I actually don't budget, but I do track expenses :)
I haven't posted it, because I think I'd get too many face punches ;-) (I like going out to Pubs, and here a pint is $10... I have cut it down a lot, but I still think its face punch worthy!) But seriously, I am going through a few life changes and there are a few contingent things (like the timing/length of my holiday, possible new to me car, possible moving house) that make it really hard to budget. But I aim for $30k/year (seems high but COL in Perth is reasonably high - in the top 20 cities globally.) A big portion for me has been to do with doubling my (before tax) income in a two year period (sadly does not lead to doubling of after tax income due to highly progressive tax rates). Spending with previous job was approx 24/k year, so there has been some lifestyle inflation, but also fair bit of general inflation (for example rent has gone up $50/week on my house, student night beers have gone from $10 to $12 etc, petrol has gone from $1.30 to $1.55 per litre). The $30k/year is an all inclusive number, the (net) cost of the new car will come out of this, as will the holiday (which means buckling down in other areas). As I'm only spending half of each pay check there is no need to budget for something like car repairs or annual health insurance premiums (4% discount for paying annually!) as no matter what pops up in the month my paycheck can cover it. So the budget is just this really broad bucket. Rent is $10/k year. The remaining $20k has to cover everything else but I don't plan for it, just check my expenditure to see if I am on track.