That formula is close. I believe it's $31,110 per taxpayer, so I used =IF($B$2=1,MAX(-B11-E11,-31110),MAX(-B11-E11,-31110)*2).
The standard deduction is $2,980 for 2023 (double for MFJ).
For 2023, a $74,000 tIRA withdrawal, $7,200 pension, and $33,600 SS benefit ($28,560 of which is taxable), federal AGI is $109,760. With the above formula in place, KY taxable income is $47,110 ($110,760 - $28,560 - $31,110 - $2,980). I'm not a CPA, so happy to be corrected if needed.
So glad I found this website, it is awesome. I'm actually a financial advisor and I've been building my own tax spreadsheet on and off for about 3 years. This one absolutely blows mine out of the water! So grateful to have found it.