Hi Everyone, this is my first post, so be kind!
I'm an overseas MMM reader from the UK. I've been obsessed with the idea of being financially independent for years now, however some bad decisions have probably put retirement a good 10-15 years off. I'm 24 years old, I live with my girlfriend of 7 years. I have roughly £50k equity in my house as well as a £180k mortgage (28/30 years to go) - however I have no current means of creating an income through the equity in this property so will not count it towards my goal below. I'm happy with the debt, currently I pay 3.04% interest (which will be renegotiated and reduced in February) and the housing market where I live is very strong so I shouldn't have any issues recouping my money should I ever decide to sell. My sister got married on the 5th of this month, and that included a week long trip to Vegas, which went over budget, and now I'm back home in England thinking about how many face punches I deserve. (I still can't understand how it's considered normal to pay $20 for a cocktail by the pool!!!!).
Hopefully I'm on the right track now - I had a company car, but here in England we pay benefits in kind tax on any fringe benefits your receive from work. I've got rid of that, taken a car allowance and gone for a less glamourous car which all in will save me a few hundred £ a month (the last car was very expensive - more face punches are required). I've also been scrimping and saving on shopping, prepping meals so I don't buy overpriced lunches/dinners etc.
I officially threw down the gauntlet on the 22nd, so I'll start from there. I want my net worth (not including my house) to reach £10k ASAP - I've set a mini target of getting it up to £3k by the 22nd of Feb 2018.
Current account - £927.07
Emergency fund - £1.58
Investments - £0
Credit Card debt - -£1,288.72
Payments Due this month - -£1022
Total - -£1,382.07
Today was payday so I'm planning to smash the cc debt first, and then start filling up the EF and Investments later.
There are a couple of you on here who's positivity and encouragement for other posters has really encouraged me to stop thinking about 'going for it' and to just do it! Thanks!