February 15 Update
3/31/2017 (52,848.85)
4/30/2017 (48,076.67)
5/31/2017 (47,110.22)
6/30/2017 (46,540.28)
7/31/2017 (44,354.10)
8/31/2017 (47,236.39)
9/30/2017 (42,436.10)
10/31/2017 (33,346.78)
11/30/2017 $(28,911.53)
12/31/2017 $(24,424.13)
1/31/2018 $(20,454.43)
2/28/2018 $(18,221.63)
3/31/2018 $(14,916.69)
4/30/2018 $(9,800.88)
5/31/2018 $(7,375.85)
6/30/2018 $(5,735.59)
7/31/2018 $(7,109.58)
8/31/2018 $(6,439.93)
9/30/2018 $(2,990.84)
10/31/2018 $(4,180.43)
11/30/2018 $(1,495.30)
12/31/2018 $(1,524.93)
1/31/2019 $1,935.70
2/15/2019 $4,624.02 +2,688.32 increase
A very nice mid month increase. Not sure how the second half of the month will be because I'll be on vacation next week but other than that not too much expenses that I can think of. A little over $5k to go to finish this race.