Author Topic: Race from 500k to 1M!  (Read 805081 times)


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #300 on: November 16, 2017, 06:35:20 AM »
I think I might have enough data in Quicken to cobble something like this together, so I'm going to go back and take a look.

I've been at this for a while (I'm 50), and my record-keeping was not as good in the early days (for instance, I didn't track my 401(k) in Quicken), but here's what I was able to pull together.

I graduated from a master's program in 1998 at age 31 with a NW of $0.  (No student loans, but no assets other than a beater car, a bunch of books, and a bad case of eye strain.)  I spent a long time as a perpetual student for many reasons--I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life so I kept temporizing.  I made it to ABD in one discipline, decided not to finish (long story), and then did a master's in a different field.  Both programs were decidedly unmarketable.  So while I had no student loans, it's pretty much the same as if I'd financed a four-year degree and took 10 or so years to pay it off. 

Oh, well--hindsight is 20/20, and there were all kinds of personal and psychological issues which led me to take this path.  Thank God I was naturally frugal, born with the saver's gene, and had some good role models for frugality and financial responsibility in my friend base--otherwise things would have been very different. 

On reflection, this was in a time long before anything like the FI/RE movement was anything close to where it is now--the resources and mindset were just not "out there" in the way that they are now.  The closest thing I can think of is the Dave Ramsey thing--the idea of reaching "freedom" from debt, but not "freedom" from working-for-money.  Even now it's a sub-culture for weirdos--a term I use with affection and fully including myself.  :)  That's a topic for a different day, though.

So we'll start the clock in 1998, I guess, which is the first year I finally logged a 5-figure salary ($12K).  ;-) 

$0 - $100K:        approximately 6 years (2004)
$100K - $250K:  approximately 5 years (2009)
$250K - $500K:  approximately 4 years (2013)
$500K - $750K:  approximately 2 years (2015)
$750K - $1M:     approximately 2 years (2017)

I feel kind of wimpy next to what all the "kids" (i.e., anyone 15 or more years younger than me!) are doing today, but I can still look back on it with a degree of pride--I did what I could with what I knew, and was always seeking to learn more.  I guess it says something about my savings rate to note that I reached $250K in 2009, since we know what was going on THEN!  ;-)

My two regrets are not learning more about investing earlier, and not marrying my then-best-friend-now-husband 5 years earlier.  ;-)


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #301 on: November 16, 2017, 07:18:46 AM »
Posting to join in the fun, and to say that this...
$0-100k took 17 months.
$100k-250k took 23 months.
$250k-500k took 21 months. awesome.  Both the progress and this way of thinking about it.  Go you, RWD!  :)

I think I might have enough data in Quicken to cobble something like this together, so I'm going to go back and take a look.
Thanks. I left out the part where it took us four years to get to a positive net worth. We were saving ~$20k per year but it was offset by student loans and the housing crash so it felt like we were making no progress. In 2012 the housing market (in our area) finally started coming back up and we also greatly increased our income which is why $0-100k passed so quickly for us.

Our household hit $1M in net worth roughly a month or two ago, but I won't feel like a "capital m" Millionaire until we hit $1M in liquid assets.  Breakdown is currently $785K liquid, $243K home equity, for a total of $1.028M.

Great work, everybody!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #302 on: November 16, 2017, 08:10:30 AM »
Joining the club. Currently about 720k investible, 200k owed on mortgage, about 250k home equity. Not sure when/if I'll get to 1m; may semi-FIRE before then.
Updated numbers: 894k investible, 183k owed on mortgage, about 313k home equity. If the market were to stay flat, would probably hit 1m investible around 6 months from now.
Quarterly update, November 2017:

  • Q4 2017: 1005k liquid + 332k home equity: total 1337k
  • Q3 2017: 894k liquid + 313k home equity: total 1207k
  • Q2 2017: 720k liquid + 250k home equity: total 970k

Not declaring victory yet though until I have 1m investible and no debt to the bank.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2018, 12:39:41 PM by Chairman »


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #303 on: November 16, 2017, 01:00:39 PM »
Now that I've limped over the $1million mark, I'm focusing on using my gains to pay down some small debts. Seems just silly to have debt when you're that rich!


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #304 on: November 16, 2017, 01:08:00 PM »
Reading this entire thread from start to finish has been incredibly motivating!

I'm still a ways from being able to participate.


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #305 on: November 17, 2017, 03:58:13 AM »
My NW is at $662K.  Not sure I will ever hit $1M, but it's nice to think about!  I'm aiming for $800K when I retire in June 2018.

Now up to $709,418.  :)

I'm now at $745,282.  Onward and upward.

12/27/16:  $662,000
4/28/17:   $709,418
7/31/17:   $745,282
9/2/17:    $758,290
11/17/17:  $803,225

« Last Edit: December 15, 2017, 07:29:21 PM by NinetyFour »


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #306 on: November 18, 2017, 07:22:44 AM »
Now that I've limped over the $1million mark, I'm focusing on using my gains to pay down some small debts. Seems just silly to have debt when you're that rich!

Congrats talltexan!!!

And agreed 2Birds, incredibly motivating, great to see what everyone is accomplishing, nice progress all!

Herbert Derp

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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #307 on: November 18, 2017, 07:35:16 AM »
More progress is made! Hoping for $1MM in Q1 2018!


11/23/2012: $45,000.00
08/03/2013: $100,000.00
01/01/2016: $408,896.04
01/01/2017: $617,283.09
06/06/2017: $758,104.40
10/15/2017: $856,488.71
11/18/2017: $929,536.54


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #308 on: November 18, 2017, 07:35:30 AM »
Now that I've limped over the $1million mark, I'm focusing on using my gains to pay down some small debts. Seems just silly to have debt when you're that rich!

Congrats Texan,

I completely agree with your statement. Simplicity is an end in itself. Declutters the brain as well as the soul. 



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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #309 on: November 18, 2017, 11:42:20 AM »
Belated monthly update.

                    Invested/Cash     Total NW
End of 2015  $513k                $752k
End of 2016  $574k                $820k                   
10/1/17        $670k                $921k
11/1/17        $679k                $931k


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #310 on: November 19, 2017, 10:12:09 AM »
April 2012 208K
April 2013 212K  (Spouse done with degree)
April 2014 294K Uploaded more assets on Mint.  Found the ways of pre-tax saving
April 2015 327K
April 2016 363K
April 2017 470K
Now on Mint: 503K

There are assets missing.  My workplace saving account doesn't play nice with Mint.

Actual 543K

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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #311 on: November 19, 2017, 03:53:21 PM »
Said I was just going to track investments in a lower thread, but since we are making gains on the principals of our two properties I wanted to stay here too!

mid-Sept 2017 - $551,000
mid-October 2017 - $597,812 (started tracking DH's accounts, hadn't in our net before)
mid-November 2017 - $602,000 (heavy paying off side investment plus holiday spending)


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #312 on: November 21, 2017, 10:44:14 AM »
For those of you who get a bonus, how are the bonus prospects looking?  Or as I like to call it, the "jelly of the month club."  In my case, it could be anywhere from $10 to $10,000.  On the last working day before Christmas, we get called back to the office and handed an envelope.  You open it and . . . surprise! 


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #313 on: November 21, 2017, 11:39:42 AM »
That...sounds like a nightmare to plan around.

Like, I go out a buy a car, and--get 1% of its purchase price as a bonus.


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #314 on: November 21, 2017, 12:04:19 PM »
I'll join; I was on the "race to $500k" thread and blew through $500k without really paying much attention.  Right now liquid NW of $560k, with almost $400k in home equity (yikes!!!), bringing our total NW to $960k.  It'll be a while until we hit $1M in liquid assets, but stacking almost $50k/year before any investment gains means my wife and I should hit it in a couple years.  Reading through this thread sure is motivating though.


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #315 on: November 21, 2017, 04:05:27 PM »
For those of you who get a bonus, how are the bonus prospects looking?  Or as I like to call it, the "jelly of the month club."  In my case, it could be anywhere from $10 to $10,000.  On the last working day before Christmas, we get called back to the office and handed an envelope.  You open it and . . . surprise!

hahaha I hope it's a random drawing as well. Our Bonuses are in March, so still have a bit to trudge through, should be decent this year however


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #316 on: November 21, 2017, 04:35:18 PM »
For those of you who get a bonus, how are the bonus prospects looking?  Or as I like to call it, the "jelly of the month club."  In my case, it could be anywhere from $10 to $10,000.  On the last working day before Christmas, we get called back to the office and handed an envelope.  You open it and . . . surprise!

Our bonuses happen in the summer.  At least that prevents any foolish overspending on Christmas presents due to poor bonus predictions.  I always think of the best Christmas movie ever made when this topic comes up.

Of course I refer to Christmas Vacation, no doubt the source of your reference. 


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #317 on: November 21, 2017, 04:48:34 PM »
Ours will come out in 2 weeks. I've been able to track my bonus within a few hundred every year with a linear fit curve to past bonuses.  Hoping for a good surprise this year but I doubt it. It will just go up with the curve fit.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #318 on: November 21, 2017, 05:13:19 PM »
My company pays out bonuses over the summer as well, as our fiscal year ends in March and there is a multiplier applied to our bonus based on the company performance.  However, I recently learned that I am being laid off next year so while I am working on lining up a new job to coincide with my end date, I will also receive a severance package of nearly a year's salary plus my full bonus next summer.  Not too shabby--unless of course my plans for the next job do not pan out and I find myself unemployed.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #319 on: November 22, 2017, 07:13:16 AM »
I work for a large, publicly traded utility that pays its bonuses in March based on targets set for the previous calendar year.

They do a good job of keeping us informed about how we're doing, and part of the targets are based on our quarterly earnings, which are ultimately made public. Unfortunately, the mild winter at the start of 2017 didn't do us any favors :-(

Herbert Derp

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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #320 on: November 27, 2017, 01:50:02 PM »
Getting closer... I still have two more paychecks and my Q4 dividends left in the year. If the republicans manage to pass tax reform before Christmas, that could potentially make me a millionaire by the end of the year!

11/23/2012: $45,000.00
08/03/2013: $100,000.00
01/01/2016: $408,896.04
01/01/2017: $617,283.09
06/06/2017: $758,104.40
10/15/2017: $856,488.71
11/18/2017: $929,536.54
11/27/2017: $944,395.35
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 01:53:16 PM by Herbert Derp »


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #321 on: November 27, 2017, 07:17:08 PM »
I think I might have enough data in Quicken to cobble something like this together, so I'm going to go back and take a look.

I've been at this for a while (I'm 50), and my record-keeping was not as good in the early days (for instance, I didn't track my 401(k) in Quicken), but here's what I was able to pull together.

I graduated from a master's program in 1998 at age 31 with a NW of $0.  (No student loans, but no assets other than a beater car, a bunch of books, and a bad case of eye strain.)  I spent a long time as a perpetual student for many reasons--I never really knew what I wanted to do with my life so I kept temporizing.  I made it to ABD in one discipline, decided not to finish (long story), and then did a master's in a different field.  Both programs were decidedly unmarketable.  So while I had no student loans, it's pretty much the same as if I'd financed a four-year degree and took 10 or so years to pay it off. 

Oh, well--hindsight is 20/20, and there were all kinds of personal and psychological issues which led me to take this path.  Thank God I was naturally frugal, born with the saver's gene, and had some good role models for frugality and financial responsibility in my friend base--otherwise things would have been very different. 

On reflection, this was in a time long before anything like the FI/RE movement was anything close to where it is now--the resources and mindset were just not "out there" in the way that they are now.  The closest thing I can think of is the Dave Ramsey thing--the idea of reaching "freedom" from debt, but not "freedom" from working-for-money.  Even now it's a sub-culture for weirdos--a term I use with affection and fully including myself.  :)  That's a topic for a different day, though.

So we'll start the clock in 1998, I guess, which is the first year I finally logged a 5-figure salary ($12K).  ;-) 

$0 - $100K:        approximately 6 years (2004)
$100K - $250K:  approximately 5 years (2009)
$250K - $500K:  approximately 4 years (2013)
$500K - $750K:  approximately 2 years (2015)
$750K - $1M:     approximately 2 years (2017)

I feel kind of wimpy next to what all the "kids" (i.e., anyone 15 or more years younger than me!) are doing today, but I can still look back on it with a degree of pride--I did what I could with what I knew, and was always seeking to learn more.  I guess it says something about my savings rate to note that I reached $250K in 2009, since we know what was going on THEN!  ;-)

My two regrets are not learning more about investing earlier, and not marrying my then-best-friend-now-husband 5 years earlier.  ;-)

Zoot -- Nice story and even nicer username. Regarding 2007-2009, how did you feel when the market was going through its gyrations.


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #322 on: November 28, 2017, 08:09:59 AM »
Zoot -- Nice story and even nicer username. Regarding 2007-2009, how did you feel when the market was going through its gyrations.

Awww, thanks!  :)

2007-2009 was a really tough time.  I was a fairly new investor (having just started putting money in anything other than a cash savings account in early 2002 after my fear of market instability after 9/11), so the huge declines that year were really scary to me.  I was 41 in 2008 when the big declines happened--I remember being at work on the day the big crash happened, with a co-worker sitting next to me (who was also doing some investing) and I exchanging updates as we got a moment to check the Dow--"it's down 300!" "Oh, my gosh, it's down 500!"  "Wow, down 700..."  Tough times.

All that time, though, I just kept plugging away--I even upped my 401(k) contribution to the point where I was contributing somewhere like 25% or 28% of my salary (and still not maxing out, if that tells you anything about what I was making at the time).  I had to just hold my breath and make the contributions every month--I never took anything out during that whole time.  I had a decent time horizon ahead of me, had a stable job, and wasn't over-extended on my housing costs, so I was able to weather the storm and keep saving.  I still regard the fact that I managed to do all that without ever having read MMM or JL Collins or any of the resources we are so fortunate to have today as something of a miracle--I was able to put enough together from the resources I did have (Dave Ramsey and Amy Dacyczyn, mostly) to be able to get through it without doing too much damage to my future.

While I count not starting to invest in my 20's rather than my 30's and not investing IMMEDIATELY after 9/11 instead of waiting until January 2002 as two of my biggest financial mistakes, I count staying invested during the crash as one of my better moments. 

Another hindsight moment:  weathering the storm of 2007-2009 was probably a little easier because of the crash that happened pretty much immediately after I started investing in January 2002.  As a total, complete, beyond-clueless newbie, I was horrified and panicked, thinking that I had been stupid to ever invest in stocks.  I am thankful that I was working with a financial advisor at the time, and she helped me understand that I just needed to stay the course.  I know the FI/RE community can often rail against advisors and fees in general, but at the time that kind of arrangement was exactly what I needed to keep me from making a really, really bad decision. 

Having been through a number of market downturns now has helped me understand that these things just happen, and we have to be prepared for them.  As I work toward creating a draw-down strategy in the next few years, this will be something I will keep firmly in mind--but I feel just as beyond-clueless about this phase of my investing life as I did way back in 2002.  Thank goodness I do have the resources and this community to help me now!  :)
« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 08:36:36 AM by Zoot »


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #323 on: November 28, 2017, 10:01:15 AM »
Zoot -- Thank you for narrating your journey. Great story. I like reading actual experiences. You were lucky to have found a good adviser that helped you stay the course. You did have a couple 100K in the market so it must have been difficult to see it's value drop.

I'm a similar age as you and in 2009, I had much less than what you had. I was also just getting started having just discovered bogleheads. In fact, I was out of the country dealing with a family medical emergency and had neither a clue nor cared for what the market was doing. So, I have never really faced a downturn with money in the market.     


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #324 on: November 29, 2017, 08:23:57 AM »
Check your stuff today guys, I'm showing another big leap in my total. This must be what the 1990's felt like!


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #325 on: November 29, 2017, 08:31:12 AM »
Hope spring eternal.  I should be ready for an update as early as tomorrow night.


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #326 on: November 29, 2017, 07:45:41 PM »
With the recent run-up of the stock market, we're at $504k, so I'm joining the thread. I'm estimating 4-5 years before we hit $1mil. We'll see how this goes.


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #327 on: November 29, 2017, 09:03:11 PM »
Sigh, getting sick of this "race" (work).

Now at $754k all invested in stocks, it should be 1.5 years to $1M assuming %0 market return. I've only been working for 3 years, so it could be worse.

I think $1M is my number for quitting FT work; after that I'll try to reach $1.5M eventually by other means (lower spending, occasional work but no pressure/rush to get ahead, maybe business, completely different jobs, etc.).


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #328 on: November 30, 2017, 08:25:54 AM »
Dec 1, 2017. Net worth $558k.


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #329 on: November 30, 2017, 09:16:46 AM »
Sigh, getting sick of this "race" (work).

Now at $754k all invested in stocks, it should be 1.5 years to $1M assuming %0 market return. I've only been working for 3 years, so it could be worse.

I think $1M is my number for quitting FT work; after that I'll try to reach $1.5M eventually by other means (lower spending, occasional work but no pressure/rush to get ahead, maybe business, completely different jobs, etc.).
Crikey! How'd you get to $754k so fast?? Good on you!


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #330 on: November 30, 2017, 10:35:39 AM »
Aug 2017: 519, 045.81
Sept. 1 2017: 526, 110.79
Oct 1 2017:531,034.52
Nov 12017: 548,730
Dec 1 2017: 564,953


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #331 on: November 30, 2017, 11:09:16 AM »
So, December of 2016 was $438k, and December of 2017 is $558k, for an increase of $120k for the year.  Dude, that's 10 grand a month!


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #332 on: November 30, 2017, 11:53:00 AM »
Broke $500k this month, so joining this thread. Hoping to hit $1M by 2020.

11/30/2017 - $660k


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #333 on: November 30, 2017, 12:05:39 PM »
Sigh, getting sick of this "race" (work).

Now at $754k all invested in stocks, it should be 1.5 years to $1M assuming %0 market return. I've only been working for 3 years, so it could be worse.

I think $1M is my number for quitting FT work; after that I'll try to reach $1.5M eventually by other means (lower spending, occasional work but no pressure/rush to get ahead, maybe business, completely different jobs, etc.).
Crikey! How'd you get to $754k so fast?? Good on you!

Thanks! I got lucky, I guess. I studied in computer science / deep learning, which is booming right now, so I got a high salary out of school. My stash started with ~$150k from PT jobs and internships during school, so I might count that too + the 3 years + market returns.

I was sick for a long time during school and work worsened my condition, so I got even more frugal by necessity and for survival.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2019, 06:03:00 PM by gerardc »

salt cured

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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #334 on: November 30, 2017, 08:57:31 PM »
+$20k, a great month

Nov17: $546k
Oct17: $526k
Sep17: $507k
Aug17: $488k


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #335 on: November 30, 2017, 11:12:19 PM »
Returning to update . . .

2015 DEC:252k<- Crossed 250k
2016 JAN:260k(+8k)
2016 FEB:281k(+21k)
2016 MAR:285k(+4k)
2016 APR:298k(+13k)
2016 MAY:305k(+7k)
2016 JUN:307k(+2k)
2016 JUL:320k(+13k)
2016 AUG:326k(+6k)
2016 SEP:336k(+10k)
2016 OCT:337k(+1k)
2016 NOV:361k(+24k)
2016 DEC:368k(+7k)
2017 JAN:382k(+14k)
2017 FEB:403k(+21k)
2017 MAR:416k(+13k)
2017 APR:427k(+11k)
2017 MAY:436k(+9k)
2017 JUN:449k(+13k)
2017 JUL:464k(+15k)
2017 AUG:478k(+14k)
2017 SEPT:494k(+16k)
2017 OCT:510k(+16k) <- Crossed 500k
2017 NOV:523k(+13k)

+$155k this year! Aiming, for just under 100k in any given year of savings. Though, I am really only tracking worth gains, not savings directly. (So it includes gains/losses in the market) Given 1 month(s) left, and (-55k) more to go, I hit this goal!

Given that we devalued our cars by a whopping 6 grand this month we did great. Our stash went up $21,000! (including gains and contributions)


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #336 on: December 01, 2017, 03:37:34 AM »
Monthly check in (investments only, not counting house equity).   

5/1/17 --    $631k     
6/1/17 --    $647k     
7/1/17 --    $655k   
8/1/17 --    $665k     
9/1/17 --    $672k     
10/1/17 --  $684k     
11/1/17 --  $702k
12/1/17 --  $724k

Great month!  We have gained more than $150k so far this year in our investments. Crazy!  This despite a major gut-renovation/house re-build which has cost us an arm and a leg. 


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #337 on: December 01, 2017, 04:32:14 AM »
Invest / total
6/24/16 - 362k / 500k NW
12/1/16 - 404k / 550k NW
1/1/17 - 450k / 600k NW
2/1/17 - 462k / 607k NW
5/1/17 - 514k / 666k NW
6/1/17 - 526k / 673k NW
7/1/17 - 542k / 691k NW
8/1/17 - 557k / 707k NW
11/1/17 - 603k / 753k NW
12/1/17 - 625k / 775k NW


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #338 on: December 01, 2017, 04:45:26 AM »

11/28/16:  $644,276
12/27/16:  $662,000
4/28/17:   $709,418
7/31/17:   $745,282
9/2/17:    $758,290
11/17/17:  $803,225
12/1/17:   $819,350

I'm up $175K in one year!  And my assets have now topped 1 million.  Very nice to see!

Great progress everyone!


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #339 on: December 01, 2017, 07:56:10 AM »
The November numbers are in:

                  INV    /  NW
Jan 2017 -  714K   /  825K             
Sep 2017 - 792K   /  931K
Oct 2017 -  802K   /  941K     
Nov 2017-  818K   /  957K
Dec 2017-  836K   /  975K   

That's +122K liquid assets so far in 2017.   Groovy. 

It's exciting, but I'm also a bit pessimistic about the next few years.   I kind of hope that the tax plan doesn't pass, because I think it's a bit irresponsible.  I guess we'll see in the next few days what that does to the market. 

Better the down years happen sooner than later whilst we're still buying chickens. 

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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #340 on: December 01, 2017, 09:42:19 AM »
So cool to see the progress being made.

8/1/17: $834k liquid ($916k NW)
9/1/17: $841k liquid ($921k NW)
10/1/17: $857k liquid ($941k NW)
11/1/17: $872k liquid ($959k NW)
12/1/17: $889k liquid ($976k NW)


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #341 on: December 01, 2017, 09:44:03 AM »
Liquid / Total
1/1/17 - 472k / 833k
2/1/17 - 474k / 843k
3/1/17 - 494k / 864k
4/1/17 - 508k / 875k
5/1/17 - 523k / 893k
6/1/17 - 547k / 915k
7/1/17 - 553k / 923k
8/1/17 - 571k / 933k
9/1/17 - 587k / 952k
10/1/17 - 600k / 967k

12/1/17 - 619k / 987k

Skipped last month as I switched over to Personal Capital.  I had been with Yodlee for a really long time and then they migrated everyone over to their new platform a few months back.  I was trying to give it a chance, but it just sucks in many ways. I didn't realize until I switched out to PC that Yodlee had duplicated a few of my accounts resulting in an artificial inflation of my NW.  Additionally, I added a small pension my wife has directly to PC which resulted in it pulling the contributed amount and not the cash out amount, but I'm just going to take the hit and roll with it as those values should overlap soon.  Altogether I "lost" about 13k to my numbers so I didn't feel like posting last month :)

I'm optimistic that we will hit 1m by the end of the year with EOY bonus (maybe 2k?) and dividends.


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #342 on: December 01, 2017, 10:54:08 AM »
Estimates of NW over the years with more concrete values currently
2011: $40k  Real estate sucked (I'm a realtor and own rentals), income was low and equity was non existent.  Tough times!
2012: $55k
2013: $75k
2014: $160k  Being a realtor and also having a large portion of NW in real estate helped income and value go up drastically. (income $155k) plus asset appreciation
2015: $295k  (income $210k) plus asset appreciation
2016: $505k (income $242k) plus asset appreciation
Started using Mint for tracking in 2017
2017: March $515
         April $500 spent money... :(
         May $521
         June $573
         July $588
         Aug $605k
         Sep $647k
         Oct $650k
         Dec $684K


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #343 on: December 01, 2017, 11:32:32 AM »
Latest update on tax-advantaged accounts (added in new Vanguard taxable account, but not including other brokerage account or eFund):

07/01/17   620k
08/01/17   633k
09/01/17   640k
10/01/17   660k
11/01/17   678k

12/01/17   699k

Only $102 away from being able to round that up to $700k, haha!  We have had $153k increase this year, and as the above represents just our liquid savings I thought I'd share that our assets crossed the $1MM mark (includes our home value and two accounts I exclude from our liquid savings for weird reasons that help me sleep at night)  and our overall NW is now at $906k.

Love seeing everyone's progress!


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #344 on: December 01, 2017, 11:35:52 AM »

Jan 2017: $444,411
Feb 2017: $466,365 (+$21,954)
Mar 2017: $473,859 (+$7,494)
Apr 2017: $496,610 (+$22,751)
May 2017: $509,180 (+$12,570)
Jun 2017: $522,280 (+$13,100)
Jul 2017: $539,829 ($17,549)
Aug 2017: $547,156 (+$7,327)
Sept 2017: $568,755 (+$21,599)
Oct 2017: $588,681 (+$19,926)
Nov 2017: $612,643 (+$23,962)

Um....whoa. Increase so far this year: $168,232. That's unbelievable.


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #345 on: December 01, 2017, 02:18:50 PM »
November 2017: 799k
October 2017: 790k
September 2017: 776k
August 2017: 752k
July 2017: 751k
June 2017: 737k
May 2017: 732k
April 2017: 720k
March 2017: 711k
February 2017: 703k
January 2017: 680k
December 2016: 650k
December 2015: 487k
December 2014: 412k
December 2013: 350k


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #346 on: December 01, 2017, 03:04:18 PM »
End of month = another spreadsheet cell filled in!  :)

It's astounding to me to see the monthly increase.  We are disciplined savers--we max out two 401(k) accounts and two Roth IRA's every year, plus a little additional savings--but the market run-up has really beefed up the totals.

We'll be paying for some home renovations in the next month or two, which will give us a bit of a "hit" to our numbers, but I may update our home value a bit in my spreadsheet after the renovations are done (maybe about 1/4 of the cost of the actual renovations).

(Posting also in the $1M to $2M thread for net worth.)

MonthLiquidNet Worth


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #347 on: December 02, 2017, 11:59:41 AM »
Net Worth Benchmarks
4/3/14     $430k (start tracking, thx MMM)
9/19/14    $500k
11/6/14    $550k
5/9/15     $600k
4/13/16    $650k
9/7/16     $700k
5/6/17     $750k
9/9/17     $800k
12/1/17    $845k ($40k is home equity, remainder is retirement/savings/investment $$)

peeking in today because assets hit $1M  YAY


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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #348 on: December 03, 2017, 01:16:51 PM »
End of November update (better late than never.) This month I faced the harsh reality that my ex's unemployment means I will be shouldering more of the optional children's expenses. I paid cash for a couple of the biggest expenses this past month with the hope that the ex- will get a job soon and chip in more than half on future installments. To plan for the fact that a new job might now come soon, I cut back on a bit of the discretionary saving for now, but still maxing my Roth and 401k.

Numbers for end of month:
Month Year: Investments
June 2017: 504K
July 2017: 523K
Decided to add in home equity and give net worth as second number:
Aug 2017: 533K / 666K
Sep 2017: 539K / 679K
Oct 2017: 551K / 698K
Nov 2017: 561K / 711K



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Re: Race from 500k to 1M!
« Reply #349 on: December 04, 2017, 08:48:29 AM »
I'm enjoying the stock market rise right now.  It makes it look like our savings rate is better than it is.

We started planning for 2018.  Realized that my husband qualifies for [wonderfully awesome] health insurance at the company where he interns part-time.   We switched, which ought to free up $8k in additional savings next year!  This month, I'm going to tie H to a chair and make him discuss a budget for next year.  We've finally started really changing our spending patterns, and we need to determine what changes are realistic for next year.

                   Invested/Overall NW
End of 2012: 170k / 200k  *(re)married
End of 2013: 295k / 342k
End of 2014: 338k / 388k
End of 2015: 366k / 428k *June - husband quit work to go back to college full-time
End of 2016: 432k / 545k

Sep 2017: 500k / 625k [+77k college funds] *husband started working part-time; still going to college
Oct 2017: 512k / 640k [+79k college funds]
Nov 2017: 523k / 652k [+81k college funds]
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 09:49:21 AM by formerlydivorcedmom »