Not me, but DH. Our new homeowner's company sent us a notice of non-renewal, due to moss on the roof and a tree that had branches growing over the roof. The tree is a lovely Monterey Ash and there is no way we were getting rid of it, so DH has been standing on the roof trimming branches bit by bit for weeks. Next he's been scrubbing and power washing the moss off the roof in between rainstorms. He then used a weed sprayer to apply nine gallons of sodium hypochlorite. The insurance company wanted a video of the roof, but the file was too big. "Take pictures" they said, and DH made yet another trip up the ladder.
We just got a call from our broker. The insurance company has agreed to write a new policy, yippee! Now to see what they charge us.
BTW, sodium hypochlorite is also known as bleach. OMG, that shit has gotten expensive! The cheapest price we could find was $2.49 for a half gallon. We had to go to two stores to get enough. I hate the waste of 18 plastic jugs almost as much as I hate the fact that power washing the roof shortens its life-span - ack! The irony is that it's hot enough here in summertime the sun kills the moss naturally. But nooooooo, the insurance company wanted it done now. Ugh.
Yay for Mr. Dicey for doing that wet, difficult, dirty, boring, buck-saving busywork!