Dear BBub,
Congratulations on your succes!
However, your use of the word "haters" is most troubling...
Would you believe there are people who focus on "killing" the mortgage at the expense of retirement saving? Some don't even save enough to get their employer's full match! The years they choose not to fund every retirement option available to them can never be regained. Some people don't realize the magic of compound interest, understand the power of inflation or the concept of using leverage to create wealth.
At the very heart of Mustachianism is the concept of deploying every green soldier optimally. The earlier one stocks up the investment accounts, the fewer actual dollars it will take to FIRE. The later one starts, the more soldiers are required. Prioritizing repaying a low-interest, fixed rate mortgage before other savings/investments is sub optimal.
People who endeavor to teach this message are LOVERS, not haters. They want to see all of their fellow mustachians reach their dreams as efficiently as possible. They seek for all to understand that sequencing has a huge impact on FIRE dates, and help them make optimal choices. For some, their COLA-to-income-ratio is low enough that the impact of sub-optimal prioritization is less significant. For others, the effect is far more pronounced. We would consider our work a complete success if people just understood the tradeoffs.
Most people will not really feel the impact of their choices until many years hence. How sad to be old, trapped in a paid-off house, yet live in fear of taxes, utilities and the need for a new roof. Better to assure there is enough to provide well for one's future self now, while the ability to earn, learn and invest is comparatively effortless.
BBub, it looks like you are one of the smart and lucky ones who was able to do both, and for that, you are to be heartily and sincerely congratulated. To the people who think the elation of paying off a mortgage lasts forever, I propose that there is an even better, more lasting love out there. Just wait until you experience the thrill of your investments earning more than you ever did in your career! Imagine getting a paycheck with no effort! That's the everlasting miracle of compound interest.
It can happen for everyone who saves a relatively small amount of money, the earlier the better, investing it well and watching it compound astronomically with time. That, my friends, is the opposite of hate. It is called spreading the Love. We will keep doggedly sharing the message until its benefits are common knowledge to all. ♡♡♡♡♡
Kudos to you, BBub, and everyone else who is willing to learn how to make the best choices on the path to FIRE.
Kindest regards,