March Update: I'm adding 2015 quarterly (for comparison) and switching over to a monthly update format for 2016...I think this will make it easier for me to track incremental progress. Year-over-year increase from March 2015 to March 2016 is $102,086 (!)
Dec 2014: $190,811
Mar 2015: $238,653 (+$47,842)
Jun 2015: $262,010 (+$23,357)
Sep 2015: $276,420 (+$14,410)
Dec 2015: $310,350 (+$33,930)
Jan 2016: $307,436 (-$2,914)
Feb 2016: $315,430 (+$7,994)
Mar 2016: $340,739 (+$25,309)
My husband inadvertently just set our $500k NW goal by declaring that he wants to be a "half-millionaire" by his 30th birthday. So, we have until August 2017 to hit $500k in investible NW. Given our current trajectory, I think this is very likely! I'm personally aiming to hit $500k in March of math here, just sending good vibes out into the universe.