Author Topic: Saving to $10K  (Read 497932 times)


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #750 on: April 07, 2018, 03:59:09 AM »
Wow Yasha, that's fantastic, both the achievement and the hand drawn graph! I love how you even included the red "paid" stamps :)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #751 on: April 07, 2018, 07:13:42 AM »
Welcome Yasha! Love the picture you’ve drawn to showcase your progress! Fun way to track how you’re doing on the journey :)

Agreed @Yasha...I love the visual! And welcome!

Wow Yasha, that's fantastic, both the achievement and the hand drawn graph! I love how you even included the red "paid" stamps :)

Thanks guys! I’m getting a real kick out of colouring in those little boxes and ticking things off as ‘paid’. Coloured in a few more boxes this week and I’ve got the bug now so I’m looking for other ways to bulk up my repayments either by reducing spending or by bringing in a little bit of extra cash – at the moment my side-hustle is collecting cans/bottles on my walks (and raiding the recycle bins in my apartment block) to trade in for 10c a bottle… at the moment I’m averaging $2/week with minimal effort, with a little bit more of an effort, or if I screw up the courage to ask a local business to set aside their cans/bottles for me I could easily up that number.


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #752 on: April 10, 2018, 08:55:04 AM »
Welcome to the party Yasha!  Good to get more people on the thread! :)


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #753 on: April 10, 2018, 01:19:04 PM »
Haven't checked in for a while...up to just over 7,500.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #754 on: April 13, 2018, 07:39:17 AM »
April 13th Update
3/31/2017 (52,848.85)
4/30/2017 (48,076.67)
5/31/2017 (47,110.22)
6/30/2017 (46,540.28)
7/31/2017 (44,354.10)
8/31/2017 (47,236.39)
9/30/2017 (42,436.10)
10/31/2017 (33,346.78)
11/30/2017 $(28,911.53)
12/31/2017 $(24,424.13)
1/31/2018 $(20,454.43)
2/28/2018 $(18,221.63)
3/31/2018 $(14,916.69)
4/13/2018 $(12,620.32) +$2,296.37 Increase

Super happy about this mid-month progress. Throwing all my extra money at Student Loans now that my revolving credit card balances are paid off which feels amazing. Original goal was to get the Loans paid off by Aug 2021 but I think I've shaved a couple months off that date already. Stretch goal would be end of 2020 as that will be 2 years after refinancing. Considering I paid off about half that amount in credit cards in a year it's totally possible to rinse and repeat especially since my interest rates are much lower so more of my payments are going towards principle. Once Student Loans are paid off I'll have like $1.5K+ a month to put towards FIRE!

Zero NW goal - September August 2018
$10K NW goal - December November 2018


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #755 on: April 13, 2018, 08:39:53 AM »
Time to join this seriously and post my finances to the direct number. I have all my accounts on Mint so despite not posting here. I pretty much can see what a poor net worth I have on mint.

I think I should define this by net worth, but my first savings to 10K will be trying to get my savings account and 401K there. I save about $1000 each month, so my monthly expenses tend to be around 1400

Age - 25

Total net worth = -$30,768

Car loan = -$9,331
Student loan = $-27,944
Credit card = -$ 4,313 (about 4,000 is medical debt, but lazy paying this as it is on 0% until next year)


401K - $7785
Checking - 1287.60 (Haven't paid all my bills yet, will have about $200 left after bills.)
Savings - $2300.11

Short term goal - Get savings account to $5,000. Pay of credit card debt and cancel credit card. I ripped up this card after putting all my medical bills on it. Once, I pay it off. going to cancel it.

On that note, my 401K is the most impressive. I have contributed only about 6% of my income last year and bumped it up to 10% this year and amazed that it somehow managed to reach $7,000. Once, my credit card debt is gone, really going to get on a Roth IRA.

Total networth = -29,399
Car loan = -$9,030
Student loan = -$28,503
Credit card = -$ 4,228  (0%)


401K - $8,263
Savings - $2800.11

New year hear we go.

Total net worth = -$27,676

Car loan = -$8424
Student loan = $-28,320
Credit card = -$ 4,330 (Still at 0%, not going to pay it until other goals are met)


401K - $9,162 (This is nuts, i don't have a high income, it's like increased by over $1000 in a month??)
Checking - 158
Savings - $4000

Age: Now 26, Birthday was on the 5th of Feb

Total net worth = -$26,017 Company 401k match really helped.

Car loan = -$8424
Student loan = $-28,110
Credit card = -$ 4,330 (remains untouched)


401K - $10,411 (Company match, pushed it up)
Checking - 479
Savings - $4400

Goal is still to get savings to 10K but need tires for my car and some incoming emergencies.

I got promoted and an 8% raise, not huge for my income, but I am still happy. I also got a mini 2% bonus, but again, still happy about it.

Total net worth = -$21,420 (I'm such a skeptic about this. Like I don't trust mint, but manually calculated and I guess slow and steady. From my updates, I have made strides in months)

Car loan = -$7,817
Student loan = $-27,944
Credit card = -$ 4,090 (I paid some off)

401K - $12,653
Checking - $373
Savings - $5400

In all honesty, I could be way ahead by like $200 but I had an awful Starbucks habit this month. Like I cringed when I saw how much I spent. I think I will try study at home during the weekends, but weekdays, there's no helping it. My roommate is there and once she starts cooking, it is a coughing fit like no other.

Yet another month has passed and update

Total net worth = -$20,530
Car loan = -$7,511
Student loan = $-27,817
Credit card = -$ 4,143 (Me being bad, and totally coffee and nothing else. I have no excuses)

401K - $12,592 (Seems it went down. :()
Checking - $349
Savings - $6,000

Hopefully, in four months my savings will hit their goal.


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #756 on: April 13, 2018, 11:32:44 AM »
@Rimu05 good job keeping your savings moving in the right direction!

Have you spent some time thinking through why you keep choosing to buy all of those coffees, even though you know it doesn't help your longer-term goals? I say this as someone who would buy an afternoon coffee every day if I didn't have any financial constraints, and had to throttle down a similar tendency to spend silly money on coffee. I identified the things I wanted to get out of that afternoon coffee (a break from my desk, some sunshine, caffeine, a chance to catch up with a coworker/friend?) and found other ways to get the same result. Are there any easy fixes that you could put in place to be more proactive around this going forward? Saying "I messed up, I have no excuses" is great and all, but what are you going to do differently to make sure that you haven't added another $50 to that credit card next month?


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #757 on: April 13, 2018, 12:48:31 PM »
Hey all,
I just wanted to cheer you on.
Not too long ago I was in this thread eager to get to $10k networth, a goal that seemed elusive and far off.
It hasn't taken that long and lo and behold we are around $20k now.
Keep the faith and keep moving forward, you are on the right track, your momentum will yield awesome results :)


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #758 on: April 13, 2018, 03:18:37 PM »
@Rimu05 good job keeping your savings moving in the right direction!

Have you spent some time thinking through why you keep choosing to buy all of those coffees, even though you know it doesn't help your longer-term goals? I say this as someone who would buy an afternoon coffee every day if I didn't have any financial constraints, and had to throttle down a similar tendency to spend silly money on coffee. I identified the things I wanted to get out of that afternoon coffee (a break from my desk, some sunshine, caffeine, a chance to catch up with a coworker/friend?) and found other ways to get the same result. Are there any easy fixes that you could put in place to be more proactive around this going forward? Saying "I messed up, I have no excuses" is great and all, but what are you going to do differently to make sure that you haven't added another $50 to that credit card next month?

There is a stupidly easy fix to be honest that just hit me now. I have a thermos. I can just brew a little more coffee  in the morning and put some in the thermos for the afternoon. That's rational me.

Let's see if rational me will prevail this month.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #759 on: April 15, 2018, 01:02:39 PM »
Love seeing everyone's progress here! So motivating.

Mid-April update

12/11/17: (47,400)
12/26/17: (42,469)
12/29/17: (39,190)
1/31/18: (28,165)
2/15/18: (26,399)
2/28/18: (21,735)
3/16/18: (19,339)
3/30/18: (16,099)
4/15/18: (13,183)

Assets [401ks, IRAs, HSA, Cash]: $47,409
Student Loan/CCs: (60,592)

DH is finally able to contribute to retirement at his new job so that's excellent in that we are aiming to max out our 401Ks for the first time but also will adjust how much we're able to put toward the SL each month (which we knew was coming). Consequently, debt pay down may slow up a bit but I imagine we'll still continue to make great progress toward $10k net worth - hoping to hit that within the next 4-6 months pending a few large upcoming expenses


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #760 on: April 15, 2018, 07:03:40 PM »
@Rimu05 good job keeping your savings moving in the right direction!

Have you spent some time thinking through why you keep choosing to buy all of those coffees, even though you know it doesn't help your longer-term goals? I say this as someone who would buy an afternoon coffee every day if I didn't have any financial constraints, and had to throttle down a similar tendency to spend silly money on coffee. I identified the things I wanted to get out of that afternoon coffee (a break from my desk, some sunshine, caffeine, a chance to catch up with a coworker/friend?) and found other ways to get the same result. Are there any easy fixes that you could put in place to be more proactive around this going forward? Saying "I messed up, I have no excuses" is great and all, but what are you going to do differently to make sure that you haven't added another $50 to that credit card next month?

There is a stupidly easy fix to be honest that just hit me now. I have a thermos. I can just brew a little more coffee  in the morning and put some in the thermos for the afternoon. That's rational me.

Let's see if rational me will prevail this month.

You can do it! And you don’t have to be perfect...even replacing like half of your coffees out will be moving the needle in the right direction.


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #761 on: April 16, 2018, 03:12:35 AM »
Hey all,
I just wanted to cheer you on.
Not too long ago I was in this thread eager to get to $10k networth, a goal that seemed elusive and far off.
It hasn't taken that long and lo and behold we are around $20k now.
Keep the faith and keep moving forward, you are on the right track, your momentum will yield awesome results :)

Way to go!  The thought of having a £20k liquid net worth seems miles away from me right now.  It's nice to see it is achievable!


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #762 on: April 16, 2018, 05:03:26 AM »
Hi everybody

Just wanted to stop by to cheer you on as well.  This thread is IMO the most important one.  I was here too, not that long ago.  After this it gets easier, and goes faster.  This stuff works, as long as we keep moving forward.

You've got this!


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #763 on: April 16, 2018, 09:18:09 AM »
7/13/2017: $2,238.41
8/1/2017: $2,771.40
8/16/2017: $3,071.40
9/1/2017: $3,202.61
9/15/2017: $3,502.63
10/2/2017: $3,807.67
10/16/2017: $4,021.00
11/1/2017: $4,121.00
11/16/2017: $4,208.73
12/1/2017: $4,267.73
12/15/2017: $4,532.82
12/30/2017: $4,864.78
1/16/2018: $8,114.78
2/2/2018: $8,424.59
2/19/2018: $8,431.24
3/30/2018: $8,614.89
4/16/2018: $8,742.36

Wedding season is upon me. I hopefully over-budgeted ~$100 into the "weddings" category this month for my BFF's bachelorette weekend after next...fingers crossed that I can move that back over into the house fund. I can't think of anything we have planned that I would need it for? But it's in NYC where everything costs 8 million dollars so I wanted to give myself a cushion.

My savings rate is not where I would want it to be right now. Thoughts on why:
  • I need to dial back on expensive traveling in 2019. That's been my biggest budget-killer this year, with a driveable domestic trip over the holidays, an international trip in March, and a flight-required domestic trip coming up in June. I usually do two trips (one big + one small), which seems to be very manageable for me from a budgetary perspective. Adding the third trip this year has cut into my discretionary savings for sure, although I would still choose to do it again because it was a very special milestone trip for my mom and me. 2019 will probably be driveable domestic trip + international trip, which should be fine. And I can cut the domestic trip if my numbers aren't looking the way I want them to.
  • I've been spending a LOT more on clothes/shoes than I have in years. Some of this was needed, but a lot of it has been "nice to have" upgrades and additions instead of "these boots literally have holes in them." In the long term, I need to find a happier medium. I've spent practically nothing on clothes for three years trying to be Frugal (tm). But it feels like that's pushed me into a feast-or-famine mindset where I start spending way too much money as soon as I've given myself permission to buy the one or two things I do actually need. I know I'm a moderator and not an abstainer in other aspects of my life, IDK why I haven't applied that self-knowledge to this area. In the short term I'm imposing a moratorium until I can start hitting my down payment savings goals again.
  • I've hit my pain point with retirement savings. Which is great, since I'm saving more money. I'll adjust eventually.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #764 on: April 16, 2018, 04:47:05 PM »

Late Feb:
SEP IRA: $3548
tIRA: $4165
Emergency fund: $1000
Roof loan: -$1267
Car loan: -$2730
Hospital bill: -$1523

Total: $3193

SEP IRA: $3539
tIRA: $4126
Emergency fund: $1000
Roof loan: $0
Car loan: $0
Hospital bill: -$1260

Total: $7405


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #765 on: April 16, 2018, 04:51:26 PM »

Late Feb:
SEP IRA: $3548
tIRA: $4165
Emergency fund: $1000
Roof loan: -$1267
Car loan: -$2730
Hospital bill: -$1523

Total: $3193

SEP IRA: $3539
tIRA: $4126
Emergency fund: $1000
Roof loan: $0
Car loan: $0
Hospital bill: -$1260

Total: $7405

Heyyy check out those paid off loans!


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #766 on: April 17, 2018, 02:08:04 PM »
Time to join this seriously and post my finances to the direct number. I have all my accounts on Mint so despite not posting here. I pretty much can see what a poor net worth I have on mint.

I think I should define this by net worth, but my first savings to 10K will be trying to get my savings account and 401K there. I save about $1000 each month, so my monthly expenses tend to be around 1400

Age - 25

Total net worth = -$30,768

Car loan = -$9,331
Student loan = $-27,944
Credit card = -$ 4,313 (about 4,000 is medical debt, but lazy paying this as it is on 0% until next year)


401K - $7785
Checking - 1287.60 (Haven't paid all my bills yet, will have about $200 left after bills.)
Savings - $2300.11

Short term goal - Get savings account to $5,000. Pay of credit card debt and cancel credit card. I ripped up this card after putting all my medical bills on it. Once, I pay it off. going to cancel it.

On that note, my 401K is the most impressive. I have contributed only about 6% of my income last year and bumped it up to 10% this year and amazed that it somehow managed to reach $7,000. Once, my credit card debt is gone, really going to get on a Roth IRA.

Total networth = -29,399
Car loan = -$9,030
Student loan = -$28,503
Credit card = -$ 4,228  (0%)


401K - $8,263
Savings - $2800.11

New year hear we go.

Total net worth = -$27,676

Car loan = -$8424
Student loan = $-28,320
Credit card = -$ 4,330 (Still at 0%, not going to pay it until other goals are met)


401K - $9,162 (This is nuts, i don't have a high income, it's like increased by over $1000 in a month??)
Checking - 158
Savings - $4000

Age: Now 26, Birthday was on the 5th of Feb

Total net worth = -$26,017 Company 401k match really helped.

Car loan = -$8424
Student loan = $-28,110
Credit card = -$ 4,330 (remains untouched)


401K - $10,411 (Company match, pushed it up)
Checking - 479
Savings - $4400

Goal is still to get savings to 10K but need tires for my car and some incoming emergencies.

I got promoted and an 8% raise, not huge for my income, but I am still happy. I also got a mini 2% bonus, but again, still happy about it.

Total net worth = -$21,420 (I'm such a skeptic about this. Like I don't trust mint, but manually calculated and I guess slow and steady. From my updates, I have made strides in months)

Car loan = -$7,817
Student loan = $-27,944
Credit card = -$ 4,090 (I paid some off)

401K - $12,653
Checking - $373
Savings - $5400

In all honesty, I could be way ahead by like $200 but I had an awful Starbucks habit this month. Like I cringed when I saw how much I spent. I think I will try study at home during the weekends, but weekdays, there's no helping it. My roommate is there and once she starts cooking, it is a coughing fit like no other.

Yet another month has passed and update

Total net worth = -$20,530
Car loan = -$7,511
Student loan = $-27,817
Credit card = -$ 4,143 (Me being bad, and totally coffee and nothing else. I have no excuses)

401K - $12,592 (Seems it went down. :()
Checking - $349
Savings - $6,000

Hopefully, in four months my savings will hit their goal.

Seems my 401K account hadn't been updated by mint so it's actually at
Also, I get my net worth from mint and it doesn't include my HSA because I cannot add it on mint
HSA - 291.62
Actually officially opened my Roth IRA because I was too lazy to go through the compliance process, but compliance approved, and I can now start putting money there.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #767 on: April 17, 2018, 08:39:45 PM »
My IRAs (roth and traditional) are about to reach $10k for the first time 


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #768 on: April 18, 2018, 07:24:03 AM »
My IRAs (roth and traditional) are about to reach $10k for the first time 

That is awesome. CONGRATULATIONS!


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #769 on: April 18, 2018, 09:46:15 AM »
My IRAs (roth and traditional) are about to reach $10k for the first time 

You rock DieHard!!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #770 on: April 18, 2018, 03:21:03 PM »
Thank you @Trifele and @zeli2033.  I just dumped a little more in there to push it over the edge!

It was about exactly 3 years ago that I started my first IRA.  A part of me feels a bit sheepish that
it took me 3 years tobuild it to $10k (with the help of the market, of course), but on the other hand, that's
more than I ever had invested before.  The next $10k will come even faster....


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #771 on: April 23, 2018, 03:44:26 AM »
Here's my monthly update and I've gone backwards!

Basically it's my S/O's payday on Wednesday (her first one since December) and mine on Friday.  So this should change significantly now we're back on two wages.  I've had to lend her around £800 this month which would have kept me going in the right direction, but hey ho.  Both my savings and investments are up (slightly).  My credit card is still at £0.  So it's only my current account which isn't the end of the world. 

You can all expect some serious changes from my next update, onwards.  I've gone to a 10% pension contribution match at work.  I'll have more help paying household bills and I'm getting a big payrise.  I was going to start investing into vanguard, but my S/O and I have agreed it makes sense to bump our savings to make any future financial issues more comfortable.  We still have some big expenses coming out next month, but we've planned for them so I hope they don't hold me back too much.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #772 on: April 23, 2018, 09:04:08 AM »
My IRAs (roth and traditional) are about to reach $10k for the first time 

NICE!  :)  I can't wait for that day!  5 digits invested is a huge milestone.  Woo hoo!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #773 on: April 25, 2018, 12:14:50 AM »
Up to 8,136. If all goes well, I should be hitting the 10k mark at the end of July.

I have to say, this thread and the target it represents has been an excellent motivator. I just looked at my first post and saw that I started off saving 420 a month and hoped to hit 10k in October of this year. It's now at 620 a month, is knocking on for three months ahead of schedule, and I'm not feeling any more constrained financially.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #774 on: April 25, 2018, 05:22:42 AM »
Up to 8,136. If all goes well, I should be hitting the 10k mark at the end of July.

I have to say, this thread and the target it represents has been an excellent motivator. I just looked at my first post and saw that I started off saving 420 a month and hoped to hit 10k in October of this year. It's now at 620 a month, is knocking on for three months ahead of schedule, and I'm not feeling any more constrained financially.

This is great @runbikerun!!  I found the same thing -- once I started tracking, saving got easier and faster.  Since I joined the forum a few years back I have hit most of my goals early.  Congrats on the progress!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #775 on: April 25, 2018, 12:02:07 PM »
My IRAs (roth and traditional) are about to reach $10k for the first time 

NICE!  :)  I can't wait for that day!  5 digits invested is a huge milestone.  Woo hoo!

It is done, @MSquared ... it's literally being manifested as we type these posts!
Before you know it, it will be there...

I still remember back when having 4 digits invested seemed like a big deal!


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #776 on: April 25, 2018, 12:47:59 PM »
My IRAs (roth and traditional) are about to reach $10k for the first time 

NICE!  :)  I can't wait for that day!  5 digits invested is a huge milestone.  Woo hoo!

It is done, @MSquared ... it's literally being manifested as we type these posts!
Before you know it, it will be there...

I still remember back when having 4 digits invested seemed like a big deal!

Nice job DieHard!!  So begins the journey to the next digit!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #777 on: April 26, 2018, 10:27:03 AM »

Nice job DieHard!!  So begins the journey to the next digit!

Thanks @Trifele


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #778 on: April 30, 2018, 08:02:16 AM »
End of April update:

Emergency fund: $5423

Well, I went slightly down this month because I have a chunk of money tied up in security deposits.  We're moving in May, so I had to put money down on the new place, but I won't get my deposit back from the old place until sometime in June.  I'll be heading back down again in May due to my LAST big dental bill for the year.  Fingers crossed June is my turning point and I can have a upward trend again for a long time. 


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #779 on: April 30, 2018, 10:19:41 AM »
July 31:                 €2400
August 30:            €2000
September 27:       €1300
October 30:           €1400
November 30:        €1600
December 29:        €1100
February 1:            €1100
February 28:          €1300
March 29:              €1300
April 30:                  €800

July 31:                 €1985.37
August 30:             €2095.00
September 27:       €2253
October 30:           €2461
November 30:        €2622.06
December 29:        €2661.50 (didn't do the monthly transfer yet)
February 1:            €3021,56
February 29:          €3101,58
March 29:              €3160,54
April 30:                €3439.66

July 31:                  €4385.37
August 30:              €4095.00
September 27:        €3553
October 30:             €3861
November 30:          €4222.06
December 29:          €3761,50 (+ 740 unpaid salary = 4501.50 )
February 1:             €4121,60
February 29:           €4401,58
March 29:               €4460,54 
April 30:                 €4239.66

Goals for 31 December 2018:

Savings:            €3000   €5000
Investments:     €4500
Total:                €7500    €9500

Still waiting on a few big payments, total about €2500, that I should all receive before 1 July. In the meantime, had to pay tuition for a course to be admitted to a Master's programme in September and forgot to apply for a student loan in time. It's tax deductible but of course I don't get that money back until this time next year. Worked a lot of overtime this month but won't get paid for it until next month. Good news on the horizon, but I'm starting to get impatient now.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #780 on: April 30, 2018, 11:14:49 AM »
Allright so I'm in. 
Current status (Mid December):
Total Net Worth:  +$33,532.94
Liquid Net Worth:  ($7929.52) (Due to student loans, CC debt that needs to get pummeled, and stupidly not building enough of a emergency fund).

Goal by September 2018 (these specifically because it would be 6 full months of FU money without hitting the retirement accounts): 
Total Net Worth: +$61,287.35
Liquid Net Worth: +$19,824.89
Which would make me a 10k liquid net worth cohort of March/April 2018.

Yes, I know I am technically already a graduate...  But the net worth is at risk because it is largely tied up in equity.  FU money is present but lacking compared to CC debt which is very much hitting a hair-on-fire issue. 

(End of December)
Current status:
Total Net Worth:  +$36,923.43
Liquid Net Worth:  ($4,711.27) (Due to student loans, CC debt that needs to get pummeled, and stupidly not building enough of a emergency fund).

(End of January)
Current status:
Total Net Worth:  +$38,756.52
Liquid Net Worth:  ($3,001.77)
Days Bought:  26.47

Its an additional +$1,833.09 to the net worth and an additional +$1,709.50 net worth not tied up in equity.

(End of February)
Current status:
Total Net Worth:  +$41,284.49
Liquid Net Worth:  ($699.85) UNDER 4 DIGITS!  YAY!!!!
Days Bought:  28.18

Its an additional +$2,527.97 to the net worth and an additional +$2,301.92 net worth not tied up in equity. And an additional 1.71 days 'bought'.

(End of March)
Current status:
Total Net Worth:  +$35,545.97
Liquid Net Worth:  ($6913.68) Should still be able to pay it off without additional interest...  We'll see.
Days Bought:  24.27  (Down from 28.18)

Its a loss of ($5,738.52) to the net worth and a loss of ($6,213.83) net worth not tied up in equity. And a loss of 3.91 days 'bought'.
(End of April)
Current status:
45.7% Savings Rate This Month.
Total Net Worth:  +$38,077.08
Liquid Net Worth:  ($4,810.24)
Days Bought:  26.00

Its an additional +$2,531.11 to the net worth and an additional +$2,301.92 net worth not tied up in equity. And an additional 1.73 days 'bought'.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #781 on: April 30, 2018, 04:07:29 PM »
April 30th Update
3/31/2017 (52,848.85)
4/30/2017 (48,076.67)
5/31/2017 (47,110.22)
6/30/2017 (46,540.28)
7/31/2017 (44,354.10)
8/31/2017 (47,236.39)
9/30/2017 (42,436.10)
10/31/2017 (33,346.78)
11/30/2017 $(28,911.53)
12/31/2017 $(24,424.13)
1/31/2018 $(20,454.43)
2/28/2018 $(18,221.63)
3/31/2018 $(14,916.69)
4/30/2018 $(9,800.88) +5,115.81 increase and I'm out of the neg five digits! Super happy about this month. Should easily hit the $10K goal by November now (maybe sooner? who knows) I'm sticking with my monthly $3K increase as a goal since not every month is going to be a $5K month but $3K seems to be  fairly consistent.

Zero net worth goal - August 2018
$10K net worth goal - November 2018


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #782 on: April 30, 2018, 06:27:19 PM »
April 30th Update
3/31/2017 (52,848.85)
4/30/2017 (48,076.67)
5/31/2017 (47,110.22)
6/30/2017 (46,540.28)
7/31/2017 (44,354.10)
8/31/2017 (47,236.39)
9/30/2017 (42,436.10)
10/31/2017 (33,346.78)
11/30/2017 $(28,911.53)
12/31/2017 $(24,424.13)
1/31/2018 $(20,454.43)
2/28/2018 $(18,221.63)
3/31/2018 $(14,916.69)
4/30/2018 $(9,800.88) +5,115.81 increase and I'm out of the neg five digits! Super happy about this month. Should easily hit the $10K goal by November now (maybe sooner? who knows) I'm sticking with my monthly $3K increase as a goal since not every month is going to be a $5K month but $3K seems to be  fairly consistent.

Zero net worth goal - August 2018
$10K net worth goal - November 2018

Most impressive
Congrats @haypug16


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #783 on: May 01, 2018, 02:48:24 AM »
In the meantime, had to pay tuition for a course to be admitted to a Master's programme in September and forgot to apply for a student loan in time.

So you're going for a Master's?   That's GREAT news!  I know it was something you were considering for quite a while.  :)


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #784 on: May 01, 2018, 04:31:34 AM »
April 30th Update
3/31/2017 (52,848.85)
4/30/2017 (48,076.67)
5/31/2017 (47,110.22)
6/30/2017 (46,540.28)
7/31/2017 (44,354.10)
8/31/2017 (47,236.39)
9/30/2017 (42,436.10)
10/31/2017 (33,346.78)
11/30/2017 $(28,911.53)
12/31/2017 $(24,424.13)
1/31/2018 $(20,454.43)
2/28/2018 $(18,221.63)
3/31/2018 $(14,916.69)
4/30/2018 $(9,800.88) +5,115.81 increase and I'm out of the neg five digits! Super happy about this month. Should easily hit the $10K goal by November now (maybe sooner? who knows) I'm sticking with my monthly $3K increase as a goal since not every month is going to be a $5K month but $3K seems to be  fairly consistent.

Zero net worth goal - August 2018
$10K net worth goal - November 2018

@haypug16  you rock!  Fantastic progress!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #785 on: May 01, 2018, 05:15:25 AM »

Been lurking this forum for a while, figured I might as well join the forum and the racehere.

Checking account: €2073.70
Saving account: €500.00
Investment: €495.06
Total: €3068.76

Checking account: €1978.53
Saving account: €987.22
Investment: €495.06
Total: €3965.75

Checking account: €1810.04
Saving account: €1500
Investment: €1448.95
Total: €4758.99

Checking account: €2095.95
Saving account: €3000
Investment: €2007.78
Total: €7103.66

Because of technical issues my rent wasn't deducted last week of April and will instead be deducted the first week of May, so these numbers are slightly inflated.
Nonetheless, it was a great month, I've made some progress towards reducing groceries spending, goal this month is to keep groceries below €250,-.
At the current pace I'll be here for 2-3 months more, but I got some big expenses coming up, so I think 4-6 months is more realistic.


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #786 on: May 01, 2018, 12:53:12 PM »
Love all of the positive progress folks are having! Way to go!

I'm still not where I want to be, but did better this paycheck than I did in March or April. Things are getting back on track after all of the wedding/bachelorette stuff, but not as quickly as I'd like them to.

7/13/2017: $2,238.41
8/1/2017: $2,771.40
8/16/2017: $3,071.40
9/1/2017: $3,202.61
9/15/2017: $3,502.63
10/2/2017: $3,807.67
10/16/2017: $4,021.00
11/1/2017: $4,121.00
11/16/2017: $4,208.73
12/1/2017: $4,267.73
12/15/2017: $4,532.82
12/30/2017: $4,864.78
1/16/2018: $8,114.78
2/2/2018: $8,424.59
2/19/2018: $8,431.24
3/30/2018: $8,614.89
4/16/2018: $8,742.36
5/1/2018: $8,905.80


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #787 on: May 02, 2018, 02:39:16 AM »
Love all of the positive progress folks are having! Way to go!

I'm still not where I want to be, but did better this paycheck than I did in March or April. Things are getting back on track after all of the wedding/bachelorette stuff, but not as quickly as I'd like them to.

7/13/2017: $2,238.41
8/1/2017: $2,771.40
8/16/2017: $3,071.40
9/1/2017: $3,202.61
9/15/2017: $3,502.63
10/2/2017: $3,807.67
10/16/2017: $4,021.00
11/1/2017: $4,121.00
11/16/2017: $4,208.73
12/1/2017: $4,267.73
12/15/2017: $4,532.82
12/30/2017: $4,864.78
1/16/2018: $8,114.78
2/2/2018: $8,424.59
2/19/2018: $8,431.24
3/30/2018: $8,614.89
4/16/2018: $8,742.36
5/1/2018: $8,905.80

It's ANOTHER month in the right direction though.  You've got a 100% record!  You're so close now and you'll be out of here in no time.


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #788 on: May 02, 2018, 02:45:01 AM »

Because of technical issues my rent wasn't deducted last week of April and will instead be deducted the first week of May, so these numbers are slightly inflated.
Nonetheless, it was a great month, I've made some progress towards reducing groceries spending, goal this month is to keep groceries below €250,-.
At the current pace I'll be here for 2-3 months more, but I got some big expenses coming up, so I think 4-6 months is more realistic.

It's good to hear you're making progress reducing your shopping bill.  Considering you started here in January, completing this challenge within 4-6 months from now is still impressive.  2-3 months, even better!  Increasing your N/W by 2K Euros a month is brilliant, despite any technical errors.


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #789 on: May 02, 2018, 05:45:49 AM »
It's ANOTHER month in the right direction though.  You've got a 100% record!  You're so close now and you'll be out of here in no time.

Thanks @Manchester. Can you tell I'm kind of a perfectionist...

So, the bachelorette firehose of money continues. We were settling up over email last night, and I ended up owing one of the other women $20. Because she bought an extra round of drinks that no one wanted (seriously, they sat there untouched by anyone except her), and a bunch of decorations that I told her not to get. She's one of my oldest friends, and I keep reminding myself that our friendship is worth (a lot) more to me than $20...but I'm SO OVER spending money on this stupid nonsense! The thing that made the weekend special for my BFF (the one who's getting married) wasn't stupid balloons, it was spending time celebrating with her best friends. I hate this BS where you have to have kitschy, throw-away plastic trinkets in order for a celebration to be real.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #790 on: May 02, 2018, 06:35:25 AM »
Thanks everyone. I'm super proud of myself :)

Congrats everyone else trucking along. We will get there.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #791 on: May 02, 2018, 11:38:22 AM »
In the meantime, had to pay tuition for a course to be admitted to a Master's programme in September and forgot to apply for a student loan in time.

So you're going for a Master's?   That's GREAT news!  I know it was something you were considering for quite a while.  :)

Yes, I've finally made up my mind! I'm sick and tired of my current job, and I've been looking around for a new job, but the jobs I want all require a Master's. I've decided to take advantage of the two perks that my current job offers: I'm paid very well for what I do and my schedule is flexible enough to allow me to study. Even though I'm not particularly looking forward to all the work involved, I feel like the circumstances might be less than ideal in a few years and I do want to do a Master's eventually. Might as well do it now, suck it up at the current workplace for another 1,5 years and go find a really good job next summer when I'm (hopefully) Imma LL.M.


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #792 on: May 02, 2018, 02:20:32 PM »
Yes, I've finally made up my mind! I'm sick and tired of my current job, and I've been looking around for a new job, but the jobs I want all require a Master's. I've decided to take advantage of the two perks that my current job offers: I'm paid very well for what I do and my schedule is flexible enough to allow me to study. Even though I'm not particularly looking forward to all the work involved, I feel like the circumstances might be less than ideal in a few years and I do want to do a Master's eventually. Might as well do it now, suck it up at the current workplace for another 1,5 years and go find a really good job next summer when I'm (hopefully) Imma LL.M.

Good luck, Imma! Sounds a lot like my decision to get my Masters...I just couldn't get the jobs I wanted without the stupid piece of paper. Sometimes you just gotta suck it up. It's so fantastic that you can keep working in your current position while you're in school!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #793 on: May 03, 2018, 10:06:36 PM »
Today we hit $1000 ‘oh shit’ fund, this means that now we can funnel $250 a fortnight into paying of honeymoon debt faster. I’m so excited to watch those numbers start dropping like crazy!


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #794 on: May 04, 2018, 07:27:31 AM »
Imma LL.M has a nice ring to it!  Could be your new username? :P

Nice Yasha!  I can't wait to reach my E/F target so I can start smashing my investments. 


  • Stubble
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #795 on: May 04, 2018, 11:39:18 AM »
Hello all,

I figured this is a good place for me to start. I am 28 years old and thought I was doing good overall and then I calculated my net worth and was disappointed. Here is my current simple breakdown:

Assets (Savings account, IRA, Home Equity): $51,406.27
Liabilities (Student Loans, Car): $53,998.34

Total Net Worth: ($2,592.07)

Have a good day!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #796 on: May 04, 2018, 12:04:36 PM »
Hello all,

I figured this is a good place for me to start. I am 28 years old and thought I was doing good overall and then I calculated my net worth and was disappointed. Here is my current simple breakdown:

Assets (Savings account, IRA, Home Equity): $51,406.27
Liabilities (Student Loans, Car): $53,998.34

Total Net Worth: ($2,592.07)

Have a good day!

Its where we all start!  :)

Welcome to the group.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #797 on: May 04, 2018, 02:39:59 PM »
Hello all,

I figured this is a good place for me to start. I am 28 years old and thought I was doing good overall and then I calculated my net worth and was disappointed. Here is my current simple breakdown:

Assets (Savings account, IRA, Home Equity): $51,406.27
Liabilities (Student Loans, Car): $53,998.34

Total Net Worth: ($2,592.07)

Have a good day!

Welcome! And with a net worth that's only just below zero, you're not doing that bad at all.


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #798 on: May 08, 2018, 03:00:58 AM »
Hello all,

I figured this is a good place for me to start. I am 28 years old and thought I was doing good overall and then I calculated my net worth and was disappointed. Here is my current simple breakdown:

Assets (Savings account, IRA, Home Equity): $51,406.27
Liabilities (Student Loans, Car): $53,998.34

Total Net Worth: ($2,592.07)

Have a good day!

Hi, welcome to the thread.

What's your plan of action?  What interest rate are your loans etc?  You're not in a bad position, especially considering you're just starting out. 



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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #799 on: May 08, 2018, 11:20:23 AM »
I just want to thank everyone on this thread for being here...
As much as I love MMM, it has often been disheartening to be on this forum
when i see people who so nimbly seem to add tens of thousands of dollars to their
networth every year, or HUNDREDS of thousands for that matter.

As much as I like the idea behind MMM and aim to live true to it, there are
simple facts that I am working with, namely:
1) I run a business that costs a decent percentage of my income
2) Raising my income has not been as easy or as quick as i would like
3) there are realities at least for me that I can't just live the kind of spartan life that MMM seems to
support... and by far, the bulk of what i've earned goes to pay monthly expenses (both business and personal).
4) I'm still rather new to the idea of building my wealth... I've only been investing for 3 years

So our progress has maintained itself of over $1000+ networth growth per month, which is a lot more
progress than i ever did before, believe me, yet there have been many times that I wish it were much
faster... it certainly isn't at the levels that MMM talks about which result from you saving 50%+ of your income.

Hopefully that will change, and some day I will be able to save 50%+ of what I bring in, in the meantime...

I appreciate you all, because, like me, we're starting right here... at the bottom!  I don't mean that as a knock,
it's just nice to have people I can relate to on here.

Thank you!