus used two nights on points as well. Used Southwest points for DS18's spring break flight, which otherwise would have been $850.
-Plan Spain trip details & start looking at Italy options - Need to still finalize ski week stuff, but booked Spain train reservations. Moving Italy to 2026, and planning to do Hawaii for our 20th anniversary instead. This Italy trip is really ill fated. We've planned it 3 times now (got pregnant, COVID & then we had United vouchers that had to be used for this spring, and for several reasons, Spain works better than Italy. It's all good, and we feel lucky to get in an international trip in 2025. I don't want to add another one. Would rather space them out & enjoy them more.
-Begin remodel discussions - not yet
-One date night with DH - Yes, one date night with DH.


-Lose 2 lbs - lost 2.4 lbs, but largely because my weight was quite elevated from the holidays - I've lost 3.6 lbs so far
-Strength train 15 days - 16/15
-No S diet 15 days - 8/15
-Meditate 10 times - 5/15
-Try a new workout - nothing to report here

-Language lessons 10 times - 17/10
-Declutter 50 items from the house - 34/50
-Look at college classes - nothing
-Get together with friends x2 - coffee with a friend, two hikes with other friends
-Play pickleball 1x - nope
-For my “Try something new & uncomfortable” & “Say yes to more adventures” goals, start looking at opportunities for these- other than networking, nothing to report here


  • Bristles
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Re: January goals
« Reply #72 on: January 28, 2025, 10:36:08 AM »
1) Weigh myself every day. I find this keeps me honest without having to track every single calorie.
2) 100 pushups a day.
3) 10k steps a day.
4) Follow the financial goals I have set. Max my roth, max my HSA, max my 401k.
5) Do one fun thing this month. Already knocked this off by going skiing with a group of friends.

UPDATE: I was able to make very good progress on all of these goals. I weighed myself almost every day. I also hit the pushup goal almost every day. The only days I missed the 10k steps were ski days which is fine. I have been staying the course with the financial goals. They are all on automatic contributions, so it takes the friction out of the process. I did two events with my friends for the month


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #73 on: January 28, 2025, 01:22:49 PM »
Way to go, @41_swish ! I also struggle with steps on my ski days. Mine sometimes involve long drives to/from Tahoe as well, which makes it even more challenging to get in the steps.


  • Bristles
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Re: January goals
« Reply #74 on: January 28, 2025, 02:33:55 PM »
A long drive and then a day of skiing and then a drive home makes the steps tough. I usually try to take a little walk right when I get home and maybe stop on the way back for gas and try to walk then too.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #75 on: January 30, 2025, 08:32:14 PM »

-4-5 no-spend days per week (marked in dayplanner): have managed three at least/week
-breathwork/meditation 3-4 days/week: not so good on this
-$800-1000 into savings : yes indeed
-research, save for (and later in year, buy) adventure vehicle (not *new* but new to me) : vehicular education is well underway and small fund being tucked aside
-take dog kick-sledding or ski-touring, 3-4 times : amazing month for adventures..just did a 20km outing yesterday and it was glorious
-try 1-2 new recipes/week : some successes that I will repeat. curried adzuki beans and an edamame dip were the top faves


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #76 on: January 31, 2025, 05:43:13 AM »
Dry January went pretty well, though I slipped a couple times at social events. The best part is I’m ending up this month not really wanting to drink at all, which is a huge improvement over post-election wallowing. Going to do dry/damp February.

I am definitely back on my regular M-F gym schedule and feeling better and stronger.

January goals were a success in my book!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: January goals
« Reply #77 on: January 31, 2025, 07:11:19 AM »
End of month:

18 / 20 weightlifting sessions
25 / 22 hot power yoga classes

Not bad.  2 short on the weightlifting sessions, but made up for that with 3 extra on the hot power yoga. 

Plus, I got to try some belly dancing classes too (even though I look like a panther wrestling a beach ball in them; just paws all over the place).


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #78 on: January 31, 2025, 09:57:25 AM »
I kept up my 20 K a day walking for the most part but I traveled on the train so I knew there would be two days where I wouldn’t quite make it. Surprisingly I was still able to get about 16,000 steps just by walking on the train platform at the fresh air breaks. Also I reset my goal on my Garmin to be 10,000 steps a day. I’m still hitting 20 but I find that having the 20 goal created an open loop in my brain that prevented me from doing other things lol. Whereas I can easily hit the 10k now and then it’s not hard in the evening to make up the other 10K. I also got a rebounder and I freaking love it
« Last Edit: January 31, 2025, 10:00:23 AM by Fru-Gal »


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #79 on: January 31, 2025, 10:22:02 AM »
Dry January went pretty well, though I slipped a couple times at social events. The best part is I’m ending up this month not really wanting to drink at all, which is a huge improvement over post-election wallowing. Going to do dry/damp February.

Ha, I love the idea of damp February..will add that to my goals :)


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: January goals
« Reply #80 on: January 31, 2025, 10:30:02 AM »
What a month. Can't wait for the kiddo to stop getting sick all the time - my coworkers with kids tell me I've got about 5 years to go :P

1. Read 4 books (include DNFs) - 8/4, snuck one last one in under the wire
  a. 1 from TBR - 1/1
  b. 1 Sequel - 3/1
2. Do yoga once a week - 2/4, missed this last week again due to kiddo's pink eye
3. Listen to music every day - on track

4. No unplanned personal spend - Ended up with one bought lunch, not too bad
5. Keep "Consumables" under $700 - 666/700, success
6. Cooking
  a. Try a new recipe - Nope, but I did a lot of cooking anyway, so it's ok
  b. Cook for freezer/pantry - Black Bean Soup, Dal Makhani

House Stuff:
7. Drywall repair
  a. Paint - Done!
8. Baseboard - Done main room, only laundry left
9. Put Away Holiday Decor - Done!
10. Caulk Baseboards - Supplies acquired
11. Re-caulk Kitchen Counter - Done!
12. Hang Basement Doors
  a. Laundry
  b. Utility Closet

13. Plan Garden - No movement on this
  a. Schedule for tilling/ordering bushes
  b. What to plant in raised bed
     i) Use only existing seed supply

14. See Wicked - Done!
15. DH trip - Cancelled for illness
16. Met Broadcast Aida - Cancelled for illness
17. Opera (Feb) - Babysitting planned
18. Museum visit - Rescheduled, babysitting planned, and bonus, borrowed tickets from the library so saved money!


  • Bristles
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  • Posts: 421
  • Age: 26
  • Location: Colorado
Re: January goals
« Reply #81 on: January 31, 2025, 10:33:50 AM »
Overall, I am happy with how the month went and really liked having a thread to report back to and see how others were doing. It kept me pretty motivated.


  • Bristles
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  • Posts: 455
Re: January goals
« Reply #82 on: January 31, 2025, 01:14:52 PM »
I already said this in the 2025 goals thread, but I'm going to keep it 100 this year:

For the full year:
- 100 times to the gym
- 100 hours of movement (walking/cycling)
- 100 books tried (this includes books I've tried for at least 20 pages and then quit)
- 100 hours of writing
- 100 hours of drawing

Per month, I'm shooting for 9 of each. This gives me enough leeway for holidays, flu season etc.

January goals:
- 9 times to the gym - currently 0
- 9 hours of movement (walking/cycling) - currently 1
- 9 books tried - currently 3 (had a few tiny books to start me off!)
- 9 hours of writing - currently  1
- 9 hours of drawing - currently 1

End of the month report!

Gym: 10
Cardio: 9
Books: 15
Writing: 1
Drawing: 2

See, this is why I'm glad I'm doing a year-long challenge. I haven't failed anything (yet!) but I can learn some lessons to adapt.

Lessons learned:
1. Clearly, I was too engrossed in other books to be writing my own. I went on a reading binge and apparently my brain can only occupy one fantasy realm at a time. Next time I finish a book, I won't immediately start the next book but start writing instead. Maybe a long brisk walk to dream up some plotlines first.
2. Even though I deleted twitter and insta, I'm still on bluesky and discord... and youtube. Man, the youtube addiction is hard to beat. I spent SO MUCH time just sucked up in news, commentary, fandom stuff... It's also far too tempting to just sink into the couch after a long day's work and watch mindless stuff. Plan going forward: don't use the laptop on the couch, but at my desk. I can put all my favorite shows on as background noise while I draw.
3. Time FLIES and my energy is not unlimited. Gotta be smarter about when I can sit down on the couch and just be an absolute potato. I tend to go to extremes - either allow myself no downtime at all, or [insert windows shutdown sound]. If anyone has any tips...

1. 10 gym visits was pretty good! I had to skip twice, both times for work.
2. Cardio: (renamed this, as 'movement' sounds too vague) pretty happy with 9 hours. For the record, I'm only counting at least 30 minutes of brisk walking/cycling (elevated heart rate) as cardio. My shorter rides/walks to the grocery store, gym, train station don't count toward this goal, they're only commutes.
3. Social media had really shot my attention span. But, reading was great and my attention span improved! Mega bonus: I'm getting books out of the house!!


  • Bristles
  • ***
  • Posts: 447
Re: January goals
« Reply #83 on: February 01, 2025, 10:19:44 AM »
So this month could have been better, but I kept moving and still made some progress.  There's always next month, right?

Work Related:   
   -Apply for the two interesting looking PT remote jobs DH found for me-Did this, haven't heard back yet.

   -Finish embroidered ornaments-just have one left to frame for dad-Done!
   -Finish and mail art swap projects-dice bag and framed hoop-Dice bag is done and the hoop is planned-It's in the mail!
   -Start new project just for fun-started designing the new one on 1/31, so just under the wire

   -Exercise at least once a week-Only exercised twice, I really need to do better in February
   -Schedule at least one hangout with a friend, or at least try in case people are busy and no one can-Tried, but the friend I asked is super busy for the next few months:(
   -Follow No-S diet for 15 days-Yep, and I think I lost 2 pounds
   -No alcohol this month-This one I failed at.  Who knew I'd succumb to peer pressure when it's the church choir ladies offering?  But despite not making it the whole month, I do feel better about how I'm drinking than before.

   -Finish decluttering the basement pile-it's pretty close-This didn't get done, but most of the stuff isn't mine, so it's difficult.
   -Make all school lunches, no buying without planning in advance (pizza days)-Yep, no meals bought this month
   -Do more than half (5/9) of the monthly chores, focusing on ones that haven't been done in a while-I did four, so not terrible
   -Do 4 (out of 6) Seasonal chores-nope, didn't even try
   -restock freezer meals-at least four-Made three and freezer was getting too full, so this changed into eat down the older meals/meats


  • Bristles
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  • Posts: 441
  • Location: Sweden
Re: January goals
« Reply #84 on: February 01, 2025, 02:46:39 PM »
Final report. It has been a tough week w/work and issues at school in DS2's class. Then yesterday evening celebration w/ a friend and today tired and lazy.

I am rather happy, especially the weight loss is a huge win. But quite a few red ones as well, and the could have been mitigated w/better planning.

  • Sleep more. At least seven hours at least four nights a week. Absolutely not. Hope this can be better when bedroom is completed.
  • Drastically reduce time spent on screens. I have to mark it red.
  • Continue getting rid of stuff/sorting out the apartment. I need to finalize taking care of all the stuff from my bedroom to be. I could have done even more, but I have made a huge impact and everything that was needed for bedroom remodel was completed.
  • Continue with my bedroom. Handyman and electrician are finished. Bed is great. Now painter friend has started and there is progress.
  • Eat better. Started January at 79.4 kilograms. End lower. Want to end at 78.4 or lower. Increase protein and veggies. Log food on MFP. Absolutely crazy, in good way. I ended at 74.9 kilos and crushed the goal. (Down 4,5 kilos/9,9 lbs).
  • Go to the gym eight times. Ended up at four, my right foot is part of the reason, but also laziness and lack of planning.
  • Swim two times. Would like to try the pool on my way home from work. Two times, but have not stoppped at that specific pool.
  • Go for a walk for at least ten minutes every day. Missed a few days but I am really happy bc I have been walking a lot.
  • Yoga & stretching at least three times a week, at least ten minutes every day. Not really, and the last week didn't happen at all. Needs planning.
  • Take the kids to the indoor pool twice. Completed for this month, but I have told them that we will go every weekend they spend with me so hope to go next weekend as well.
  • Start thinking about growing/garden. Some more planning in my head. Will not do anything until after bedrooms is finished.

I track with colors:
Green: completed
Blue: progress/on track
Orange: at risk/behind
Red: did not complete