Author Topic: Saving to $10K  (Read 497046 times)


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1100 on: November 30, 2018, 08:44:40 AM »
Wow, jojoguy!  Congrats!  See you in the race to 100K thread...for about 2 seconds!


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1101 on: December 01, 2018, 09:12:43 AM »
July 31:                 €2400
August 30:            €2000
September 27:       €1300
October 30:           €1400
November 30:        €1600
December 29:        €1100
February 1:            €1100
February 28:          €1300
March 29:              €1300
April 30:                  €800
May 29:                 €2300
June 28:                €3500
July 31:                 €3250
August 31:             €3700
September 30:       €2550
October 29:            €3500
December 1:.         €2900

Pre-tax investments:
October 29:               €96.24
December 1:.           €197,68

Post-tax Investments:
July 31:                 €1985.37
August 30:             €2095.00
September 27:       €2253
October 30:           €2461
November 30:        €2622.06
December 29:        €2661.50 (didn't do the monthly transfer yet)
February 1:            €3021,56
February 29:          €3101,58
March 29:              €3160,54
April 30:                €3439.66
May 29:                 €3729.27
June 29:                €3890.53
July 31:                 €4106.20
August 31:             €4278.05
September 29:       €4285.11 (didn't do the monthly transfer yet)
October 29:           €4453.30 (did a double transfer this month, but sadly a lot of my gains have been wiped out)
December 1:.        €4621,02

July 31:                  €4385.37
August 30:              €4095.00
September 27:        €3553
October 30:             €3861
November 30:          €4222.06
December 29:          €3761,50 (+ 740 unpaid salary = 4501.50 )
February 1:             €4121,60
February 29:           €4401,58
March 29:               €4460,54 
April 30:                 €4239.66
May 29:                  €6029.27
June:                      €7390.53
July 31:                  €7356.20 ( + €70 on my credit card, so really €7426.20)
August 31:              €7978.05
September 29:        €6835.11
October 29:             €8049.54
December 1:           €7718,07 

Goals for 31 December 2018:

Savings:            €3000 €5000
Investments:     €4500
Total:                €7500    €9500

I reached my initial investment target, I think that's the only thing to be happy about this month. Other than that, this is another meh-month. I'm not making progress and I'm in the situation where a non-mustachian person might say "I don't know where my money went" but I do - I just have very little to show for it.

I had two hospital appointments (regular checkup) and these are covered by insurance but the travel costs are €25 every time. I paid €75 out of pocket for meds my insurance doesn't cover. I'm taking the bus a little more often in the morning instead of walking 20 minutes ( €1,25 every time) because I'm stressed out and exhausted - trying to get out of the habit. Some supplies for my business. Needed new glasses because the old ones broke and couldn't be forced and bought new lenses for my sunglasses (kept the frame). Lots of things that add up.

I'm not going to buy piles of presents but December is always expensive for me - we do buy some extra food, have guests over and travel to see family and friends 2-3 times. If I get very lucky I might end the year with a net worth starting with 8.


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1102 on: December 01, 2018, 11:20:28 AM »
1/1/2018: $(170,956.12)
2/1/2018: $(166,849.63)
3/1/2018: $(161,395.88)
4/1/2018: $(156,590.44)
5/1/2018: $(152,997.61)
6/1/2018: $(149,175.48)
7/1/2018: $(143,748.22)
8/1/2018: $(138,734.38)
9/1/2018: $(135,043.66)
10/1/2018: $(131,441.14)
11/1/2018: $(133,372.50)
12/1/2018: $(128,081.25)

Happy to be moving in the right direction again. And to be in the negative 120s!

Congrats @Manchester and @jojoguy!!!

Love that avatar @LittleWanderer. There are some really great prints of that moment on Etsy -- have always been tempted to hang one in my office but I guess that should probably wait until I have FU money... :) 


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1103 on: December 01, 2018, 12:56:26 PM »
Love your updates @mckaylabaloney!  I was almost exactly where you are, at the age you are now.  Way to go toe-to-toe with the beast.  Those 10k thresholds really feel good to cross, don't they?  You're doing a great job.  You've got this!


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1104 on: December 02, 2018, 08:10:10 AM »
Love your updates @mckaylabaloney!  I was almost exactly where you are, at the age you are now.  Way to go toe-to-toe with the beast.  Those 10k thresholds really feel good to cross, don't they?  You're doing a great job.  You've got this!

Thank you, that’s really encouraging!


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1105 on: December 03, 2018, 07:18:18 AM »

1/31 : (5949.05)
2/28 : (5288.30)
3/31 : (4273.93)
4/30 : (2592.07)
5/31 : (629.70)
6/30 : 1,206.77
7/31 : 2,703.97
8/31: 5,651.70
9/31: 8,039.01
10/31: 7,803.49

11/30: 9,531.28

Moving back in the correct direction again this last month. So close to breaking that $10,000 threshold. Should make it next month as long as something major doesn't happen.

Dang @mckaylabaloney $40,000+ knocked off of your debt in one year very impressive! You are going to be breaking out of the 6 digits here before you know it.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 07:21:24 AM by bcbaseballman »

Lincolnshire Girl

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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1106 on: December 04, 2018, 10:15:10 AM »
Hi everyone *waves*

Posting to make myself accountable for starting some savings!

Background: Me, hubby and still supporting our 3 uni student kids

Whilst we don't have any debt other than our mortgage, we use every penny in our monthly income and none has been set aside so far for EF, retirement or savings. We're not expecting to RE but we do want to retire one day! I have been working on a monthly budget to start saving from Jan 2019. I figure getting Christmas out of the way first is a good plan and then we can focus on saving. I am keeping December's costs as low as possible ready for the best start. Will update end of Jan with our progress :)


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1107 on: December 04, 2018, 10:29:03 AM »
Hi everyone *waves*

Posting to make myself accountable for starting some savings!

Background: Me, hubby and still supporting our 3 uni student kids

Whilst we don't have any debt other than our mortgage, we use every penny in our monthly income and none has been set aside so far for EF, retirement or savings. We're not expecting to RE but we do want to retire one day! I have been working on a monthly budget to start saving from Jan 2019. I figure getting Christmas out of the way first is a good plan and then we can focus on saving. I am keeping December's costs as low as possible ready for the best start. Will update end of Jan with our progress :)

Welcome! Good luck on your race and keeping December costs down. It is always a tough month.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1108 on: December 04, 2018, 12:10:31 PM »
Welcome @Lincolnshire Girl ! Good luck on keeping costs as low as possible in December and see you in January!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1109 on: December 04, 2018, 02:42:14 PM »
Almost to zero (-2879)! By my calculations should be ‘worthless’ by Feb 14th 2019.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1110 on: December 04, 2018, 02:42:56 PM »
Almost to zero (-2879)! By my calculations should be ‘worthless’ by Feb 14th 2019.

Nothing sweeter than realizing you are worthless on Valentine's Day! My personal annual tradition.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1111 on: December 05, 2018, 02:02:24 PM »
Adding in the pictures because I'm well into the 'downhill' of my mountain. Plus a picture tells a thousand words and all that jazz.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1112 on: December 06, 2018, 02:53:01 AM »
Great progress @Yasha ! Two loans gone an EF and great progress on the remaining debts!


  • Stubble
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1113 on: December 06, 2018, 07:50:45 AM »
Welcome @Lincolnshire Girl best of luck for the rest of the year and to starting off next year strong!

Great progress @Yasha going to be worthless before you know it.

Lincolnshire Girl

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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1114 on: December 10, 2018, 02:18:28 AM »
Thanks to all the well-wishers :)

Christmas non-spending is going well so far and January's projected forecast is saving £150-£200. I'm pretty excited about that!


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1115 on: December 10, 2018, 02:28:37 AM »
Well done Yasha - still loving your pictures. It's such a good way of keeping track of progress.

I was delighted to get my EF savings up to 1,900 and then had an accident while driving a rental car. Poof goes the 1,500 excess. I do have an annual insurance policy for that so hopefully they will cover it. I'm just really nervous that they won't or that the basic insurance on the rental car won't cover the damage done and have visions of them coming after me for every penny I have. People keep telling me to just let the insurance handle it, they deal with things like this every day and once I've paid the excess, that's all I need to but I've never had an accident before and I am very anxious. Mostly trying not to think about it and be thankful that at least I do have enough in my account that when the 1,500 shows up on my credit card, I can just pay it off and not be living with a credit card bill again. This is why we have emergency funds.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1116 on: December 10, 2018, 02:42:28 AM »
If it was an accident (not on purpose) you certainly won't have to pay more than the €1500 excess, even if the damage was much worse. That's why you have insurance. So in the very worst case you'll have to pay €1500, which you can afford because you have an EF. You really shouldn't worry about losing all the money you have. But I'm sure everyone has told you that already. I hope the insurance companies handle this claim very fast so you can put this behind you!


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1117 on: December 10, 2018, 03:22:12 AM »
@Moonwaves -- yes, accidents are upsetting, especially for us planner-and-saver types.  But it happens to everyone sooner or later, that's why we have insurance and EFs, and lastly -- better that it happens in a rental car than a car you own.  In the big scheme of things when you look back years from now, this will be just a tiny bump in the road -- no big deal.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1118 on: December 10, 2018, 06:25:31 AM »
If it was an accident (not on purpose) you certainly won't have to pay more than the €1500 excess, even if the damage was much worse. That's why you have insurance. So in the very worst case you'll have to pay €1500, which you can afford because you have an EF. You really shouldn't worry about losing all the money you have. But I'm sure everyone has told you that already. I hope the insurance companies handle this claim very fast so you can put this behind you!
Well, the first email from the rental company arrived and apparently the rental agreement I signed stipulated that I would pay the excess plus any additional charges arising. And they are calculating those additional charges at 1,725 and will be debiting my card a total of 3,275. See, I don't want to be cynical and a scaredy-cat but it feels like insurance scare stories are not just stories. FML.
I have replied asking for an explanation of the costs and explaining that I was only asked when getting the car if I was happy with the excess and no mention was made of additional costs but I am really not confident that I can do anything. Presumably there is something in the small print explaining why I am liable for those charges.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1119 on: December 10, 2018, 06:51:21 AM »
If it was an accident (not on purpose) you certainly won't have to pay more than the €1500 excess, even if the damage was much worse. That's why you have insurance. So in the very worst case you'll have to pay €1500, which you can afford because you have an EF. You really shouldn't worry about losing all the money you have. But I'm sure everyone has told you that already. I hope the insurance companies handle this claim very fast so you can put this behind you!
Well, the first email from the rental company arrived and apparently the rental agreement I signed stipulated that I would pay the excess plus any additional charges arising. And they are calculating those additional charges at 1,725 and will be debiting my card a total of 3,275. See, I don't want to be cynical and a scaredy-cat but it feels like insurance scare stories are not just stories. FML.
I have replied asking for an explanation of the costs and explaining that I was only asked when getting the car if I was happy with the excess and no mention was made of additional costs but I am really not confident that I can do anything. Presumably there is something in the small print explaining why I am liable for those charges.
Sorry this happened,  but it really is just a bump in the road, even with the new wrinkle. Fighting back will cost you nothing but a little time, so push back strongly. You have nothing to lose. It's good practice, no matter what the outcome.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1120 on: December 10, 2018, 02:33:58 PM »
If it was an accident (not on purpose) you certainly won't have to pay more than the €1500 excess, even if the damage was much worse. That's why you have insurance. So in the very worst case you'll have to pay €1500, which you can afford because you have an EF. You really shouldn't worry about losing all the money you have. But I'm sure everyone has told you that already. I hope the insurance companies handle this claim very fast so you can put this behind you!
Well, the first email from the rental company arrived and apparently the rental agreement I signed stipulated that I would pay the excess plus any additional charges arising. And they are calculating those additional charges at 1,725 and will be debiting my card a total of 3,275. See, I don't want to be cynical and a scaredy-cat but it feels like insurance scare stories are not just stories. FML.
I have replied asking for an explanation of the costs and explaining that I was only asked when getting the car if I was happy with the excess and no mention was made of additional costs but I am really not confident that I can do anything. Presumably there is something in the small print explaining why I am liable for those charges.
Sorry this happened,  but it really is just a bump in the road, even with the new wrinkle. Fighting back will cost you nothing but a little time, so push back strongly. You have nothing to lose. It's good practice, no matter what the outcome.

Second Dicey's remark! You already know the worst (€ 3,275) and you can only win by pushing back. You got this! Go Moonwaves! Yay!


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1121 on: December 14, 2018, 12:21:51 PM »
Mid-December 2018 Update
3/31/2017 (52,848.85)
4/30/2017 (48,076.67)
5/31/2017 (47,110.22)
6/30/2017 (46,540.28)
7/31/2017 (44,354.10)
8/31/2017 (47,236.39)
9/30/2017 (42,436.10)
10/31/2017 (33,346.78)
11/30/2017 $(28,911.53)
12/31/2017 $(24,424.13)
1/31/2018 $(20,454.43)
2/28/2018 $(18,221.63)
3/31/2018 $(14,916.69)
4/30/2018 $(9,800.88)
5/31/2018 $(7,375.85)
6/30/2018 $(5,735.59)
7/31/2018 $(7,109.58)
8/31/2018 $(6,439.93)
9/30/2018 $(2,990.84)
10/31/2018 $(4,180.43)
11/30/2018 $(1,495.30)
12/15/2018 $(533.29) +962.01 increase

So close to being worthless ;P  I think I should end the year with Positive Net Worth which is super exciting!


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1122 on: December 15, 2018, 05:28:29 AM »
Mid-December 2018 Update
3/31/2017 (52,848.85)
4/30/2017 (48,076.67)
5/31/2017 (47,110.22)
6/30/2017 (46,540.28)
7/31/2017 (44,354.10)
8/31/2017 (47,236.39)
9/30/2017 (42,436.10)
10/31/2017 (33,346.78)
11/30/2017 $(28,911.53)
12/31/2017 $(24,424.13)
1/31/2018 $(20,454.43)
2/28/2018 $(18,221.63)
3/31/2018 $(14,916.69)
4/30/2018 $(9,800.88)
5/31/2018 $(7,375.85)
6/30/2018 $(5,735.59)
7/31/2018 $(7,109.58)
8/31/2018 $(6,439.93)
9/30/2018 $(2,990.84)
10/31/2018 $(4,180.43)
11/30/2018 $(1,495.30)
12/15/2018 $(533.29) +962.01 increase

So close to being worthless ;P  I think I should end the year with Positive Net Worth which is super exciting!

Yay @haypug16!!!  What a way to celebrate the new year!!


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1123 on: December 15, 2018, 08:17:52 AM »
If it was an accident (not on purpose) you certainly won't have to pay more than the €1500 excess, even if the damage was much worse. That's why you have insurance. So in the very worst case you'll have to pay €1500, which you can afford because you have an EF. You really shouldn't worry about losing all the money you have. But I'm sure everyone has told you that already. I hope the insurance companies handle this claim very fast so you can put this behind you!
Well, the first email from the rental company arrived and apparently the rental agreement I signed stipulated that I would pay the excess plus any additional charges arising. And they are calculating those additional charges at 1,725 and will be debiting my card a total of 3,275. See, I don't want to be cynical and a scaredy-cat but it feels like insurance scare stories are not just stories. FML.
I have replied asking for an explanation of the costs and explaining that I was only asked when getting the car if I was happy with the excess and no mention was made of additional costs but I am really not confident that I can do anything. Presumably there is something in the small print explaining why I am liable for those charges.
Sorry this happened,  but it really is just a bump in the road, even with the new wrinkle. Fighting back will cost you nothing but a little time, so push back strongly. You have nothing to lose. It's good practice, no matter what the outcome.

Second Dicey's remark! You already know the worst (€ 3,275) and you can only win by pushing back. You got this! Go Moonwaves! Yay!

If necessary, see if you can get free legal advice somewhere (we can get it for free through the union we're members of) because as a consumer you are very well protected under European/German law. Car rental companies are evil and try to get away with a lot of things that are not legal. Sending a firmly worded letter usually solves the problem in that case.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1124 on: December 15, 2018, 03:59:44 PM »
If it was an accident (not on purpose) you certainly won't have to pay more than the €1500 excess, even if the damage was much worse. That's why you have insurance. So in the very worst case you'll have to pay €1500, which you can afford because you have an EF. You really shouldn't worry about losing all the money you have. But I'm sure everyone has told you that already. I hope the insurance companies handle this claim very fast so you can put this behind you!
Well, the first email from the rental company arrived and apparently the rental agreement I signed stipulated that I would pay the excess plus any additional charges arising. And they are calculating those additional charges at 1,725 and will be debiting my card a total of 3,275. See, I don't want to be cynical and a scaredy-cat but it feels like insurance scare stories are not just stories. FML.
I have replied asking for an explanation of the costs and explaining that I was only asked when getting the car if I was happy with the excess and no mention was made of additional costs but I am really not confident that I can do anything. Presumably there is something in the small print explaining why I am liable for those charges.
Sorry this happened,  but it really is just a bump in the road, even with the new wrinkle. Fighting back will cost you nothing but a little time, so push back strongly. You have nothing to lose. It's good practice, no matter what the outcome.

Second Dicey's remark! You already know the worst (€ 3,275) and you can only win by pushing back. You got this! Go Moonwaves! Yay!

If necessary, see if you can get free legal advice somewhere (we can get it for free through the union we're members of) because as a consumer you are very well protected under European/German law. Car rental companies are evil and try to get away with a lot of things that are not legal. Sending a firmly worded letter usually solves the problem in that case.
Thanks. I actually have a legal protection insurance policy and I phoned them to make sure it would also cover a solicitor in Ireland and it's worldwide cover so if I need to, I can make use of that. I'm getting a bit frustrated at the company just not getting back to me so starting on Monday, I'll do a week of emailing and phoning (to leave messages - there are no numbers that let you do anything else) every day and I'll see where that gets me.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1125 on: December 18, 2018, 03:47:50 AM »
Dug a bit deeper into my Super and found a lost (not really, just unknown to me) $20,000... so that was nice O_O brought total net worth up to a little over 9grand, but I intend to stick with this thread until NW minus Super and HECS is 10k (they kind of cancel each other out and since I am still studying the numbers vary so wildly it’s usually easier to calculate without them). The weirdest thing of all is I am slightly annoyed at the random spike in the yellow line of my graph from when I found the error (it was just a delayed upload into the tax system where I had been pulling my numbers from instead of going straight to the source), I think I will go back through and roughly calculate it in monthly or at least tri-monthly batches so there isn’t the big weird jump in the middle (mustachian problem much?). Thought you guys might get a bit of a kick out of that situation and learn from my experience- always go straight to the source! MyGov might be out by a year XD


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1126 on: December 24, 2018, 10:37:20 AM »

How did you get on?  I hope you've had a positive outcome. 

Merry Christmas to everyone on here who helped motivate me this past year.  I'm sure I'll be seeing all of you in the next race, soon.  :)


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1127 on: December 30, 2018, 07:37:30 AM »
July 31:                 €2400
August 30:            €2000
September 27:       €1300
October 30:           €1400
November 30:        €1600
December 29:        €1100
February 1:            €1100
February 28:          €1300
March 29:              €1300
April 30:                  €800
May 29:                 €2300
June 28:                €3500
July 31:                 €3250
August 31:             €3700
September 30:       €2550
October 29:            €3500
December 1:          €2900
December 30:        €2600   

Pre-tax investments:
October 29:               €96.24
December 1:.           €197,68
December 31:          €277.92

Post-tax Investments:
July 31:                 €1985.37
August 30:             €2095.00
September 27:       €2253
October 30:           €2461
November 30:        €2622.06
December 29:        €2661.50 (didn't do the monthly transfer yet)
February 1:            €3021,56
February 29:          €3101,58
March 29:              €3160,54
April 30:                €3439.66
May 29:                 €3729.27
June 29:                €3890.53
July 31:                 €4106.20
August 31:             €4278.05
September 29:       €4285.11 (didn't do the monthly transfer yet)
October 29:           €4453.30 (did a double transfer this month, but sadly a lot of my gains have been wiped out)
December 1:.        €4621,02
December 30:       €4371.92

July 31:                  €4385.37
August 30:              €4095.00
September 27:        €3553
October 30:             €3861
November 30:          €4222.06
December 29:          €3761,50 (+ 740 unpaid salary = 4501.50 )
February 1:             €4121,60
February 29:           €4401,58
March 29:               €4460,54 
April 30:                 €4239.66
May 29:                  €6029.27
June:                      €7390.53
July 31:                  €7356.20 ( + €70 on my credit card, so really €7426.20)
August 31:              €7978.05
September 29:        €6835.11
October 29:             €8049.54
December 1:           €7718,07 
December 30:         €7249.84

Goals for 31 December 2018:

Savings:            €3000 €5000
Investments:    €4500
Total:                €7500   €9500

2018 ends a bit mehhh for me :( I had reached most of my goals and set new ones mid-year, but I haven't even reached the original goals now. It hasn't been an easy year for me, but I've made some progress and I'm just going to carry on doing the same thing next year. I just need to remind myself that slow and steady wins the race.

New goals for 31 December 2019:

Savings: 5000
Investments: 10000


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1128 on: December 31, 2018, 03:33:57 AM »
I'd say you have reached your goal, only then shit happened and then you went back a few steps. That's why you have savings, right? And never mind the market, it will bounce back up eventually. You'll get there, you're in a much better position than starting 2018. It'll only get better, be kind to yourself in the meantime.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1129 on: December 31, 2018, 08:39:42 AM »
November emergency fund: $5247

December emergency fund: $5505 (+$258)

I'm trying to think of something positive to say about life recently, but I don't have much.  At least I saved something this month.   


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1130 on: December 31, 2018, 09:51:20 AM »
December 2018 Update
3/31/2017 (52,848.85)
4/30/2017 (48,076.67)
5/31/2017 (47,110.22)
6/30/2017 (46,540.28)
7/31/2017 (44,354.10)
8/31/2017 (47,236.39)
9/30/2017 (42,436.10)
10/31/2017 (33,346.78)
11/30/2017 $(28,911.53)
12/31/2017 $(24,424.13)
1/31/2018 $(20,454.43)
2/28/2018 $(18,221.63)
3/31/2018 $(14,916.69)
4/30/2018 $(9,800.88)
5/31/2018 $(7,375.85)
6/30/2018 $(5,735.59)
7/31/2018 $(7,109.58)
8/31/2018 $(6,439.93)
9/30/2018 $(2,990.84)
10/31/2018 $(4,180.43)
11/30/2018 $(1,495.30)
12/31/2018 $(1,524.93) -(29.63) decrease

Even tough my net worth went down from last month I am not feeling too bad about it (just a little) I know that this is all from the market going down. All my other Assets are up and all my Debt is down. I will hit positive Net Worth in 2019 and move on to the race to $100K soon after I'm sure.

Here's to a great 2019!

Edited: I didn't update a couple SL accounts so I was not down as much as I originally thought.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2018, 10:07:36 AM by haypug16 »


  • Stubble
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1131 on: December 31, 2018, 10:43:48 AM »
10/2/18 - $(2742.60)
10/29/18 - $(1899.81)
11/25/18 - $(1660.04)
12/31/18 - $245

SOMEHOW through the magic of Christmas and my Etsy store, I was able to make it to a positive net worth to end 2018!!

However, this will go back negative again as I enter unemployment and search for my next gig. Oh, and in May I'll be adding a few thousand in debt thanks to buying my car at the end of my lease (buying out the lease is actually better than alternatives in this case).

I really hope 2019 is going to be the year I wipe out my student loan debt, and if it's a great year maybe I can max out my IRA too! I'm ready for 2019.


  • Bristles
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1132 on: January 01, 2019, 10:14:11 AM »
1/1/2018: $(170,956.12)
2/1/2018: $(166,849.63)
3/1/2018: $(161,395.88)
4/1/2018: $(156,590.44)
5/1/2018: $(152,997.61)
6/1/2018: $(149,175.48)
7/1/2018: $(143,748.22)
8/1/2018: $(138,734.38)
9/1/2018: $(135,043.66)
10/1/2018: $(131,441.14)
11/1/2018: $(133,372.50)
12/1/2018: $(128,081.25)
1/1/2019: $(79,600.19)

Well, I knew a large bonus was coming (it's how my firm structures compensation), but this was...larger than I expected. I am hugely grateful, especially since (after pulling a bit from my emergency fund, which I'll replenish soon) it was just enough to pay off the worst portion of my student loans. That had really been weighing on me and I am so happy to have it gone.

So, in 2018, I increased my assets by $27,757.87 and decreased my debt by $63,598.06. Barring a major disaster, like job loss, or any unexpected windfalls that accelerate my progress, I should graduate from this thread upon receipt of my bonus at the end of 2019. Can't wait! Mostly, at this time next year, I hope to be in a financial position that gives me more freedom in terms of career options. I know I am very fortunate to have such a high-paying job, but it also makes me highly anxious most of the time and I know I can't do it for long, for personal health and happiness reasons. So I would like to get my debt down to a level where I feel able to shift into a lower-paying job, if necessary, within the next year or two.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 02:10:24 PM by mckaylabaloney »


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1133 on: January 01, 2019, 10:28:25 AM »
1/1/2018: $(170,956.12)
2/1/2018: $(166,849.63)
3/1/2018: $(161,395.88)
4/1/2018: $(156,590.44)
5/1/2018: $(152,997.61)
6/1/2018: $(149,175.48)
7/1/2018: $(143,748.22)
8/1/2018: $(138,734.38)
9/1/2018: $(135,043.66)
10/1/2018: $(131,441.14)
11/1/2018: $(133,372.50)
12/1/2018: $(128,081.25)
1/1/2018: $(79,600.19)

Well, I knew a large bonus was coming (it's how my firm structures compensation), but this was...larger than I expected. I am hugely grateful, especially since (after pulling a bit from my emergency fund, which I'll replenish soon) it was just enough to pay off the worst portion of my student loans. That had really been weighing on me and I am so happy to have it gone.

So, in 2018, I increased my assets by $27,757.87 and decreased my debt by $63,598.06. Barring a major disaster, like job loss, or any unexpected windfalls that accelerate my progress, I should graduate from this thread upon receipt of my bonus at the end of 2019. Can't wait! Mostly, at this time next year, I hope to be in a financial position that gives me more freedom in terms of career options. I know I am very fortunate to have such a high-paying job, but it also makes me highly anxious most of the time and I know I can't do it for long, for personal health and happiness reasons. So I would like to get my debt down to a level where I feel able to shift into a lower-paying job, if necessary, within the next year or two.

Huge congratulations @mckaylabaloney!!  Wow what a great way to start the new year!  That must feel fantastic to blow into the five digits so fast!


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1134 on: January 01, 2019, 11:27:04 AM »
Great news, @mckaylabaloney  ! You've made great progress in 2018 and I'm sure you'll do the same in 2019. It will be such a relief when that big debt is gone.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1135 on: January 02, 2019, 06:59:28 AM »
How did you get on?  I hope you've had a positive outcome. 
Well, I at least managed to get a reply from them outlining the parts of the small print that covers all of those charges. Still no sign of a copy of the signed rental agreement (I think there was a bit of a mix-up when I went back to them and I only have a copy of an unsigned agreement now - also realising now how much in shock I was for a week or two after the accident, which is how that mix-up happened, I think), no sign of the copy of the police report, and no sign of an invoice. I need those last two in order to at least claim the excess from my insurance policy. I spoke to my credit card company today and can still dispute those charges so have emailed yet again and requested the documents yet again while pointing out that if they don't send them soon (I put a deadline in the email), I will have the charges entered into dispute as they were not authorised to take anything other than the excess. Their first email says that I agreed to the charges in the rental agreement but while it is in the small print, I still don't have a copy of what I actually signed so I think it's not entirely unfair to call them unauthorised charges. The credit card company confirmed that the absence of a proper invoice is enough to place the charges into the dispute system. So we'll see. Thanks for asking.

I have, however, decided to go the non-logical, non-mathematically sound route and not pay off the credit card in full straightaway. I've been circling very close to a horrible downward spiral of depression since it happened and just cannot face wiping out my savings. I also spent money on flying back to Ireland over the holidays as I was very down the whole weekend before the last week of work before christmas and strongly felt it would be a very bad idea to be at home on my own for 10 days. I've honestly never felt quite like that before and hope I can someday claim to have never felt like that again but for now, I've swallowed the cost in money because the value gained in mental health was far greater.

So, to start off 2019, money looks like this:
BoI savings a/c: 100.00
DiBa ETF: 974.94 (despite having paid in 100 since last time I posted, when the value was at 985. Le big sigh. But not really because stocks on sale and all that.)
CmzBank savings a/c: 1,900.00
Total:  +2,974.94

CC -2,775.00 - have already paid the first 500 towards the 3,275. As soon as I get the documents I need and the insurance claim goes through I will hopefully have 1,500 to pay off immediately. And I have several outstanding invoices to be paid, as one of my customers got a new system installed which has delayed payments for a couple of months - since I've now started down the route of payment reminders etc., I hope they'll move my stuff to the top of the queue soon. That will give me about 600 to throw at the card and leave me with a smaller amount that I should be able to pay off over two or three months with no problems. The monthly rate on the card is 1.74%.

Net: +199.94  (this doesn't include the 1,200 I currently have in my annual expenses account and around 150 in my travel account)

So there you have it. No facepunches, please, I'm already crying several times a day for no good reason. But yesterday I cooked a healthy meal with stuff I had at home, and today I've had leftovers for lunch and I have a meal plan in place for the next five days that I only need to buy a couple of things for. Positive things and moving forward.

Happy New Year everyone! May 2019 be a good one!


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1136 on: January 02, 2019, 08:00:34 AM »

1/31 : (5949.05)
2/28 : (5288.30)
3/31 : (4273.93)
4/30 : (2592.07)
5/31 : (629.70)
6/30 : 1,206.77
7/31 : 2,703.97
8/31: 5,651.70
9/31: 8,039.01
10/31: 7,803.49
11/30: 9,531.28

12/31/2018: 9,296.79

Yet again the market got me. my retirement accounts dropped by almost 2 grand.  Debt fell by almost 1 grand and EF went up by ~$750.
Over the whole year by Net worth has risen ~$15,200. I don't think that is to bad considering I really only started around march. Also I don't make a whole lot of money but I am trying to optimize every penny I have available. Good luck to everyone in the upcoming year.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1137 on: January 02, 2019, 09:40:23 AM »
How did you get on?  I hope you've had a positive outcome. 
Well, I at least managed to get a reply from them outlining the parts of the small print that covers all of those charges. Still no sign of a copy of the signed rental agreement (I think there was a bit of a mix-up when I went back to them and I only have a copy of an unsigned agreement now - also realising now how much in shock I was for a week or two after the accident, which is how that mix-up happened, I think), no sign of the copy of the police report, and no sign of an invoice. I need those last two in order to at least claim the excess from my insurance policy. I spoke to my credit card company today and can still dispute those charges so have emailed yet again and requested the documents yet again while pointing out that if they don't send them soon (I put a deadline in the email), I will have the charges entered into dispute as they were not authorised to take anything other than the excess. Their first email says that I agreed to the charges in the rental agreement but while it is in the small print, I still don't have a copy of what I actually signed so I think it's not entirely unfair to call them unauthorised charges. The credit card company confirmed that the absence of a proper invoice is enough to place the charges into the dispute system. So we'll see. Thanks for asking.

I have, however, decided to go the non-logical, non-mathematically sound route and not pay off the credit card in full straightaway. I've been circling very close to a horrible downward spiral of depression since it happened and just cannot face wiping out my savings. I also spent money on flying back to Ireland over the holidays as I was very down the whole weekend before the last week of work before christmas and strongly felt it would be a very bad idea to be at home on my own for 10 days. I've honestly never felt quite like that before and hope I can someday claim to have never felt like that again but for now, I've swallowed the cost in money because the value gained in mental health was far greater.

So, to start off 2019, money looks like this:
BoI savings a/c: 100.00
DiBa ETF: 974.94 (despite having paid in 100 since last time I posted, when the value was at 985. Le big sigh. But not really because stocks on sale and all that.)
CmzBank savings a/c: 1,900.00
Total:  +2,974.94

CC -2,775.00 - have already paid the first 500 towards the 3,275. As soon as I get the documents I need and the insurance claim goes through I will hopefully have 1,500 to pay off immediately. And I have several outstanding invoices to be paid, as one of my customers got a new system installed which has delayed payments for a couple of months - since I've now started down the route of payment reminders etc., I hope they'll move my stuff to the top of the queue soon. That will give me about 600 to throw at the card and leave me with a smaller amount that I should be able to pay off over two or three months with no problems. The monthly rate on the card is 1.74%.

Net: +199.94  (this doesn't include the 1,200 I currently have in my annual expenses account and around 150 in my travel account)

So there you have it. No facepunches, please, I'm already crying several times a day for no good reason. But yesterday I cooked a healthy meal with stuff I had at home, and today I've had leftovers for lunch and I have a meal plan in place for the next five days that I only need to buy a couple of things for. Positive things and moving forward.

Happy New Year everyone! May 2019 be a good one!
Sorry you're struggling. Money gives you options. I'm glad you gave yourself the gift of good self-care when it was important.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1138 on: January 15, 2019, 08:52:38 AM »
January mid-month Update
3/31/2017 (52,848.85)
4/30/2017 (48,076.67)
5/31/2017 (47,110.22)
6/30/2017 (46,540.28)
7/31/2017 (44,354.10)
8/31/2017 (47,236.39)
9/30/2017 (42,436.10)
10/31/2017 (33,346.78)
11/30/2017 $(28,911.53)
12/31/2017 $(24,424.13)
1/31/2018 $(20,454.43)
2/28/2018 $(18,221.63)
3/31/2018 $(14,916.69)
4/30/2018 $(9,800.88)
5/31/2018 $(7,375.85)
6/30/2018 $(5,735.59)
7/31/2018 $(7,109.58)
8/31/2018 $(6,439.93)
9/30/2018 $(2,990.84)
10/31/2018 $(4,180.43)
11/30/2018 $(1,495.30)
12/31/2018 $(1,524.93)
1/15/2019   $(1,150.13) +$374.80 increase

A very small increase but that's OK I'm getting closer and closer to the other side of zero! The big reason for not having a higher number during the first half of this month is that my cat got very sick and in an effort to figure out if there was something that could be done to make her better or if it was time to put her down I incurred about $1K in vet costs and we did end up putting her down but I don't regret spending the money to try and get her better. The good news of the month is that it seems my investments are starting to slowly turn around and head back up which is great. I still expect to hit zero by the end of this month and $10K by the spring.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1139 on: January 15, 2019, 09:21:10 AM »
January mid-month Update
1/15/2019   $(1,150.13) +$374.80 increase

Awesome progress Haypug!  You'll have compounding working for you instead of against you in no time!


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1140 on: January 15, 2019, 12:45:16 PM »
So sorry about your cat , @haypug16. :(


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1141 on: January 15, 2019, 02:15:17 PM »
This is an awesome thread reading all 23 pages was inspiring.  Here is to jumping in for the year 2019.  Need some where to keep me accountable for building those savings up after finally climbing out of credit card debt.

1/15/2019 total savings $1910.47

Congrats to all for there progress so far.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1142 on: January 15, 2019, 02:23:57 PM »
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat, @haypug16.  I spent a lot of money on my dog at the end of her life.  We do what we need to do for our animals.  <3 

Speaking of, my number won't be good this month either.  The lizard came with me after my ex and broke up.  It was originally his kid's, but I was the one who cared for and loved the lizard through the years.  So she's mine now.  And she has some sort of infection and I had to take her to the vet and have tests done and now I'm giving her meds.  (Orally and injections!)  The whole thing has totaled around $400.  Dang.  But she's my buddy and I love her.  I'm hoping we still have many summer mornings sitting in the sunshine on the deck together.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1143 on: January 15, 2019, 03:08:37 PM »
Thanks, she was a wonderful cat and Mr Pug and I miss her a lot.

I hope your lizard makes a speedy recovery.

jdhansen, Welcome to one of the best threads around :)


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1144 on: January 15, 2019, 03:44:00 PM »
Speaking of, my number won't be good this month either.  The lizard came with me after my ex and broke up.  It was originally his kid's, but I was the one who cared for and loved the lizard through the years.  So she's mine now.  And she has some sort of infection and I had to take her to the vet and have tests done and now I'm giving her meds.  (Orally and injections!)  The whole thing has totaled around $400.  Dang.  But she's my buddy and I love her.  I'm hoping we still have many summer mornings sitting in the sunshine on the deck together.

Another lizard owner! I have 4, and one snake. :P

My beardie cost me almost as much one vet visit, only for me to find out he was just being a diva (he refused to poop for a month). I'm glad to hear you took her to the vet! It's sad when people think that just because they're small/"inexpensive" that they don't deserve vet visits. Hope she recovers fast!

So sorry to hear about your cat @haypug16 - my dog is getting up there and I am not looking forward to the day I have to say goodbye. :(


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1145 on: January 16, 2019, 02:55:50 AM »
@jdhansen welcome!

What this thread shows, is that you don't need to be rich or FI to be able to give yourself a better life. The stories in this thread show the radical impact of just a few thousand in savings, which is something most people are able to achieve if they put in the effort.

A few thousand means being able to give your pet the right end of life care. It means being able to change jobs and not having to worry about a new payment schedule. It means being able to replace or repair broken items without getting into debt. It means being able to go back to school for a degree to increase your earning capacity.


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1146 on: January 16, 2019, 07:01:53 AM »
Another lizard owner! I have 4, and one snake. :P

My beardie cost me almost as much one vet visit, only for me to find out he was just being a diva (he refused to poop for a month). I'm glad to hear you took her to the vet! It's sad when people think that just because they're small/"inexpensive" that they don't deserve vet visits. Hope she recovers fast!

Thank you!  I have a beardie too!  She has some sort of fungal infection - I just got word yesterday that it's not yellow fungus.  Still waiting on test results.  I'm not sure if other fungal stuff is as deadly as yellow or not.  Along with the expensive vet visit, I picked up some hornworms for her.  A peace offering after all those meds!  Haha. 

I was surprised by how attached to her I got.  I never thought I would have a lizard as a pet, but honestly she's been the perfect pet for me during this time in my life.  My dog was SO high maintenance (and expensive!) through her entire life and I'm completely burnt out and exhausted.  I can't wait for summer to get here so my lizard girl and I can sit outside in the sunshine in the mornings.  I drink coffee and she soaks up the natural UVs on my lap.  It's my favorite. 


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1147 on: January 17, 2019, 03:18:14 AM »
... no sign of the copy of the police report, and no sign of an invoice. I need those last two in order to at least claim the excess from my insurance policy. I spoke to my credit card company today and can still dispute those charges so have emailed yet again and requested the documents yet again while pointing out that if they don't send them soon (I put a deadline in the email), I will have the charges entered into dispute as they were not authorised to take anything other than the excess.
Well isn't is astonishing how the threat of not getting paid all of a sudden makes people take notice. The invoice arrived promptly. Still no police report but the rental company claim to not have a copy of it (normally individuals just get it passed on from the insurance company). I was set to just pay the €60 myself (after a bit of a frantic search for a chequebook, as cheque is the only way to pay the gardaν* - I found one that was sent to an address I haven't lived at for thirteen years, which gives you an idea how long it has been since I have needed to use a cheque). But it all became moot as insurance4carhire processed my claim without it and a day later the payment of 1,500, which was due to arrive "within ten days" was in my account. I have to say, insurance4carhire have been great through this whole thing.

*That's the Irish police - gardaν sνochana (literally translates to guardians of the peace)

So, to start off 2019, money looks like this:
BoI savings a/c: 100.00
DiBa ETF: 974.94 (despite having paid in 100 since last time I posted, when the value was at 985. Le big sigh. But not really because stocks on sale and all that.)
CmzBank savings a/c: 1,900.00
Total:  +2,974.94

CC -2,775.00 - have already paid the first 500 towards the 3,275. As soon as I get the documents I need and the insurance claim goes through I will hopefully have 1,500 to pay off immediately. And I have several outstanding invoices to be paid, as one of my customers got a new system installed which has delayed payments for a couple of months - since I've now started down the route of payment reminders etc., I hope they'll move my stuff to the top of the queue soon. That will give me about 600 to throw at the card and leave me with a smaller amount that I should be able to pay off over two or three months with no problems. The monthly rate on the card is 1.74%.

Net: +199.94  (this doesn't include the 1,200 I currently have in my annual expenses account and around 150 in my travel account)

So, money situation currently looks like this:
BoI savings a/c: 100.00
DiBa ETF: 1,079.83
CmzBank savings a/c: 2,000.05
Total:  +3,179.88

CC -1,275.00

Net: +1,904.88  (not including savings for annual expenses and travel)


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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1148 on: January 17, 2019, 04:02:11 AM »
Congrats on getting the 1500 euros @Moonwaves -- One step closer to putting that whole thing behind you.  :)

Lincolnshire Girl

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Re: Saving to $10K
« Reply #1149 on: January 17, 2019, 04:53:39 AM »
Reporting in. As we are self-employed, our income varies monthly making it very difficult to plan too far ahead. However, it was a pretty awesome December meaning the starting point of our savings is considerably higher than expected! I have opened our first Vanguard ISA account (tax-free savings UK) and split between that and a savings account for an Emergency Fund starter.

January 2019 - £1,300