401K IRA Invested Total Home Value Rental Value Debt Total NW
Dec-13 $43,660 $0 $43,660 $120,000 $120,000 $232,000 $51,660
Dec-14 $52,943 $0 $52,943 $125,000 $125,000 $227,000 $75,943
Dec-15 $55,622 $0 $55,622 $130,000 $130,000 $227,000 $88,622
Dec-16 $68,870 $700 $69,570 $200,000 $130,000 $281,000 $118,570
Feb-17 $74,784 $700 $75,484 $200,000 $135,000 $281,000 $129,484
Apr-17 $78,946 $1,026 $79,972 $200,000 $135,000 $281,000 $133,972
May-17 $80,007 $1,040 $81,047 $240,000 $135,000 $281,000 $175,047
Jun-17 $82,048 $1,057 $83,105 $240,000 $135,000 $306,000 $152,105
Jul-17 $84,508 $1,075 $85,583 $240,000 $135,000 $306,000 $154,583
Aug-17 $85,737 $1,075 $86,812 $240,000 $135,000 $306,000 $155,812
Sep-17 $86,830 $1,079 $87,909 $240,000 $135,000 $319,000 $143,909
Oct-17 $89,275 $1,100 $90,375 $240,000 $135,000 $319,000 $146,375
Nov-17 $91,994 $1,124 $93,118 $240,000 $135,000 $317,000 $151,118
Dec-17 $94,085 $1,124 $95,209 $240,000 $135,000 $317,000 $153,209
I had a goal of $90k in the 401k by the end of the year, I made it!! There should be a pretty decent dividends increase in Dec, not sure if I will be able to hit $95k in the 401k alone before the end of the year but it seems pretty likely in the combination of the 401k and IRA I might even hit $95k in the 401k alone before the end of year. It would be really cool to graduate from this before baby #2 comes in March!
I was reading some of the other "Race from" threads and decided that although I don't count true NW it would be nice to look back and see it so I figured I would add it! I am staying in this thread because the "Invested Total" is the column that I am tracking.