Current account - £927.07
Emergency fund - £1.58
Investments - £0
Credit Card debt - -£1,288.72
Payments Due this month - -£1022
Total - -£1,382.07
Current Account: £113.95
Emergency fund: £1.58
Investments: £527.21
Credit Card: -£822.27
TOTAL - -£179.53
Current: £119.37
Emergency Fund: £1.58
Investments: £569.80
Credit Card: -£195.70
NET: £495.05
Because of Christmas, I get paid tomorrow which is usually when I would update this. I've decided to update my progress a day early so it shows me my real, end of month worth, rather than an overinflated version of it.
I've had quite a difficult month really, my girlfriend was made redundant, my brother was rushed into hospital and has needed a lot of support since, we've had a bereavement in the family and to top it off I've had a cold for 3 weeks now! Money worries stack up, fortunately we've sorted Christmas out and have a good buffer in our joint accounts which should get us through until my S/O gets another job (which should hopefully be another increase in her wage). We have plenty of equity in the house, but it will limit our capability to renegotiate our fixed term and reduce our monthly outgoings (something I was banking on to reach £10k by this time next year).
Whilst writing this post I'm thinking two things: firstly, 'suck it up', 'get on with everything' 'life gets you down, it's up to you to get back up and punch it in the face'. Secondly, you lose loved ones at short notice, you realise how precious every second is. Do I want to spend 50 years working? DO I F**k!!
I feel more determined than ever and despite things not going my way, it's up to me to sort it! Now my sob stories are over, here are my stats:
Current: £363.26
Emergency Fund: £1.58 (really need to bump this up in the future, a spare grand would come in very handy right now).
Investments: £581.26
Credit Card: £0
NET: £946.10
Increase of £451.05. Not as much as I would have liked, but another month in the right direction!