Tap-cold with a soak, little detergent, line dry (followed by a couple minutes on tumble if something's really crunchy, but I rarely bother.) A cup of vinegar or oxyclean occasionally, for smelly or stained loads.
Stuff comes out clean, & for exactly the reasons Malcat said, there's no real stress about normal bacterial loads. Remember that detergent itself is rough on microbes (including covid-19), and the hot water line into your washing machine is cooler than would cook most nasty bacteria anyway so there's no advantage in treating them to the jacuzzi setting. If it's really befouled and needs sanitizing, that's when bleach might be a good choice. Otherwise, UV sanitizes & wind softens for free if you can dry things outdoors; the longevity of your wardrobe will thank you, if the carbon implications or financial savings don't speak loudly enough.
Running the dishwasher usually follows loading the dishwasher in my household, so I just rinse bigger particles off in the sink with the hot tap as I load the washer, & then any delicate stemware/ my hands get washed, so the dishwasher will be using actually-hot water anyway. Even the minimum settings get things pretty spotless as a result.