401K IRA Total
Dec 2013: $43,660 $0 $43,660
Dec 2014: $52,943 $0 $52,943
Dec 2015: $55,622 $0 $55,622
Dec 2016: $68,870 $700 $69,570
Feb 2017: $74,784 $700 $75,484
4/11/17: $76,834 $1002 $77,836
Apr 2017: $78,946 $1026 $79,972
5/24/17: $80,007 $1040 $81,047
6/05/17: $82,048 $1057 $83,105
7/21/17: $84,508 $1075 $85,583
8/02/17: $85,737 $1075 $86,812
9/01/17: $86,830 $1079 $87,909
10/02/17: $89,275 $1100 $90,375
11/03/17: $91,994 $1124 $93,118
I had a goal of $90k in the 401k by the end of the year, I made it!! There should be a pretty decent dividends increase in Dec, not sure if I will be able to hit $95k in the 401k alone before the end of the year but it seems pretty likely in the combination of the 401k and IRA.
It would be really cool to graduate from this before baby #2 comes in March!
I was reading some of the other "Race from" threads and decided that although I don't do true NW but it would be nice to look back and see it so I figured I would add it! I am staying in this thread because the "Invested Total" is the column that I am tracking.
401K IRA Invested Total Home Value Rental Value Debt Total NW
Dec-13 $43,660 $0 $43,660 $120,000 $120,000 $232,000 $51,660
Dec-14 $52,943 $0 $52,943 $125,000 $125,000 $227,000 $75,943
Dec-15 $55,622 $0 $55,622 $130,000 $130,000 $227,000 $88,622
Dec-16 $68,870 $700 $69,570 $200,000 $130,000 $281,000 $118,570
Feb-17 $74,784 $700 $75,484 $200,000 $135,000 $281,000 $129,484
Apr-17 $78,946 $1,026 $79,972 $200,000 $135,000 $281,000 $133,972
May-17 $80,007 $1,040 $81,047 $240,000 $135,000 $281,000 $175,047
Jun-17 $82,048 $1,057 $83,105 $240,000 $135,000 $306,000 $152,105
Jul-17 $84,508 $1,075 $85,583 $240,000 $135,000 $306,000 $154,583
Aug-17 $85,737 $1,075 $86,812 $240,000 $135,000 $306,000 $155,812
Sep-17 $86,830 $1,079 $87,909 $240,000 $135,000 $319,000 $143,909
Oct-17 $89,275 $1,100 $90,375 $240,000 $135,000 $319,000 $146,375
Nov-17 $91,994 $1,124 $93,118 $240,000 $135,000 $317,000 $151,118
ETA: Those all looked like the would line up awesome when I put them in, somebody might have to show me how to paste a table in here.