Author Topic: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig  (Read 2175102 times)


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #6450 on: April 29, 2024, 12:33:19 PM »
Yes, I add my children to increase their credit scores.  Easy and no cost way to quickly get them credit history.  I started when they were teenagers and about to apply for college loans. 
They also got their first credit cards as teenagers to be used as gas cards. 

I found out later that a lot of their friends were having trouble because they were starting a credit history at college.

This makes a lot of sense and is much better than co-signing. The friend I'm thinking of has a partner's sports-betting induced bankruptcy on their record, so I'm not sure a few cards would help much though.

Just another few cases here of how loosely correlated being good with money is with credit score.

Car Jack

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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #6451 on: April 30, 2024, 04:11:19 PM »
The downside of adding your kids is if you happen to tradeline the card.  My Chase card was on both my sons and I was selling tradelines on it.  Chase decided to do a random audit and shut down my card.  My older son had a 50 point hit on his credit.  Only 10 for me.  So that could happen if you're not careful.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Just had one of my Amex authorized users request a card UPS to their address (which is not on file).    Cancelled it right away and let the TL company know but something to be aware of can happen with clueless Amex reps.  I've sold hundreds of Amex spots and this has happened twice.


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Just had one of my Amex authorized users request a card UPS to their address (which is not on file).    Cancelled it right away and let the TL company know but something to be aware of can happen with clueless Amex reps.  I've sold hundreds of Amex spots and this has happened twice.
How were you alerted to this? By email?


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Yup.  Email saying we're mailing your new card.  Phone rep said my AU lost their card so they could send her one, lol.

Just had one of my Amex authorized users request a card UPS to their address (which is not on file).    Cancelled it right away and let the TL company know but something to be aware of can happen with clueless Amex reps.  I've sold hundreds of Amex spots and this has happened twice.
How were you alerted to this? By email?


  • Bristles
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Yup.  Email saying we're mailing your new card.  Phone rep said my AU lost their card so they could send her one, lol.

Just had one of my Amex authorized users request a card UPS to their address (which is not on file).    Cancelled it right away and let the TL company know but something to be aware of can happen with clueless Amex reps.  I've sold hundreds of Amex spots and this has happened twice.
How were you alerted to this? By email?

AmEx permits (or requires) the AU to have that kind of authority? How does that work?

I know that a lot of companies sell AmEx for the high credit limit and nothing more, since the fact that they don't report credit age could potentially (and unknowingly) distort or even pull down the average account age for some buyers. However, I never knew AmEx allowed authorized users to access the account  and/or request their own new card without the permission of the primary.

Any other card companies with a history of "occasionally making this accident?

How can a customer service rep "oops" that and give an AU access unless they require that authority to be held by the AU as I questioned in my first sentence?


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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They're not supposed to permit AUs to do that but a low paid uninformed phone rep may allow it.  And most AUs wouldn't even try.  But there are some bad actors out there.   A good reminder to set spending limits so even if they're successful it won't matter.  First Amex AU that tried this I froze the card and they called, unfroze it and then tried to buy 8k of fireworks (which was declined).

Seems like CapitalOne it's a risk too.  Anywhere where reps might be clueless.  So everywhere?   Though Discover seems to always have competent people when I call.


  • Bristles
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They're not supposed to permit AUs to do that but a low paid uninformed phone rep may allow it.  And most AUs wouldn't even try.  But there are some bad actors out there.   A good reminder to set spending limits so even if they're successful it won't matter.  First Amex AU that tried this I froze the card and they called, unfroze it and then tried to buy 8k of fireworks (which was declined).

Seems like CapitalOne it's a risk too.  Anywhere where reps might be clueless.  So everywhere?   Though Discover seems to always have competent people when I call.

I can understand that a new or uninformed rep might make a mistake or not understand something. What I can't understand is that AmEx's own system actually allows the rep permissions to access/view the account based on their personal info alone, without the consent of the primary cardholder.

My only guess is that this must be somewhere in their user agreement or policy, that an AmEx AU is allowed to request their own card and/or allowed account access. Super bad practice. Most of the time you'd get an answer like "even if I wanted to, the system won't allow me to make these changes"...

Says a lot about AmEx. Capital one customer service is the next worse IMO, you're right about that. At least when speaking of the commonly accepted cards. Wells Fargo was even worse than AmEx and Capital One combined.

Anyway that sucks. And yes there are some bad actors out there and I guess some of them might seek to prey on AmeX tradeline sellers. This is where buyer screening plays a big role.


  • Bristles
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They're not supposed to permit AUs to do that but a low paid uninformed phone rep may allow it.  And most AUs wouldn't even try.  But there are some bad actors out there.   A good reminder to set spending limits so even if they're successful it won't matter.  First Amex AU that tried this I froze the card and they called, unfroze it and then tried to buy 8k of fireworks (which was declined).

Seems like CapitalOne it's a risk too.  Anywhere where reps might be clueless.  So everywhere?   Though Discover seems to always have competent people when I call.

LMAO at $8k of fireworks... They weren't even trying to buy something they could resell. They just genuinely wanted to have a good time! Crazy.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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LMAO at $8k of fireworks... They weren't even trying to buy something they could resell. They just genuinely wanted to have a good time! Crazy.
I think a common thread with people who buy Tradeline’s is that their purchases in general are not well thought out.

Mr. Metal Mustache

  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Perhaps it is already addressed somewhere but I did not see it. With good company can you also list your spouses card under your existing one (with their permission and knowledge of course) or do you have to create an entire account for them too?


  • Walrus Stache
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Perhaps it is already addressed somewhere but I did not see it. With good company can you also list your spouses card under your existing one (with their permission and knowledge of course) or do you have to create an entire account for them too?

Not 100% sure but I think Good Company would require you both to have separate accounts.  The earnings from each spouse should be tracked separately because there are tax implications with regards to Social Security benefits and self employment taxes, as well as corner cases where the individual earnings might have tax implications (MFS and IBR / PAYE type stuff, or divorce).  Plus it's just cleaner and more straightforward to track stuff that way.


  • Handlebar Stache
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I think a common thread with people who buy Tradeline’s is that their purchases in general are not well thought out.

Yes, that's why they need to fix their credit in the first place.


  • Handlebar Stache
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They're not supposed to permit AUs to do that but a low paid uninformed phone rep may allow it.  And most AUs wouldn't even try.  But there are some bad actors out there.   A good reminder to set spending limits so even if they're successful it won't matter.  First Amex AU that tried this I froze the card and they called, unfroze it and then tried to buy 8k of fireworks (which was declined).

Seems like CapitalOne it's a risk too.  Anywhere where reps might be clueless.  So everywhere?   Though Discover seems to always have competent people when I call.

Good news, gang!  Capital One is buying Discover so Discover will stink soon, too :)


  • Stubble
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Hey guys, I have a Citi already enrolled with the good company. I have just seasoned another Citi that’s just over 2 years. I missed enrollment but now they can add it but they did say there is more risk to closure with 2 cards enrolled from same company. Should I take the chance and enroll the new Citi. I feel the chance of closure is less than say Chase.


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Perhaps it is already addressed somewhere but I did not see it. With good company can you also list your spouses card under your existing one (with their permission and knowledge of course) or do you have to create an entire account for them too?
Yes, my spouse's cards are under my account.  I should have listed them under her name so the income retirement benefit would be hers.  I'm in the process of closing my account and shifting all cards to her account.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Perhaps it is already addressed somewhere but I did not see it. With good company can you also list your spouses card under your existing one (with their permission and knowledge of course) or do you have to create an entire account for them too?

Check w/ the good rep from the good company to be sure.  However, I am pretty sure she told me it was up to us.  I have had them under a single account for many years so my memory may be fuzzy or the rules may have changed.


  • Walrus Stache
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Quick question: I'm in the process of transitioning from one company to another and have a few 'trailing' tradelines with 'old' company that I'm just waiting to roll-off before fully transitioning over.

I originally communicated to the new company that come May I expect to have almost all my spots open except one but old company appears to be stalling a bit with responses - he's telling me that 2 of the AUs may decide to renew but I think I have the option of just dropping them. The new company is aware of all this and is basically just waiting for me to give them the green light to open up more spots to sell on their site.

I was curious how many days I should give the 'old' company to figure out whether the tradelines are going to be renew before I just drop those AUs and let the 'new' company know the spots have opened? I feel like if I keep asking the guy to update me, he may just let it linger and not get back to me since I'm 'low priority'

Should I just move forward with dropping those AUs (they have been paid out already for the previous term) at this point?
« Last Edit: May 06, 2024, 06:46:01 PM by jeromedawg »


  • Handlebar Stache
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Quick question: I'm in the process of transitioning from one company to another and have a few 'trailing' tradelines with 'old' company that I'm just waiting to roll-off before fully transitioning over.

I originally communicated to the new company that come May I expect to have almost all my spots open except one but old company appears to be stalling a bit with responses - he's telling me that 2 of the AUs may decide to renew but I think I have the option of just dropping them. The new company is aware of all this and is basically just waiting for me to give them the green light to open up more spots to sell on their site.

I was curious how many days I should give the 'old' company to figure out whether the tradelines are going to be renew before I just drop those AUs and let the 'new' company know the spots have opened? I feel like if I keep asking the guy to update me, he may just let it linger and not get back to me since I'm 'low priority'

Should I just move forward with dropping those AUs (they have been paid out already for the previous term) at this point?

I thought everyone gave up on the new/bad company. What compelled you to pursue them? :D


  • Walrus Stache
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Quick question: I'm in the process of transitioning from one company to another and have a few 'trailing' tradelines with 'old' company that I'm just waiting to roll-off before fully transitioning over.

I originally communicated to the new company that come May I expect to have almost all my spots open except one but old company appears to be stalling a bit with responses - he's telling me that 2 of the AUs may decide to renew but I think I have the option of just dropping them. The new company is aware of all this and is basically just waiting for me to give them the green light to open up more spots to sell on their site.

I was curious how many days I should give the 'old' company to figure out whether the tradelines are going to be renew before I just drop those AUs and let the 'new' company know the spots have opened? I feel like if I keep asking the guy to update me, he may just let it linger and not get back to me since I'm 'low priority'

Should I just move forward with dropping those AUs (they have been paid out already for the previous term) at this point?

I thought everyone gave up on the new/bad company. What compelled you to pursue them? :D

I think this is a different "new" company. Hahahha, sorry for the confusion but I was using "old" and "new" in my own specific context (I probably should have said "Company B" and "Company A" instead lol)


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I was one of the 100 million victims of the ATT data breach (although I haven't been their customer for over a decade...) and got an offer to sign up for Experian's IdentityWorks for credit monitoring etc. I assume signing up would not affect selling tradelines but I thought I'd ask just in case.
Any potential drawbacks?


  • Handlebar Stache
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I was one of the 100 million victims of the ATT data breach (although I haven't been their customer for over a decade...) and got an offer to sign up for Experian's IdentityWorks for credit monitoring etc. I assume signing up would not affect selling tradelines but I thought I'd ask just in case.
Any potential drawbacks?

Credit monitor has absolutely nothing to do with selling tradelines.


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Amber, if you're listening... this isn't sketchy. It's also not "technically illegal" or unethical. It's just using the system the way it was designed.
view it free here


  • Handlebar Stache
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Amber, if you're listening... this isn't sketchy. It's also not "technically illegal" or unethical. It's just using the system the way it was designed.
view it free here

Well, I guess now we know of some more companies. I know Keith the Wealthy Accountant has been using TradelineSupply the whole time.


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Amber, if you're listening... this isn't sketchy. It's also not "technically illegal" or unethical. It's just using the system the way it was designed.
view it free here

Well, I guess now we know of some more companies. I know Keith the Wealthy Accountant has been using TradelineSupply the whole time.

Yeah, they're the ones that offered me six figures to endorse them here, but I wasn't comfortable with some of their business practices. They're very commonly recommended by the FIRE bloggers because of the commissions/referral fees they pay. IMO bieng FI is exactly why you're able to turn down offers like that, but not everyone feels that way.

I spoke with Keith about it (we've met several times), but he wasn't concerned with the same things I was. To each his own.
I am a former teacher who accumulated a bunch of real estate, retired at 29, spent some time traveling the world full time and am now settled with three kids.
If you want to know more about me, this Business Insider profile tells the story pretty well.
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  • Handlebar Stache
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Amber, if you're listening... this isn't sketchy. It's also not "technically illegal" or unethical. It's just using the system the way it was designed.
view it free here

Well, I guess now we know of some more companies. I know Keith the Wealthy Accountant has been using TradelineSupply the whole time.

Yeah, they're the ones that offered me six figures to endorse them here, but I wasn't comfortable with some of their business practices. They're very commonly recommended by the FIRE bloggers because of the commissions/referral fees they pay. IMO bieng FI is exactly why you're able to turn down offers like that, but not everyone feels that way.

I spoke with Keith about it (we've met several times), but he wasn't concerned with the same things I was. To each his own.

Wow! That's crazy. But they can only afford to pay the TikTok woman featured $40 for her line.


  • Bristles
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Amber, if you're listening... this isn't sketchy. It's also not "technically illegal" or unethical. It's just using the system the way it was designed.
view it free here

These people are retarded. Sketchy, "not technically illegal but.." But what?

Wanna know what's sketchy? I deposit my cash into a bank, and they create 3 or 4 (or who knows how many) dollars that don't even exist from each one I deposit. Then they lend that "fake money" to people so they can profit on the interest, or use it to profit from other financial instruments. That's pretty fucking sketchy. Almost every major bank out there is technically insolvent.

Of the millions of people reading that article, a percentage of them will be checking deeper into what tradelines are and sign up. There's no such thing as bad publicity.

I wouldn't even be surprised if Tradeline Supply paid to get that article published to try a hard reverse marketing tactic. If so, they're probably in for an upset because anyone who tries to buy or sell with them will quickly feel sketched out the minute they demand their Credit Karma logins.


  • Bristles
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Quick question: I'm in the process of transitioning from one company to another and have a few 'trailing' tradelines with 'old' company that I'm just waiting to roll-off before fully transitioning over.

I originally communicated to the new company that come May I expect to have almost all my spots open except one but old company appears to be stalling a bit with responses - he's telling me that 2 of the AUs may decide to renew but I think I have the option of just dropping them. The new company is aware of all this and is basically just waiting for me to give them the green light to open up more spots to sell on their site.

I was curious how many days I should give the 'old' company to figure out whether the tradelines are going to be renew before I just drop those AUs and let the 'new' company know the spots have opened? I feel like if I keep asking the guy to update me, he may just let it linger and not get back to me since I'm 'low priority'

Should I just move forward with dropping those AUs (they have been paid out already for the previous term) at this point?

I thought everyone gave up on the new/bad company. What compelled you to pursue them? :D

Let me guess (I'm not great as guessing though):

He's probably looking to get paid on time, if ever, or, actually sell his cards within a reasonable window so he can earn money.


  • Walrus Stache
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They're not supposed to permit AUs to do that but a low paid uninformed phone rep may allow it.  And most AUs wouldn't even try.  But there are some bad actors out there.   A good reminder to set spending limits so even if they're successful it won't matter.  First Amex AU that tried this I froze the card and they called, unfroze it and then tried to buy 8k of fireworks (which was declined).

Seems like CapitalOne it's a risk too.  Anywhere where reps might be clueless.  So everywhere?   Though Discover seems to always have competent people when I call.

Good news, gang!  Capital One is buying Discover so Discover will stink soon, too :)

Ughh… one of TL companies just brought this up :(

Practically, what does this *really* mean? Higher chances of your card(s) getting shut down?

Michael in ABQ

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Amber, if you're listening... this isn't sketchy. It's also not "technically illegal" or unethical. It's just using the system the way it was designed.
view it free here

Thanks for the non-paywall link. I saw this earlier and assumed it was about tradelines but couldn't read it.

This probably means more supply of tradelines for sale and fewer sales - though I'm glad the article downplayed how much you can get paid. Maybe not as many people will be tempted to try.


  • Handlebar Stache
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There are several things I'd like to say but I won't because apparently there are some dumbass tiktokers and journalists lurking here.

Btw any chance we can make this thread available to registered forum members only, like the journals?
« Last Edit: May 08, 2024, 10:42:02 AM by Padonak »


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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There are several things I'd like to say but I won't because apparently there are some dumbass tiktokers and journalists lurking here.

Btw any chance we can make this thread available to registered forum members only, like the journals?

Yeah, maybe restrict the publicly available threads only to those referencing “New company”.


  • Bristles
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There are several things I'd like to say but I won't because apparently there are some dumbass tiktokers and journalists lurking here.

Btw any chance we can make this thread available to registered forum members only, like the journals?

I went right for the "view free" link since I figured their must be a paywall.

At the paywall link, here's one of the things Forbes says while trying to get you to pay to read:

"Become a member and unlock exclusive access to diverse, in-depth journalism not available anywhere else. Join a community of visionaries, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who shape the world."

After having seen how pathetic the piece of "journalism" actually was, I began wondering if they even understand the definition of "visionary". Then I began wondering how many people actually pay to read that bullshit every month.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2024, 02:33:16 PM by WayDownSouth »


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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I've been looking into selling tradelines for a while and almost go sucked into TS. Could someone kindly PM me the list of reputable companies? Thanks.


  • Walrus Stache
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I've been looking into selling tradelines for a while and almost go sucked into TS. Could someone kindly PM me the list of reputable companies? Thanks.

PM sent.


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They're not supposed to permit AUs to do that but a low paid uninformed phone rep may allow it.  And most AUs wouldn't even try.  But there are some bad actors out there.   A good reminder to set spending limits so even if they're successful it won't matter.  First Amex AU that tried this I froze the card and they called, unfroze it and then tried to buy 8k of fireworks (which was declined).

Seems like CapitalOne it's a risk too.  Anywhere where reps might be clueless.  So everywhere?   Though Discover seems to always have competent people when I call.

Good news, gang!  Capital One is buying Discover so Discover will stink soon, too :)

Ughh… one of TL companies just brought this up :(

Practically, what does this *really* mean? Higher chances of your card(s) getting shut down?

I would say shut down risk is unchanged.  Neither company is the best for TLs.

I would expect at some point Discover's great customer service will become less.  I would love to be wrong.  Maybe the Discover customer service folks will fix C1's deficiencies.  Something to keep an eye on if you have those cards and/or sell TLs on them, in my opinion, is all.


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I have a TD Bank Target card that is old enough but the CL is not high enough.

Fair to say that I haven't used the card much at all.  I got it ~2.5 years ago and have only used it a handful of times.

I think I've asked for a CL increase a few times and been declined.  I think they rightly assess that someone who spends $5 every year on their card and has 21 other cards with $400K+ in CLs doesn't need a $10K+ limit on their card.

I could switch my daily spending from my Fidelity 2% cash back card to the Target card in hopes that they'll raise the limit.  That would obviously give up the 2% on my spending during that time.  I direct my 2% to my Fidelity HSA, so with the tax benefits it's about a 2.5% cash back card I think.

Anyone have any data points on getting the Target card to get a $10K+ CL in order to sell tradelines?


  • Handlebar Stache
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I have a TD Bank Target card that is old enough but the CL is not high enough.

Fair to say that I haven't used the card much at all.  I got it ~2.5 years ago and have only used it a handful of times.

I think I've asked for a CL increase a few times and been declined.  I think they rightly assess that someone who spends $5 every year on their card and has 21 other cards with $400K+ in CLs doesn't need a $10K+ limit on their card.

I could switch my daily spending from my Fidelity 2% cash back card to the Target card in hopes that they'll raise the limit.  That would obviously give up the 2% on my spending during that time.  I direct my 2% to my Fidelity HSA, so with the tax benefits it's about a 2.5% cash back card I think.

Anyone have any data points on getting the Target card to get a $10K+ CL in order to sell tradelines?

I don't think the "tax benefits" are relevant. You can continue to contribute whatever $$ you want to your HSA.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Yes, I add my children to increase their credit scores.  Easy and no cost way to quickly get them credit history.  I started when they were teenagers and about to apply for college loans. 
They also got their first credit cards as teenagers to be used as gas cards. 

I found out later that a lot of their friends were having trouble because they were starting a credit history at college.
My 6 year old has $12,000 credit lines between my Goodyear Citi Visa and CFNA Firestone Mastercard.


  • Bristles
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Yes, I add my children to increase their credit scores.  Easy and no cost way to quickly get them credit history.  I started when they were teenagers and about to apply for college loans. 
They also got their first credit cards as teenagers to be used as gas cards. 

I found out later that a lot of their friends were having trouble because they were starting a credit history at college.
My 6 year old has $12,000 credit lines between my Goodyear Citi Visa and CFNA Firestone Mastercard.

The Forbes people would blow a fuse if they heard that one!


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anyone have issues with Discover AUs disappearing?

I added an AU last week and everything proceeded normally. then I got an email from discover "reminding" me to finish adding my AU.

I log onto their website and to find that the AU i had previously added had completely disappeared. I try to add again but it will not recognize the AUs SS# as a valid number.

I figured I must not have finished adding the AU, which is odd. Because I have an email to the tradeline company to tell them I successfully added it, and I would not have done that until after completing the process.

Fast forward to today, and I actually received the AU's card in the mail. So I DID add it, but it is nowhere to be found on their website.


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Just replying to add a data point that while I added two discover AUs about two months ago, I didn't have any issues with doing so, and they remained on there until I removed them recently.
I am a former teacher who accumulated a bunch of real estate, retired at 29, spent some time traveling the world full time and am now settled with three kids.
If you want to know more about me, this Business Insider profile tells the story pretty well.
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  • Walrus Stache
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    • Age of Eon - Overwatch player videos
I always order cards for my AUs, although I suspect it isn't necessary.

I did have one Discover AU where the card never arrived at my address about two months ago.  But everything else went smoothly with that AU, so I ascribed it to the USPS losing it in the mail, which has happened a few times over the past six months or so with mail in general in my experience.

As a general trend, and this is not Discover-specific, I have noticed some CC companies adding steps to complete *after* I enter all the AU information on the website.  Things like please enter the three digit code on the back of the card, or please press the "Yes, I *really* want to add this AU" button.  Seems to be more a general security feature, but it's easy to see the "AU added" message, assume everything is cool, and close out the window before doing the final final step.  So now my practice is to watch carefully to avoid this mistake.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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  • Posts: 7
After just selling 2 spots on one card I am already getting questions by the CC company. Im fairly certain they are going to close my card down, I have two other cards with this company... I am only apprehensive to mention their name because for all I know they read these forums.

If I were to close down the account before they did does anyone know if that would stop the further investigation from them and possibly allow me to preserve my two other cards with them? Wishful thinking?

I basically told them both times that yes those people are legit, but I have no time to talk and goodbye. I thought I was in the clear with them because the first call was probably a month ago, but just received another.

I have yet to read a comment on here of someone getting away once questioned from this bank. Thanks for any input.


  • Pencil Stache
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  • Age: 30
  • Location: NH
After just selling 2 spots on one card I am already getting questions by the CC company. Im fairly certain they are going to close my card down, I have two other cards with this company... I am only apprehensive to mention their name because for all I know they read these forums.

If I were to close down the account before they did does anyone know if that would stop the further investigation from them and possibly allow me to preserve my two other cards with them? Wishful thinking?

I basically told them both times that yes those people are legit, but I have no time to talk and goodbye. I thought I was in the clear with them because the first call was probably a month ago, but just received another.

I have yet to read a comment on here of someone getting away once questioned from this bank. Thanks for any input.

You have to accept the fact going into this that you are essentially playing with fire. And be willing to lose not only the card in TL use but also any cards you have associated with that bank.

When I got a few calls from the bank it was more like a security check. i.e. Hello, we saw there was a person added as an AU to your account. Can you confirm this is legitimate? To that I would just answer with a cheerful yes, I added so and so on X date. I did authorize that, and thanks for checking in. I appreciate how you value my security. Hope you have a great rest of your day!

They didn't ask questions after that. No need to act suspect or nervous about it. I doubt they'd ask the reason behind it or for more information about the person. If they did, I would just be prepared to say it's a colleague or business associate in a simplistic and cheerful tone.

The only time I had a card closed by the bank is when the AU themself called into the bank (still scratching my head why they would do that after signing up for a TL service). I still got paid and the rep from old company perma banned them from the platform. Oh well, it was a basic Elan card with no rewards on it. It was a good run while it lasted.


  • Pencil Stache
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  • Age: 30
  • Location: NH
Hmm...earlier this year I upped my Barclays credit limit to $25k and haven't had a sale since. This brought the commission schedule from $125 to $175 but again I haven't had any sales. Do upper credit limit cards not sell as well?

They were coming in pretty consistently when the credit limit was lower. 2 AU slots every few months. Anyone have any insight?


  • Handlebar Stache
  • *****
  • Posts: 1083
After just selling 2 spots on one card I am already getting questions by the CC company. Im fairly certain they are going to close my card down, I have two other cards with this company... I am only apprehensive to mention their name because for all I know they read these forums.

If I were to close down the account before they did does anyone know if that would stop the further investigation from them and possibly allow me to preserve my two other cards with them? Wishful thinking?

I basically told them both times that yes those people are legit, but I have no time to talk and goodbye. I thought I was in the clear with them because the first call was probably a month ago, but just received another.

I have yet to read a comment on here of someone getting away once questioned from this bank. Thanks for any input.

Which CC company? Each company is different. It ranges from not caring about excessive AU activity at all to shutting your account down after you add a few.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
  • *
  • Posts: 7
After just selling 2 spots on one card I am already getting questions by the CC company. Im fairly certain they are going to close my card down, I have two other cards with this company... I am only apprehensive to mention their name because for all I know they read these forums.

If I were to close down the account before they did does anyone know if that would stop the further investigation from them and possibly allow me to preserve my two other cards with them? Wishful thinking?

I basically told them both times that yes those people are legit, but I have no time to talk and goodbye. I thought I was in the clear with them because the first call was probably a month ago, but just received another.

I have yet to read a comment on here of someone getting away once questioned from this bank. Thanks for any input.

Which CC company? Each company is different. It ranges from not caring about excessive AU activity at all to shutting your account down after you add a few.



  • Walrus Stache
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  • Age: 55
  • Location: Boise, Idaho
  • Big cattle, no hat.
    • Age of Eon - Overwatch player videos
Hmm...earlier this year I upped my Barclays credit limit to $25k and haven't had a sale since. This brought the commission schedule from $125 to $175 but again I haven't had any sales. Do upper credit limit cards not sell as well?

They were coming in pretty consistently when the credit limit was lower. 2 AU slots every few months. Anyone have any insight?

I've noticed that some of my cards consistently sell better than others, and there isn't any rhyme or reason to it that I can see.  It doesn't seem to be correlated with the CL/commission - I have low limit cards that sell well and others that don't; some of my high CL cards sell well and others don't.  This non-pattern has been a pattern for several years for me.

I do somewhat prefer higher CL sales because it's more money for the same amount of work, and I have a personal hassle factor dollar limit that some of my AU cards are barely above at the moment.  But I've got my system down and as long as the income per time/hassle factor is good enough I'll continue.