Month Networth Investments Change $ Change %
12/31/2016 $115,810 $64,692
1/31/2017 $119,510 $66,070 $3,700 3.19%
2/28/2017 $124,974 $67,186 $5,464 4.57%
3/31/2017 $129,608 $67,472 $4,634 3.71%
4/30/2017 $125,925 $67,858 -$3,683 -2.84%
5/31/2017 $134,837 $70,822 $8,912 7.08%
6/30/2017 $140,805 $82,983 $5,968 4.43%
7/31/2017 $153,855 $92,589 $13,050 9.27%
8/31/2017 $159,166 $96,256 $5,311 3.45%
9/30/2017 $168,244 $100,416 $9,078 5.70%
10/31/2017 $181,189 $106,552 $12,945 7.69%
11/30/2017 $193,014 $111,570 $11,825 6.53%
12/31/2017 $209,976 $123,158 $16,962 8.79%
1/31/2018 $226,312 $140,791 $16,336 7.78%
2/28/2018 $227,484 $139,409 $1,172 0.52%
Survived our first correction ending up in the green! It's actually even better than this because my wife contributed $3,700 to her 457 which has not shown up in her account yet.