Author Topic: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig  (Read 2180001 times)


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Probably too late to help, secondcor521, but let us know what you ended up doing.  :)

I think you're right in that they didn't coordinate old sales with the portal, so they may have oversold your card.

@Malaysia41: That's really weird.  Mine is showing just fine.
I am a former teacher who accumulated a bunch of real estate, retired at 29, spent some time traveling the world full time and am now settled with three kids.
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Regarding bofa - I believe I figured it out. They must conditionally pare down the links when the page loads - dependind on where a person is browsing from. US - all the links. Italy - fewer links.

This morning, my Hola VPN was throwing errors so I logged on to Bofa without it. Just now, I found that Hola VPN was working, so I tried Bofa with VPN and voila - the Add Authorized Users link shows up - just like yours.

Thanks for chiming in with your observations. I'm feeling a bit skittish on the BofA so I appreciate your input.

Issue resolved. Ciao.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Just had my first two adds!

The call to Citi went well. It was easy to give the name, SSN, DOB, and address.

There was a slight hickup when I asked that the cards be sent to me, instead of the new AU. The rep put me on hold while he checked if he could do that. When he came back, he said, "no problem". I logged on to Citi's website, and the new AUs were already listed there, all information correct. There was even an note that clarified the cards would be coming to me, not to the new AU.

Early in the call, when the rep was verifying my identity, he asked for the "member since" date on the front of the card, and the CVV number on the back.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Just had my first two adds!

The call to Citi went well. It was easy to give the name, SSN, DOB, and address.

There was a slight hickup when I asked that the cards be sent to me, instead of the new AU. The rep put me on hold while he checked if he could do that. When he came back, he said, "no problem". I logged on to Citi's website, and the new AUs were already listed there, all information correct. There was even an note that clarified the cards would be coming to me, not to the new AU.

Early in the call, when the rep was verifying my identity, he asked for the "member since" date on the front of the card, and the CVV number on the back.
Congrats on your sales solon! Do you mind me asking if you can view both of your recently added AUs at Citi's website? I recently had my first two adds and only the first is visible to me online yet I received confirmation that both were successfully added.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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My credit score is great, but are there any requirements for keeping your credit score above a certain level or limiting the number of credit cards you can open? Just curious because I typically open a couple new cards every 6 months or so.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Just had my first two adds!

The call to Citi went well. It was easy to give the name, SSN, DOB, and address.

There was a slight hickup when I asked that the cards be sent to me, instead of the new AU. The rep put me on hold while he checked if he could do that. When he came back, he said, "no problem". I logged on to Citi's website, and the new AUs were already listed there, all information correct. There was even an note that clarified the cards would be coming to me, not to the new AU.

Early in the call, when the rep was verifying my identity, he asked for the "member since" date on the front of the card, and the CVV number on the back.
Congrats on your sales solon! Do you mind me asking if you can view both of your recently added AUs at Citi's website? I recently had my first two adds and only the first is visible to me online yet I received confirmation that both were successfully added.

Yeah, they're both listed there. My Citi card is a Sears card, if that makes a difference.


  • Pencil Stache
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I got my first add!

However, similar to what secondcor said, I'm currently traveling and unable to do the add until tomorrow (April 1). I'm hoping that will be okay, even though the task says to do it today, because my card doesn't close until the 7th. I sent New Company an email to that effect and we'll see if they respond.

EDIT: as I was typing this I got a response:

Thank you for your email.  If you can be sure to do the add tomorrow afternoon, I think we will be fine.  As you know, timing is crucial, but you are correct, you have a cushion of a few days, so adding tomorrow should be an adequate amount of time.  Please let us know if you have any difficulties.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2017, 12:08:15 PM by aetherie »


  • Pencil Stache
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My credit score is great, but are there any requirements for keeping your credit score above a certain level or limiting the number of credit cards you can open? Just curious because I typically open a couple new cards every 6 months or so.

The AU only gets the benefit of the card they are added to, not your overall credit score.   So other credit cards should not impact the sales one bit.  You should be able to get the same results with piss poor credit as long as the card is pristine (no missed payments).


  • Handlebar Stache
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There was a slight hickup when I asked that the cards be sent to me, instead of the new AU. The rep put me on hold while he checked if he could do that. When he came back, he said, "no problem". I logged on to Citi's website, and the new AUs were already listed there, all information correct. There was even an note that clarified the cards would be coming to me, not to the new AU.

Wow that's definitely a concern.


  • Pencil Stache
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Question for you guys. I have 2 Capital One cards registered, $12K and $33K. It occurred to me today that I could have them combined into one account that is the older of the 2 (6 years) and with a limit of $45K.

Is there a market for cards with this high of a limit or am I better off sticking with 2 cards for 2X the number of available slots?


  • Stubble
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I got the cards from the two Discover adds today. OK to shred them or do they have to be activated or something first?


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Just had my first two adds!


Congrats on your sales solon! Do you mind me asking if you can view both of your recently added AUs at Citi's website? I recently had my first two adds and only the first is visible to me online yet I received confirmation that both were successfully added.

That's..really weird.  You called back to confirm they are both showing on the account as AUs?

My credit score is great, but are there any requirements for keeping your credit score above a certain level or limiting the number of credit cards you can open? Just curious because I typically open a couple new cards every 6 months or so.

No, it has literally nothing to do with your credit, all about the card itself that you're selling.  You could have a 500 credit score, and a card that is old with a high limit, as long as that card itself has never had any late payments and has <10% utilization, adding that card to their report boosts the AU's score... and makes no difference if you had an 800 score, or a 500 score, when you did it.

I got my first add!

However, similar to what secondcor said, I'm currently traveling and unable to do the add until tomorrow (April 1). I'm hoping that will be okay, even though the task says to do it today, because my card doesn't close until the 7th. I sent New Company an email to that effect and we'll see if they respond.


That's plenty of time.  Always good to do it with a few days buffer--generally they give you the day to add it, and you want to do it within three days or so, which should still be before the statement close. Don't forget to put a token charge on the card before the close.

Wow that's definitely a concern.

Nah, it's just customer service agents not knowing anything.  I always double check, but it's not something I'd be concerned about at all.

Question for you guys. I have 2 Capital One cards registered, $12K and $33K. It occurred to me today that I could have them combined into one account that is the older of the 2 (6 years) and with a limit of $45K.

Is there a market for cards with this high of a limit or am I better off sticking with 2 cards for 2X the number of available slots?

There definitely is, and if the one card is fairly young, I'd probably try to combine them, to make your card stand out and have  a higher payment amount.  If it's not too young (just a bit younger than the other), I'd probably try to keep them separate, for more sales. Hard to say for sure though.

I got the cards from the two Discover adds today. OK to shred them or do they have to be activated or something first?

Shred 'em.
I am a former teacher who accumulated a bunch of real estate, retired at 29, spent some time traveling the world full time and am now settled with three kids.
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  • Handlebar Stache
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I received my first two adds through the portal today, thanks ARS!
I added them online first and then I called in the SSN's on two different phone calls, about 30 min apart from each other.
On the second call they asked me to specify relationship, which is something they never had asked me about before.
Had I had more time, I would have waited, but my statement date is tomorrow.
Just received my second sale on the same Citi card with the billing cycle closing on 4/2. Thus far when I have called Citi to provide the SSN, it has been mid-afternoon, classic lunch time, or during the morning on Saturday or Sunday. I've simply stated I'd like to update some information on an authorized user; I'd like to include their SSN. Thanks for your assistance today.

If you don't mind sharing FrugalZony, what was your response to please specify the relationship? I would have said business associate.
Sorry for the late reply. I wasn't online for a few days (fired life and all ;) LOL!)
At some point in the past The Company had told me to say "contractor".
When I add the AU's online it asks for relationship and I always choose "other", so I was suprised they asked for this again.
So I told the lady nicely that I had selected "other" when adding the AU, but that they are a contractor.
No issues, but it was still odd, that they asked, although I had already supplied that info.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2017, 09:23:08 PM by FrugalZony »


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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I got an email from the company asking me to add an AU to my Discover card today ($15.5K credit limit, 31 yr old card).  Went to the portal and got the AU information, and I added the AU info online on the Discover Webpage. Then went back to portal and clicked on the "Add Completed" under My Tasks. I already had a credit card purchase made that will be on the statement before it closes, so no need to make another purchase.  This will be my second AU for any of my cards, so things are starting to look up!


  • Walrus Stache
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Probably too late to help, secondcor521, but let us know what you ended up doing.  :)

New company said to add keep both existing AUs and add the two new AUs in one phone call.  They also said (in variation from what was said a few posts above by ARS) that the deadline is today (payment due date) to do the adds, even though my statement close isn't until the 6th.  I suspect this is just variations in the employees at new company and how they individually do things.

Called in to add the AUs.  USAA CSR is able to add the first (third) AU just fine, but her computer threw errors when she tried to add the second (fourth) AU.  CSR checks with the back office and comes back with some explanation that their computer system is being upgraded right then and that must be the cause of the glitch.  She recommended calling back tomorrow or Monday.  I strongly suspect that USAA has a 3 AU limit in their system that requires a supervisor-type person to override because I think I ran into the same scenario a month or two ago.

I'll call in tomorrow or Monday and try to add the last AU.  If that doesn't work I'll email the new company and have them move the sale to a different card.


  • Pencil Stache
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Called in to add the AUs.  USAA CSR is able to add the first (third) AU just fine, but her computer threw errors when she tried to add the second (fourth) AU.  CSR checks with the back office and comes back with some explanation that their computer system is being upgraded right then and that must be the cause of the glitch.  She recommended calling back tomorrow or Monday.  I strongly suspect that USAA has a 3 AU limit in their system that requires a supervisor-type person to override because I think I ran into the same scenario a month or two ago.

I'll call in tomorrow or Monday and try to add the last AU.  If that doesn't work I'll email the new company and have them move the sale to a different card.

My understanding is that USAA does have a three AU limit... New company said when I asked "For USAA we add 3 every other month.  You can make them in the same call."


  • Stubble
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Well, I missed a call from Discover Card Protection a minute ago. Tried to log into my account and it's locked. I'm hoping they didn't shut me down for the two adds.


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Well, I missed a call from Discover Card Protection a minute ago. Tried to log into my account and it's locked. I'm hoping they didn't shut me down for the two adds.

Nah, you'll call them and they'll just verify it was you that did the adds, verify the AU info and your info, and unlock you.  Should be a one-time thing.  You'll come back on here 10 minutes from now and confirm that, then someone else will have the same heart attack a few weeks from now when they do their first Discover AU adds.  :)
I am a former teacher who accumulated a bunch of real estate, retired at 29, spent some time traveling the world full time and am now settled with three kids.
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  • Pencil Stache
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So the added users does get your address?  Does anyone have concerns about that?  Also I added a $40000+ card.  I sent an email for the payout.  Is it negotiable?


  • Stubble
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Well, I missed a call from Discover Card Protection a minute ago. Tried to log into my account and it's locked. I'm hoping they didn't shut me down for the two adds.

Nah, you'll call them and they'll just verify it was you that did the adds, verify the AU info and your info, and unlock you.  Should be a one-time thing.  You'll come back on here 10 minutes from now and confirm that, then someone else will have the same heart attack a few weeks from now when they do their first Discover AU adds.  :)

Yep! Easy enough. Asked to verify who I was and then just asked to verify that I had added the AUs.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Just had my first two adds!

The call to Citi went well. It was easy to give the name, SSN, DOB, and address.

There was a slight hickup when I asked that the cards be sent to me, instead of the new AU. The rep put me on hold while he checked if he could do that. When he came back, he said, "no problem". I logged on to Citi's website, and the new AUs were already listed there, all information correct. There was even an note that clarified the cards would be coming to me, not to the new AU.

Early in the call, when the rep was verifying my identity, he asked for the "member since" date on the front of the card, and the CVV number on the back.
Congrats on your sales solon! Do you mind me asking if you can view both of your recently added AUs at Citi's website? I recently had my first two adds and only the first is visible to me online yet I received confirmation that both were successfully added.

Yeah, they're both listed there. My Citi card is a Sears card, if that makes a difference.
Quick update. I sent a secure message to confirm my second AU was added properly and after I provided all of their information, including SSN, Citi notified me the add was successful and sure enough both AUs are listed online.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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I haven't received the payout for the adds I did in February. I thought I read in the tread that all February add payouts were supposed to post the week of March 31st. Anyone else not received payments for February?


  • Handlebar Stache
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I haven't received the payout for the adds I did in February. I thought I read in the tread that all February add payouts were supposed to post the week of March 31st. Anyone else not received payments for February?

Same here. One and only sale was in early February and no pay yet. I emailed them about it last week (before ARS's post) and got a reply that I'd be paid last week. Didn't happen.

Honestly I'm a little.bemused by this whole thing. I sent in the completed paperwork on December 30th and thought I had an attractive card (USAA, over 13 years old, $28K limit.) So far, only one AU while others are posting about multiples. Seems a boxish. Not sneezing at extra $, just mystified about how it's playing out.

Wow that's an incredible card. I'm surprised too.


  • Handlebar Stache
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I haven't received the payout for the adds I did in February. I thought I read in the tread that all February add payouts were supposed to post the week of March 31st. Anyone else not received payments for February?

Same here. One and only sale was in early February and no pay yet. I emailed them about it last week (before ARS's post) and got a reply that I'd be paid last week. Didn't happen.

Honestly I'm a little.bemused by this whole thing. I sent in the completed paperwork on December 30th and thought I had an attractive card (USAA, over 13 years old, $28K limit.) So far, only one AU while others are posting about multiples. Seems a boxish. Not sneezing at extra $, just mystified about how it's playing out.

You get paid about 2 months after the adds. So, I'd only expect the payment to happen around now.
I've been paid for my January adds, but not yet for my Feb (added on the 23rd), so I don't expect that one for a couple weeks.


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Well, sent in an update for my (resting) BoA card since the credit limit is bumped up to $31k.

Still not a single add on any of the 3 cards.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Honestly I'm a little.bemused by this whole thing. I sent in the completed paperwork on December 30th and thought I had an attractive card (USAA, over 13 years old, $28K limit.) So far, only one AU while others are posting about multiples. Seems a little black boxish. Not sneezing at extra $, just mystified about how it's playing out.
That card (ie. the card's slots) will cost more to the customers - and will only be 'worth it' to the customers that really need that much of a boost to their credit.  I'm deducing the potential customers don't have all kinds of spare cash or credit. 


  • Walrus Stache
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Data point FYI:

On March 24, 2017, someone attempted to open a Discover it card application using my name and/or SSN.  It wasn't me.

Discover flagged it as suspected fraud, sent me a letter, I called just now and confirmed that it was fraud.  They recommended that I file a notice with the credit bureaus that I am an identity theft victim.  I will do so.

I appreciate that Discover caught this and will say that they were very good in handling my call and answering my concerns.

This is the first time this has happened to me.  However, we all know identity theft is rampant, and I really haven't done much to prevent it or avoid it, so this may or may not be related to piggybacking activity.  In fact, I would be inclined to guess that it isn't related and plan to continue my piggybacking activities.

I can jump through hoops if I want to in order to find out more about the application that was submitted.  But since it's extra effort and I doubt it would help me determine whether or not it was related to piggybacking, at this point I have decided not to do those extra steps.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Data point FYI:

On March 24, 2017, someone attempted to open a Discover it card application using my name and/or SSN.  It wasn't me.

Discover flagged it as suspected fraud, sent me a letter, I called just now and confirmed that it was fraud.  They recommended that I file a notice with the credit bureaus that I am an identity theft victim.  I will do so.

I appreciate that Discover caught this and will say that they were very good in handling my call and answering my concerns.

This is the first time this has happened to me.  However, we all know identity theft is rampant, and I really haven't done much to prevent it or avoid it, so this may or may not be related to piggybacking activity.  In fact, I would be inclined to guess that it isn't related and plan to continue my piggybacking activities.

I can jump through hoops if I want to in order to find out more about the application that was submitted.  But since it's extra effort and I doubt it would help me determine whether or not it was related to piggybacking, at this point I have decided not to do those extra steps.

When you signed up with a tradeline company, did you use your actual SSN?


  • Walrus Stache
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Data point FYI:

On March 24, 2017, someone attempted to open a Discover it card application using my name and/or SSN.  It wasn't me.

Discover flagged it as suspected fraud, sent me a letter, I called just now and confirmed that it was fraud.  They recommended that I file a notice with the credit bureaus that I am an identity theft victim.  I will do so.

I appreciate that Discover caught this and will say that they were very good in handling my call and answering my concerns.

This is the first time this has happened to me.  However, we all know identity theft is rampant, and I really haven't done much to prevent it or avoid it, so this may or may not be related to piggybacking activity.  In fact, I would be inclined to guess that it isn't related and plan to continue my piggybacking activities.

I can jump through hoops if I want to in order to find out more about the application that was submitted.  But since it's extra effort and I doubt it would help me determine whether or not it was related to piggybacking, at this point I have decided not to do those extra steps.

When you signed up with a tradeline company, did you use your actual SSN?

Yep, with both old company and new company.  I give my SSN freely to banks, doctors, etc.; just not to the nice people who call from Microsoft and the IRS ;-).  See the bolded part above.  I really do little to nothing to prevent identity theft, so perhaps this is my comeuppance.


  • Pencil Stache
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So the added users does get your address?  Does anyone have concerns about that?  Also I added a $40000+ card.  I sent an email for the payout.  Is it negotiable?

The tradeline purchaser gets your personal address?  Hmmmm.


  • Handlebar Stache
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So the added users does get your address?  Does anyone have concerns about that? 
What makes you think the purchaser gets your address?  They don't get any of your info.


  • Handlebar Stache
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So the added users does get your address?  Does anyone have concerns about that? 
What makes you think the purchaser gets your address?  They don't get any of your info.

I would guess your address posts on their credit report with the card.


  • Handlebar Stache
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So the added users does get your address?  Does anyone have concerns about that? 
What makes you think the purchaser gets your address?  They don't get any of your info.

I would guess your address posts on their credit report with the card.

I co-signed my son's auto loan. His loan shows up on my credit report, but his address doesn't.

Also, because this is a good account, my credit score has gone up a little.


  • Pencil Stache
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I was feeling left out, but I just got my first add today! Thanks ARS!


  • Handlebar Stache
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So the added users does get your address?  Does anyone have concerns about that? 
What makes you think the purchaser gets your address?  They don't get any of your info.

I would guess your address posts on their credit report with the card.

I co-signed my son's auto loan. His loan shows up on my credit report, but his address doesn't.

Also, because this is a good account, my credit score has gone up a little.

That's different. When you add an authorized user and you don't add their address, as some of these issuers do, it seems the AU card uses your address by default? I could be wrong though.


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But wondering if others have noticed this? The other card I sell regularly on (Discover) asks for SSN online and I've never had a Discover sale fall through.

I finally got an add on Discover, but the web site won't take the address line, even though it seems to be valid.  Hoping they know what the problem is, but just curious to see if anyone else has hit this issue.


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So the added users does get your address?  Does anyone have concerns about that?  Also I added a $40000+ card.  I sent an email for the payout.  Is it negotiable?

Nope, no concerns. Maybe a little negotiable, depending on the card. Can't hurt to ask, I suppose?

Yep! Easy enough. Asked to verify who I was and then just asked to verify that I had added the AUs.

Awesome, thanks for confirming. :)

Quick update. I sent a secure message to confirm my second AU was added properly and after I provided all of their information, including SSN, Citi notified me the add was successful and sure enough both AUs are listed online.

Cool, worth checking on that to make sure.

You get paid about 2 months after the adds. So, I'd only expect the payment to happen around now.

They're right, they should have been paid last week.  It has not happened yet.  =/

Yep, with both old company and new company.  I give my SSN freely to banks, doctors, etc.; just not to the nice people who call from Microsoft and the IRS ;-).  See the bolded part above.  I really do little to nothing to prevent identity theft, so perhaps this is my comeuppance.

I'm the same way.  Have had 1-2 CCs frozen over the last decade or so, which has cost me maybe.. an hour or two of hassle?  IMO much less than worrying about id theft (and, from what I've seen, plenty of people who worry about it experience it anyways).  Have some semi-regular monitoring of your credit so you see if any shenanigans happen, but consumer protections are pretty good--you typically aren't responsible for any fraud you didn't commit.

I would guess your address posts on their credit report with the card.

I believe sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I would always operate under the assumption that it could.  They have no other info about you, or the CC, besides the basic info purchased (limit, issuer, close, age).

I was feeling left out, but I just got my first add today! Thanks ARS!

Great!  :D

But wondering if others have noticed this? The other card I sell regularly on (Discover) asks for SSN online and I've never had a Discover sale fall through.

I finally got an add on Discover, but the web site won't take the address line, even though it seems to be valid.  Hoping they know what the problem is, but just curious to see if anyone else has hit this issue.

I got 2 Discover adds this month, one worked perfectly, the other it rejected the address. I had to call and add that one (ugh), but that worked fine, the rep was able to add them w/ the address (I just called and said I was trying to add the AU online, but it rejected the address, and gave the rep all the same info).

That's the first time it's happened that it rejected the address and I couldn't tweak it to work (e.g. change a "#" to "APT" or something of that nature)--everything I tried was rejected, so I had to call, but that did work.
I am a former teacher who accumulated a bunch of real estate, retired at 29, spent some time traveling the world full time and am now settled with three kids.
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  • Pencil Stache
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But wondering if others have noticed this? The other card I sell regularly on (Discover) asks for SSN online and I've never had a Discover sale fall through.

I finally got an add on Discover, but the web site won't take the address line, even though it seems to be valid.  Hoping they know what the problem is, but just curious to see if anyone else has hit this issue.

Had my first Discover sale today. I didn't have any trouble entering the address on Discover's site.


  • Pencil Stache
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Data point:

I logged into my Capital One account and noticed it was restricted. I called to see what was going on, and they are requesting documentation for my AUs. They need copies of their drivers licenses or state ID, front and back. I emailed the guy from the TL company, hoping he can help a fella out. Anyone else have this experience? Am I about to get this account shut down?


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Data point:

I logged into my Capital One account and noticed it was restricted. I called to see what was going on, and they are requesting documentation for my AUs. They need copies of their drivers licenses or state ID, front and back. I emailed the guy from the TL company, hoping he can help a fella out. Anyone else have this experience? Am I about to get this account shut down?


Are you using the new TL company that ARS recommended, or a different one?


  • Pencil Stache
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Data point:

I logged into my Capital One account and noticed it was restricted. I called to see what was going on, and they are requesting documentation for my AUs. They need copies of their drivers licenses or state ID, front and back. I emailed the guy from the TL company, hoping he can help a fella out. Anyone else have this experience? Am I about to get this account shut down?

That's the second report of concerns at Capital One in the last few days. I wonder if they are following BofA's lead?


  • Pencil Stache
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Using the new TL company. Just heard back from them and they said that it's getting shut down. In the ten years they've been doing this, even when all documentation has been provided, every account has been shut down. Kinda sucks, but knew that was a risk when I started this. Luckily I have quite a few more cards! Cap One owners be warned though, looks like they are cracking down!


  • Magnum Stache
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Using the new TL company. Just heard back from them and they said that it's getting shut down. In the ten years they've been doing this, even when all documentation has been provided, every account has been shut down. Kinda sucks, but knew that was a risk when I started this. Luckily I have quite a few more cards! Cap One owners be warned though, looks like they are cracking down!

ducky, how many AUs had you added to cap one?


  • Pencil Stache
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Three. I had two on there still from January and they just sent me an add for the last one a couple weeks ago.


  • Magnum Stache
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Three. I had two on there still from January and they just sent me an add for the last one a couple weeks ago.

Thanks for the info. I listed my cap one card with new company. I think I'll put it on hold.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2017, 06:21:34 AM by Malaysia41 »


  • Pencil Stache
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Probably not a bad idea - I hope no one else gets their account shut down!


  • Handlebar Stache
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Wow that's frustrating, it takes years to get a good card that the tradeline companies can use.


  • Pencil Stache
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Yeah, this was a popular card, too - $12k limit opened in 2004... :(


  • Pencil Stache
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But wondering if others have noticed this? The other card I sell regularly on (Discover) asks for SSN online and I've never had a Discover sale fall through.

I finally got an add on Discover, but the web site won't take the address line, even though it seems to be valid.  Hoping they know what the problem is, but just curious to see if anyone else has hit this issue.

I've had this happen twice now.  For some reason Discover's website really doesn't like some valid addresses.

I just call, tell them I want to add an Authorized User, and give them all the same info.  Took all of 2 minutes.


  • Handlebar Stache
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For one of the authorized users for a Discover card, I had the credit card sent to me, and I activated the card, and then I used the activated card to do a small purchase at a grocery store. I did this because I think I read a post on here that said it's good to do use an authorized user's card once in a while so that Discover doesn't shut down the card.


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!