Author Topic: No Clothes Shopping in 2014  (Read 182874 times)


  • Handlebar Stache
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No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« on: September 24, 2013, 05:15:37 AM »
Hi everyone,

I am a 24 year old Aussie girl with a 50% savings rate. In 2014 I am aiming for a 60% savings rate while still enjoying a holiday to the US. So this is a big step up for me.

I am guessing that by the end of this year I will have spent something like 5% of my income on clothes making it my 4th highest expenditure category. If I can significantly reduce my spending in this category as well as a minor reduction in spend across some other categories I should be on target to each this goal.

As such I declaring 2014 the year of no clothes shopping and I would love you to join me on this challenge. Here are my rules, you can use these or your own, post below and we can hold each other accountable:
- I can buy underwear
- I can buy shoes (I only own 4 pairs apart from flipflops, ugg boots and sports shoes, so if a pair broke I would be in trouble!)
- I can buy basic black hosiery for work (nothing fancy), but as I don't own any pants for work it's a requirement in winter or I will freeze!
- I can buy a sporting club uniform if I make the team.
- I will let myself have some music festival/concert tour t-shirts when I am in the US. (I'm still wearing some of the ones from my last trip to the US 4 years ago, but they are starting to wear thin and I really like them as they are a reminder of my trip that I can use regularly.)
-If I have the opportunity to purchase hiking boots and a lightweight, waterproof jacket second hand I will, otherwise I will buy these items in America (where they are more affordable) as we are hoping to do some significant hikes on our trip.
-I can accept free clothing (hand me downs)
-I will be a bridesmaid in two weddings, I can buy a dress if it is a specific requirement (i.e. we all have to wear the exact  same). If we are instructed to wear a certain colour I will use something I already own or borrow something.
-I can buy zips, buttons etc if required to mend existing clothes or make clothes using fabrics from my pile/hand me down fabrics.
-Aside from the above I cannot buy any clothes, new or second-hand. I have excluded buying second hand because otherwise I will still buy gently used clothing on ebay and it's not exactly cheap, even if it's cheaper than buying new.

I am posting this challenge now because it will focus what I do buy for the rest of the year down as I gear up for this. Purchases before the end of the year will be a new backpack, some cardigans for work and a new bikini (all to replace broken stuff I use regularly). I don't expect to buy anything else this year, so the challenge will likely be closer to 14 months, which is a good thing!

Who's in?



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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2013, 05:26:54 AM »
I'm in!  I rarely buy clothes anyway, but this challenge would give me an extra push.

Exceptions:  undies, if necessary.  Also, I wear one pair of work out tights for ice hockey and for biking to work.  They were worn out *last* winter, but I plan to still wear them this winter.  They are close to threadbare, so I may have to get a new pair at some point.  I might have to buy a jersey for hockey.  That's it!

Who else is in??


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2013, 05:43:44 AM »
I have not yet bought any clothes in 2013, and I'm pretty sure I can resist till the end of the year. However, I doubt I can make it another year without new clothes.
By not buying new clothes for some time you realize that there's actually enough in your wardrobe to keep you warm. And in most cases, it's not the stylish clothes that make you look good, but the happy face!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2013, 05:57:12 AM »
I'm in! My only exception will be a pair of sneakers in the Spring. I walk three miles a day in Spring, Summer and Fall and those are a "need".

I guess I should also make an exception for my husband. When he needs something, he truly needs it. He wears through stuff and rarely buys anything. I think all he bought for clothes this year was a pair of sneakers. Hmm....


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2013, 06:43:34 AM »
I've been clothes fasting for 2013, and at this point I think I will be able to continue for some part of 2014. I intend to keep going until I hit something insurmountable. Not sure how far I will get in 2014 but I'll give it my best shot.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2013, 06:56:52 AM »
I may need some support through this one, but sign me up!

Exceptions: new bra or two depending on wear, cobbler for shoes if necessary.  I'm low on shirts but have enough dresses if I get a pair of tights or two - we'll see how it goes before making that purchase. 

I have a few purchases left in 2013 - sneakers, gloves for winter biking, bra. 

I've have almost two years to build a wardrobe and enough to get by at the very least.  Time to stop the building phase and enter the replacement phase!


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2013, 08:03:02 AM »
I would love to join as my closet is absurdly large and full.  Clothes are my weakness though, so it will be a tough one....


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2013, 08:17:08 AM »
I would love to join as my closet is absurdly large and full.  Clothes are my weakness though, so it will be a tough one....

Me too! Hence this challenge! When I realised I spent more on clothes than I did on transport (car ownership including depreciation plus public transport) I knew something had to change! This is going to be very hard for me, hence why I made a list of exceptions, otherwise I would have no chance.

I'm so excited you are all joining me.
For those of you who've done it before and are going to do it for even longer, wow! I am impressed! I will just need to keep this in mind:

I have not yet bought any clothes in 2013, and I'm pretty sure I can resist till the end of the year. However, I doubt I can make it another year without new clothes.
By not buying new clothes for some time you realize that there's actually enough in your wardrobe to keep you warm. And in most cases, it's not the stylish clothes that make you look good, but the happy face!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2013, 06:38:25 AM »
Count me in!  I just realized recently that I should have plenty of clothes for the next two years minimum!  I accept your rules and your exceptions because the only things I can't subscribe to are shoes, including running shoes b/c I run out of mine in one year's time and also sports bras and MAYBE underwear - but maybe not.  But yes!  I accept.  I also take your hand-me downs clause and translate that to "gifts" - my mother-in-law buys me clothes a lot but I am going to make the mention to her that I officially do not NEED any more clothes b/c part of the point is to not have more than I need.  I love this challenge and I look forward to this helping me in 2014!  I love that you are at a 50% savings rate, I hope to join you one of these days in the near future!   Challenge accepted!  :)

p.s.  with your tee-shirt in US deal- I will put on my list one souvenir article of clothing from one vacation next year if I  go on vacation.  :)  Also - if I really find that I need it - clothing from thrift store - but maxing at $20 or less or any article.  And I am trying to lose weight and so in the event that I succeed I am allowing for some tailoring to bring existing clothes in - but I will not  buy new! 


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2013, 06:38:36 AM »
I haven't spent very much on clothes at all in the past few years, but there shouldn't be any need for me to spend anything at all, really!

Most of the stuff that are exceptions for others need not be for me:
I have 2 bras I got on sale still hanging in the closet unused, plus the 2 I use now have only been used since June, so the have life in them, especially since I only hand wash them, and switch daily so they have their recovery time.  I have plenty of underwear, plus at least 25 (or  maybe even 50?!) more pairs from when American Apparel had some sort of "mistake" sale and they were 10 cents each.  I have more shoes than I need, so I think I can make do there, too.

So I'm all in!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2013, 03:47:05 PM »
Wow, way to go!!! I can't join in because my willpower is not that high yet... but I have to ask, have you ever considered doing a clothing swap? Get some friends together, bring your cast offs, and trade! We all have things in the back of our closet that we're not wearing... if everyone brings food, it can be a really party!! :)


  • Bristles
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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2013, 04:16:40 PM »
I have not bought any new clothes in 2013 and will probably be pretty well set for 2014 as well. Exceptions: had to buy new bras and a new pair of sneakers. Here's an idea though. Several years ago, I was so sick of my clothes, felt as if I had nothing to wear, but my closet was full. I got my sister to go through my closet and put together about 10 work outfits for me. She put together things I never thought to wear together and gave me a whole new outlook on my wardrobe. I really felt I was wearing new stuff. Try it with a friend you think dresses well or is your type of fashionista. You may be very surprised at what you do have!!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2013, 04:18:17 PM »
I am so in!!!! I will only make exceptions for basics that get too worn out to wear.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2013, 05:21:41 PM »
Great idea, and I'm in too!  And I'm going to start now, not wait until the new year.

My exceptions:
tights (I just trashed my only pair)
athletic shoes
racing swimsuit (not sure the current one will last all year)

I suppose I could buy the sorely needed things on the above list (except the swimsuit) before the end of the year and then go on a complete and total clothes and shoes fast for next year.  That's probably how I should handle it.  I'm also going to use this coming year to purge the worst of my wardrobe in terms of style penalty and attempt to get back into shape for my slimmest fitting pants.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2013, 06:00:37 PM »
I'm in!!

Except I want to start mine now, because I really need to get out of the mindset of "I just need one more pretty dress" NOW.

My exceptions:
Underwear, bras, socks, tights - all only if needed. Given that I already really need to buy more undies I doubt I could make it through another year.
Jeans, if I lose enough weight that I get too small for my smallest pair. Which would be excellent, and would require significant weight loss, but not an unrealistic amount to lose given this challenge will last 15 months for me.
Work shoes (already desperately need and have been too lazy to buy) and trainers, if my trainers wear out.

In fact, looking at that list, I'm going to start next week on my birthday and go buy work shoes and underwear this week, just so I'm not starting this off already planning heaps of purchases.

I mostly wear dresses with cardigans, tights and flats. I own a million great dresses. I've just bought eight cardigans in various cute colours. And other than black flats which I wear through quickly becuase they're my basic work shoes, I have a million pairs of cute flats, too. So I should be able to do this.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2013, 06:46:32 AM »
Several years ago, I was so sick of my clothes, felt as if I had nothing to wear, but my closet was full. I got my sister to go through my closet and put together about 10 work outfits for me. She put together things I never thought to wear together and gave me a whole new outlook on my wardrobe. I really felt I was wearing new stuff. Try it with a friend you think dresses well or is your type of fashionista. You may be very surprised at what you do have!!

This is awesome! My friend used to do this for me but then moved overseas... I need to think of someone else with good style who can this for me :) It works so well!

Wow, way to go!!! I can't join in because my willpower is not that high yet... but I have to ask, have you ever considered doing a clothing swap? Get some friends together, bring your cast offs, and trade! We all have things in the back of our closet that we're not wearing... if everyone brings food, it can be a really party!! :)

I've done this once and it was cool, but normally I just give anything that isn't being worn to the person who I think is most likely to wear it and vice versa.
And if you don't have the willpower for a full on clothing ban, how about a thought out in advance clothing budget. Set an amount, say $50/per month (you can roll into the next month if you don't spend it) and pledge not to go over it. It will at the very least get you thinking about how much you spend!

I love this challenge and I look forward to this helping me in 2014!  I love that you are at a 50% savings rate, I hope to join you one of these days in the near future!   Challenge accepted!  :)
Thanks :) I hope you can too. I should point out the 50% is not exactly due to total badassity. I suspect you are already more bad ass than me. I take home after tax approx 2x minimum wage (which in Australia is a very livable amount for one Adult and could at a stretch support two people at an acceptable standard of living).I've made good choices on the big stuff (eg economic car, house-mate) and don't have/never have had two expensive habits (buying lunch and taking taxis). But I feel like there is still a lot of low hanging fruit, and cutting it should hopefully also make me a more independent/resourceful/healthy person. I hope you can reach your goal!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2013, 07:29:43 PM »
Count me in. Much like HappierAtHome I need to start this challenge now.

My exceptions:
Underwear / Bras
Athletic shoes (I walk about 15 miles a day at work)
Scrubs (for my job, we are required to wear certain brands / colors and switch every 6 months. $50 of this cost is subsidized by my work)

That's it. Great challenge btw.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2013, 09:43:22 PM »
I'm in.

I can't remember purchasing any clothes this year (I did get rid of over 50 items, though!), so I'm in the group that might be reaching the limits of how long I can go without acquiring new (or new-to-me) things. But I'll certainly go as long as I can!

Areas I think I might need to make exceptions:
  • a bra. I have two, and I've had these two for years. One is beginning to fall apart and the other is too tight around :/
  • panties. Haven't purchased new ones in almost two years now. Might need to at some point next year.
  • shoes. MAYBE. I live in South Korea and have large feet even by American standards, so shoe shopping is something I'd rather just avoid altogether. However, the only "nice" shoes I own are black loafers. If these die, I'll need to replace them for work. I sure would love another pair of mary-janes.
  • work clothes, if additional items are needed. I'll be getting a new job at a university next year (currently at a middle school), and if my current work clothes are too shabby at any point, I'll need to upgrade. Unfortunately, Koreans really care about appearance.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2013, 01:32:03 AM »
Today I told a friend that I'd joined this challenge.

She laughed at me.

Now I HAVE to succeed!

Bought some (desperately needed) underwear and socks yesterday. Had a good look in my wardrobe and there are plenty of nice dresses there to wear, especially if I lose 5kg.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2013, 02:01:17 AM »
Yes, you CAN do it!
I lost 7.5 kg this year which has helped me stick to the clothes fast: my wardrobe options opened up quite a bit.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2013, 09:14:04 AM »
@happy, I'd love to hear how you lost the weight.  My clothing options would expand very nicely if I lost 10lbs - as it is I am down to a couple of pairs of trousers and a couple of skirts.  Everything else is very, very tight....


  • Bristles
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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2013, 10:09:11 AM »
I will cheer all of you on! I am not going to join this challenge this year as I am starting my first "suit" job since 10 years ago. I am a clothes underbuyer, and I truly hate clothes shopping. I had to force myself to buy a suit, coat, and some shoes to fit the business professional image, and will probably fill out the rest with thrift shop purchases in 2014.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2013, 10:52:47 AM »
Will be cheering from the sidelines! I have reached a stage where I work out a "uniform" every once in a while and just wear that over and over. Meaning one or two new items per season, because invariably something has worn out. This method is highly recommended if you're into fashion and have a good idea of what you like.
It's not always easy to sift out what is worth spending your hard earned money on. Clothing may end up being important to some people, and it may fall completely by the wayside for others. Just like anything else (computer games also comes to mind). Good luck everyone!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2013, 10:57:51 AM »
Project 333 helped me reduce clothing purchases in 2013. I've been doing a no clothes/no new clothes challenge since May. I purchased items maybe two times at thrift stores since May.

I'm not sure how far I'll get into 2014. Maybe I'll make it a full 12 months and stop in May. I'll think about it some more.

Good luck with the challenge. You will definitely see differently after you do this challenge for several months!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2013, 12:17:35 PM »
I'm in for 2013.  I will have to evaluate at the beginning of 2014 for 2014.  Rules are no new clothes, except:
  • A pair of work pants (I need to replace several worn out ones I just got rid of)
  • Up to 2 sweaters (I've been looking for ones I will like for 2 years.  I'm picky.  I don't anticipate using this exclusion)
  • A bathing suit (replacing the one that finally died), if I stumble across one out of season
  • Thrift store purchases.  I've only ever bought one thing once (largely due to inconvenience of getting there), so maybe this will encourage me to go there.

Note that underwear is NOT excepted.  I have plenty (thanks to Victoria's Secret for frequently sending me freebies, and the semi-annual sales for bras).

I specifically invite and request facepunches for buying any new dresses - in 2013 or 2014.  I tallied it up, and I added 50% more to my dress collection this year.  I bought *6* between May-Aug (all deals, on sale, but!), bringing my dress tally to 17 (although the collection at least does range back pretty far, to 1998 when in college and includes a hand-me-down).


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2013, 05:14:03 PM »
Note that underwear is NOT excepted.  I have plenty (thanks to Victoria's Secret for frequently sending me freebies, and the semi-annual sales for bras).

Bahaha! This is how I used to get underwear! But I moved to another country, so it's not an option now. The good thing about Victoria's Secret panties is that they actually are pretty nice--going strong with over two years of butthugging in many cases.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2013, 03:15:39 AM »
I lost 7.5 kg this year which has helped me stick to the clothes fast: my wardrobe options opened up quite a bit.

Happy, count me in as somebody who would love some inspiration from you about how you lost the weight :-) and I promise I won't tell you that you're insane/going to die/violating the natural order of things, or whatever it is that was going on in the weight loss thread.

I'm down about 7kg from my heaviest, which is great. But there's quite a bit more to go :-P so I might include that as something to mention occasionally in my journal as I (hopefully) progress along the chocolate-dotted path to my healthy weight goal.

Back on the clothes issue: I've done a good clear out of things I was honestly never going to wear again this afternoon. So much money wasted, especially considering how many items I bought at full price, from expensive shops, and wore a handful of times in total :-/ but better to get rid of them, move on and learn from those mistakes.

Going through my wardrobe confirmed just how much I have that I either need to mend, or that doesn't quite fit yet, to help me get through the 15 months.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2013, 08:22:26 AM »
It's a long story, but I HATE clothes shopping, so this one is not for me. I actually have to force myself to go buy decent clothes for life and work.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2013, 10:48:57 AM »
I'm in. I'm not a fan of clothes shopping anyway, but I do have a few things that I need to replace in a month or so. After that, I am fully set.

My husband and I spent months combing through our closet and chest of drawers, purging things that we've had since the early 90s, but never wear. I hold on to things because I hate the idea of re-buying something, but basically we had weighed our lives down by doing so. We could both do one more quick run through to purge more, replace a few necessary items, and make it through next year without shopping fairly easily.

Our one main exception will be that we may have to buy clothes for the kids once in a while. We have a pretty good stream of hand-me-downs for them, but our 12 year old daughter is growing like an out of control science experiment right now, so we may need to spend to keep her clothed.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2013, 09:09:21 PM »
Note that underwear is NOT excepted.  I have plenty (thanks to Victoria's Secret for frequently sending me freebies, and the semi-annual sales for bras).

Bahaha! This is how I used to get underwear! But I moved to another country, so it's not an option now. The good thing about Victoria's Secret panties is that they actually are pretty nice--going strong with over two years of butthugging in many cases.

My problem with Victoria's Secret panties is that the fit model clearly has a very different butt from me. They never fit right!

My favorite is the one-size fits all, because that pretty much guarantees it fits no one!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2013, 04:55:46 AM »
Note that underwear is NOT excepted.  I have plenty (thanks to Victoria's Secret for frequently sending me freebies, and the semi-annual sales for bras).

Bahaha! This is how I used to get underwear! But I moved to another country, so it's not an option now. The good thing about Victoria's Secret panties is that they actually are pretty nice--going strong with over two years of butthugging in many cases.

My problem with Victoria's Secret panties is that the fit model clearly has a very different butt from me. They never fit right!

I just tossed a few pairs of the standard VS bikini style because they were too tight in the thigh-hole :(

But I have lots of other VS panties that are lovely!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2013, 05:11:25 AM »
Damn, free underwear? That's almost worth moving to the US for...


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #32 on: September 30, 2013, 12:57:45 PM »
I'm in. 
My exceptions are:
Bras/underwear/socks/hosiery-I really need new bras and socks.  I also rarely wear pantyhose, but I might have to buy a pair if I have a formal presentation at work.
Shoes: I go through ~3 pairs of running shoes/year.  Supportive flats.  I've been looking for about 3 years now. 
Gifts: Usually receive clothing for Christmas from my parents and siblings. 


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2013, 05:11:09 PM »
Just curious since so many people mention them as exceptions: how long do the representative Mustachian women in this thread wear their bras before replacing them? And how many bras do you own? :S

I'm probably going on 9 years for the one I'm wearing now. I have one other too-tight, strapless option that I've had for maybe 5 years.

I keep telling myself I *should* get a new bra, but I probably won't until mine falls apart.


  • Bristles
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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #34 on: September 30, 2013, 06:16:20 PM »
I have about 12-14 bras right now, which is far too many. But I had boob reduction surgery just over a year ago, and I went from having GINORMOUS boobs that required these massive, specialized, old lady bras to being able to wear whatever I wanted.

So when Dillard's had their semi-annual sale, I stocked up. Most of the bras that I have were in the $65 range, marked down to $9.99.

I'm really unfussy about clothes, and will gladly wear the same jeans and a t-shirt for 15 years, but I'll admit that it does my heart good to finally be able to wear sassy underthings.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #35 on: September 30, 2013, 06:49:34 PM »
Just curious since so many people mention them as exceptions: how long do the representative Mustachian women in this thread wear their bras before replacing them? And how many bras do you own? :S

I'm probably going on 9 years for the one I'm wearing now. I have one other too-tight, strapless option that I've had for maybe 5 years.

I keep telling myself I *should* get a new bra, but I probably won't until mine falls apart.

Hard to say.  I know I have some still from mid-to-late college, 13-14 years ago eeks, but I don't tend to wear those much anymore.  Oldest, there is one from high school or early college that needs to be tossed because it's barely holding together.  I tell myself that every time I wear it (which generally because laundry desperately needs to be done) but continue to do so.  I didn't have many for a while, but I bought a few just before my wedding (1.5 years ago) and bought a bunch of new ones in January at the semi annual Victoria's Secret sale, so the newest are about 9 months old.

How many?  Probably too many, particularly considering I apparently don't get rid of them until they are worn out (or recently some super scratchy ones).


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #36 on: September 30, 2013, 09:39:48 PM »
I have 3 that I wear regularly (nude, satin, ~3 years old). One strapless. Two sports bras (<1 year old) One comfy one (6 yo)


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #37 on: October 01, 2013, 04:13:22 AM »
My bras usually last years...???5 years, don't know really. But occasionally I strike bad luck... I had one recently that the underwires kept coming didn't fit without them.. I tried several different repairs to keep them in to no avail, so I eventually gave up.. that one was probably less than 2 years old. Naturally won't buy that sort again.

Currently I have 2... wear one, wash one.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #38 on: October 01, 2013, 05:33:25 AM »
I have 3 bras (all identical), which are all under a year old at the moment. I try to buy a new bra every 6 months, and then throw out the scungiest of the ones I already have. This means on average each bra is in rotation for ~18months? And I have my absolutely zero bounce $100 sports bra. Yay.

I should join this challenge. I've spent $300 on clothes already this year!! But... but... willpower...
« Last Edit: October 01, 2013, 05:37:11 AM by Nudelkopf »


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2013, 06:46:35 AM »
Oh wow! I wish mine lasted that long! My body shape is still changing so I need to buy new ones every 6-12 months or they don't fit properly. I like to have 4 at any time plus a sports bra. I machine wash so can't get by with less than this (I am lazy!)

More generally for this challenge, I'm in with the people who want to start now, but I will still make two of my planned purchases (backpack and bikini) before officially commencing the challenge!

I'm worried about stuff breaking before the year is up, so I found some information that might be helpful to us all:

Bring on the challenge!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2013, 06:49:56 AM »
Quote from: HappierAtHome link=topic=9099.msg144115#msg144115 date=1380359739
Back on the clothes issue: I've done a good clear out of things I was honestly [i
never going to wear again [/i] this afternoon. So much money wasted, especially considering how many items I bought at full price, from expensive shops, and wore a handful of times in total :-/ but better to get rid of them, move on and learn from those mistakes.
Happier have you thought about ebay for these expensive mistakes? I moved up a clothing size when I was about 20 and had two years of nice adult clothes (including an "investment purchase" work suit) I had been buying thinking that I had stopped growing... I was able to recoup a lot of money this way.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2013, 07:48:39 AM »
Oh wow! I wish mine lasted that long!

I think a few of mine lasted that long because I have a whole lot more than 2-5 people are talking about here!  If I had that few, I'd be needing to replace a whole lot more frequently.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #42 on: October 01, 2013, 07:57:40 PM »
Happier have you thought about ebay for these expensive mistakes? I moved up a clothing size when I was about 20 and had two years of nice adult clothes (including an "investment purchase" work suit) I had been buying thinking that I had stopped growing... I was able to recoup a lot of money this way.

Huh. No, I had not, despite having sold on ebay quite a lot in the past. I think some items aren't in great condition (which makes the original purchase even more daft, why pay so much when the items will just fall apart?), but some should be good enough to sell. New project for the weekend!

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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #43 on: October 05, 2013, 06:39:06 AM »
I was trying to go a year (from July 2013 to July 2014) but caved and bought some nice new work pants (mine were all too big!). So I'll renew my original challenge to make it until July 2014 without buying any new clothes. I think the yearlong goal was too intimidating for me the first time, so I'll take it six months at a time for now.

I might make an exception for Halloween, as the holiday is huge among my group of friends and I don't have any costume worthy clothes currently. Goodwill will be my solution to that problem, though.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #44 on: October 05, 2013, 12:14:13 PM »

I might make an exception for Halloween, as the holiday is huge among my group of friends and I don't have any costume worthy clothes currently. Goodwill will be my solution to that problem, though.

I went as Velma from Scooby Doo a few years ago, and managed to score the PERFECT orange sweater turtleneck and the perfect reddish skirt at Goodwill for less than $2 each. Then I bought knee highs, dyed them orange, and wore red Mary Jane shoes that I'd had for years and years.
It was a huge hit. Goodwill is perfect for Halloween (and other times, too).


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #45 on: October 05, 2013, 09:33:00 PM »
I'm in.  And, I am throwing my kids in, too! (Ready or not!) ...and I'll start right now...before CHRISTMAS!

Remember everyday set, and the Sunday set?  There wasn't usually a 3rd set?

We have more than that, so I'm good!
Great challenge!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #46 on: October 12, 2013, 08:53:10 AM »
^Yes, I think about that.

My employment involves people from all over the world.  It amazes me how much more clothing I have than many people, and by American standards I don't have a big pile.  I went on a week long business trip with a non-American colleague who only brought a small carry on bag with him.  He told me with delight that he had bought a new shirt just for the trip and it was in the bag.  Based upon the size of the bag, I'd venture that it had only that one shirt, some underwear/socks, and possibly one extra pair of pants or a tshirt.  And then I thought about it and realized that I could only recall this guy wearing two different shirts. . . ever.  Different strokes.


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #47 on: October 12, 2013, 08:32:12 PM »
I think Europeans are generally into quality over quantity but that's extreme! Thinking about this challenge I started counting some of my clothes... then I gave up because it just seemed like too much effort! And the funny thing is I have a lot less clothes than many of my female friends, and by and large my female friends seem to be on the frugal side. (My saving grace has always been the lack of built in wardrobes in my house, those little ikea things don't hold much!) So I am in for sure... I've now got the backpack and the bikini that I needed so I'm on day two of the challenge... 363 days to go! (Or more... not sure if I am doing a year or through to the end of 2014... I'm not 100% sure everything will last til the end of 2014 so I will take it as it comes). LOL.
Knowing the challenge was imminent I have been thinking a lot more about what I do have and have been making a conscious effort to make different outfits out of what I have. I was totally stoked when my coworker complemented my outfit the other day :) I've already made four never worn before outfits up to wear to work next week! I think getting creative with what I have is going to be fun!
I also think this challenge is going to encourage me to buy less low quality fast fashion when I do finally start shopping again, which is good for the environment and (hopefully) good for my budget. Because I'm sitting here, fingers crossed that most of my stuff will see me through the year, but I somehow don't think it will. I really shouldn't buy stuff that I don't even think will last one year :(

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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #48 on: October 14, 2013, 06:31:45 PM »
I like the idea of this challenge, but I'm working through project 333 and with a style workbook from :) Good luck everyone!


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Re: No Clothes Shopping in 2014
« Reply #49 on: October 15, 2013, 12:17:46 AM »
Fun with punctuation...

Anybody else read the thread title as 'no-clothes shopping'?


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!