Been a lurker here for about a year, finally decided to jump in. I always think it is interesting to see the trajectory of other peoples’ savings, so here are my numbers going back to 2007 when I first started keeping track of our household’s monthly net worth. Currently my household is two adults and three kids, our household income has ranged from about $50,000/yr when we were starting out to about $150,000 now. I expect our income to keep pace with inflation, but no big raises are projected in the near future. These numbers are investment accounts only, not including the equity in our primary residence. We don’t hold a lot in cash. Our big financial goals are to be able to make a significant contribution to our children’s college costs, and to be able to retire by our mid 50s. Not super early by the standards of some people on here, but we do enjoy a pretty comfortable lifestyle and my retirement goals are a little more luxurious than car camping in a developing country; we’ve done enough “roughing it” as part of our jobs :-).
End of 2007: $71,000
End of 2008: $87,600
End of 2009: $202,000
End of 2010: $257,000
2011: $298,000
2012: $364,000
2013: $371,000
2014: $615,000 (This looks like a big jump from 2013 because I started counting in my calculations an investment account which hadn't been counted in prior years)
2015: $644,000
2016: TBD in two more weeks.