Author Topic: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig  (Read 2175140 times)


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #200 on: January 10, 2017, 11:26:21 AM »
I signed up with them with one card that is 2 years old and 10,000+ credit limit and I haven't heard a peep out of them yet!
I emailed all of my enrollment materials on two cards, Discover (24.5K limit @ 2yrs) and Citi (13.2K limit @ 6yrs), last Friday and although I am a tad bit anxious/worried about not receiving at least a confirmation response I shall give them the benefit of the doubt. However if I do not receive a response by the end of this week I will send a follow up email to request a status update. I suppose the increased MMM traffic is pushing them to their limits, at least that's the reason I keep telling myself ;).


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #201 on: January 10, 2017, 03:15:04 PM »
I was able to get signed up with the "new recommendation" last week and had 2 sales on my USAA card in less than a week! I plan to post my experience for others as I go along.  So far the company has been very easy to work with and quick to respond.  USAA requires you to add AU's over the phone which is less awkward than I anticipated.

Nice!  Thanks for sharing your experience.

Those of you waiting, I believe they're saying the average time right now from sign up to first tradeline sale will typically be 2-3 weeks (longer if your card is < 20k, 5 yrs+, shorter if it's higher than those), and that's average--so some will be much quicker (as above), some will take longer.

Also closing date plays a factor, as you'll typically see sales right before your closing date, so if your closing date is the 30th, you'll have a few weeks to wait--if it's the 8th, you already missed that window.  Even if your card was enrolled at that time, then hopefully you'll see one next statement.

@Wandles: Can you confirm the above?  What is the age/limit range of your card, if you don't mind sharing? (And I'm assuming the closing date is soon?)
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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #202 on: January 10, 2017, 06:21:29 PM »
Two of mine have payment dates of today and tomorrow, probably missed on those. Still hope for the one on the 16th, it is >$20k, >10years old.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #203 on: January 10, 2017, 07:21:28 PM »
This sounds pretty awesome! Now I will have to go get a credit card lol


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #204 on: January 10, 2017, 10:54:11 PM »
I signed up with them with one card that is 2 years old and 10,000+ credit limit and I haven't heard a peep out of them yet!
I emailed all of my enrollment materials on two cards, Discover (24.5K limit @ 2yrs) and Citi (13.2K limit @ 6yrs), last Friday and although I am a tad bit anxious/worried about not receiving at least a confirmation response I shall give them the benefit of the doubt. However if I do not receive a response by the end of this week I will send a follow up email to request a status update. I suppose the increased MMM traffic is pushing them to their limits, at least that's the reason I keep telling myself ;).
Small update. I grew antsy and sent a follow up email asking for a status update and to my surprise, less than a couple hours later I received a response! Both of my cards have been added to their system and I was given a 3-4 week eta on when I can anticipate a sale. When that occurs I will be sure to inform you all! Oh by the way, it was confirmed that several hundred MMM cardholders have signed up recently so their resources have been stretched a bit thin lately.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #205 on: January 10, 2017, 11:13:05 PM »
I talked with them today as well and they are simply super busy with all the business and this being their busy time of year. We should all be patient.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #206 on: January 11, 2017, 05:53:26 AM »
I was able to get signed up with the "new recommendation" last week and had 2 sales on my USAA card in less than a week! I plan to post my experience for others as I go along.  So far the company has been very easy to work with and quick to respond.  USAA requires you to add AU's over the phone which is less awkward than I anticipated.

I am right there with you. Got two sales on my USAA card right away as well (right before closing date). I felt like USAA asked a few more questions than I was prepared to answer. Although I was still able to add both AUs without hesitation. Funny story, both cards showed up at my address and my kids were confused asking who the person was on the envelope with weird names and our address.

For those waiting you just have to be patient. As ARS stated, I am sure much of this depends on closing dates and the fact that they are super busy.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2017, 07:18:58 AM by BeginnerStache »


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #207 on: January 11, 2017, 06:15:43 AM »

Funny story, both cars showed up at my address and my kids were confused asking who the person was on the envelope with weird names and our address.

This is something that bugs me. These companies are supposed to send AU cards to you using your name and address, not the AU's name.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #208 on: January 11, 2017, 06:23:58 AM »

Funny story, both cars showed up at my address and my kids were confused asking who the person was on the envelope with weird names and our address.

This is something that bugs me. These companies are supposed to send AU cards to you using your name and address, not the AU's name.

Odd. I've never had that happen, they always have our name on the envelope, out of dozens and dozens of tradeline sales.

Maybe it's provider dependent?  For example, I don't have any USAA.
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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #209 on: January 11, 2017, 07:07:49 AM »

Funny story, both cars showed up at my address and my kids were confused asking who the person was on the envelope with weird names and our address.

This is something that bugs me. These companies are supposed to send AU cards to you using your name and address, not the AU's name.

Odd. I've never had that happen, they always have our name on the envelope, out of dozens and dozens of tradeline sales.

Maybe it's provider dependent?  For example, I don't have any USAA.

USAA always sends the AU cards to me at my address but with the AU's name.  I thought Chase did the same, but I can't remember for sure.  Anyway, either pattern would make sense to me.  Shrug.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #210 on: January 11, 2017, 07:16:28 AM »
Can't recall Chase either, cause I've only done a few sales with them, but I believe Barclay, B of A, Discover, and Citi always had our names on it.

I'll start paying attention, and maybe others will report in.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2017, 07:21:49 AM by arebelspy »
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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #211 on: January 11, 2017, 07:21:25 AM »

Funny story, both cars showed up at my address and my kids were confused asking who the person was on the envelope with weird names and our address.

This is something that bugs me. These companies are supposed to send AU cards to you using your name and address, not the AU's name.

Odd. I've never had that happen, they always have our name on the envelope, out of dozens and dozens of tradeline sales.

Maybe it's provider dependent?  For example, I don't have any USAA.

USAA always sends the AU cards to me at my address but with the AU's name.  I thought Chase did the same, but I can't remember for sure.  Anyway, either pattern would make sense to me.  Shrug.

Yeah I didn't really think much of it. I suppose I could request USAA put my name on the envelope so there is no confusion. Not a big deal for me though.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #212 on: January 11, 2017, 07:39:39 AM »
Barclays shows AUs name, can confirm.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #213 on: January 11, 2017, 07:52:53 AM »
Posting as I will be starting next month as the first card that I'm going to use passes the 2 year mark.

Great info all around here!


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #214 on: January 11, 2017, 10:25:58 AM »
I also get quite a few cards in the mail with the AU's name as the recipient. My mail carrier wrote "??" on the first few, but I guess has given up trying to figure out who lives at my house and who doesn't.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #215 on: January 11, 2017, 10:50:51 AM »
Has anyone received a quote for $40k+ credit limit age 12-24 mos?

Wondering if that's better than three $20k cards. Apparently Chase let's you transfer credit limit among cards, and I have $60k limit overall with them.

Apologies in advance if this was asked earlier (search is not working for me). Thanks!
« Last Edit: January 11, 2017, 10:53:29 AM by step-in-time »


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #216 on: January 11, 2017, 11:51:07 AM »
Those of you waiting, I believe they're saying the average time right now from sign up to first tradeline sale will typically be 2-3 weeks (longer if your card is < 20k, 5 yrs+, shorter if it's higher than those), and that's average--so some will be much quicker (as above), some will take longer.

Also closing date plays a factor, as you'll typically see sales right before your closing date, so if your closing date is the 30th, you'll have a few weeks to wait--if it's the 8th, you already missed that window.  Even if your card was enrolled at that time, then hopefully you'll see one next statement.

@Wandles: Can you confirm the above?  What is the age/limit range of your card, if you don't mind sharing? (And I'm assuming the closing date is soon?)

My card closed on the 9th and my sales were on the 8th and 9th so they were last minute sales.  It is an older card (~10 years) and has a $25k limit so I'm not sure if that got me worked through the system faster.  At the same time as the USAA card I signed up a Citi card that is 2 years old, ~$11k limit, same closing date and no word on that one. 


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #217 on: January 11, 2017, 11:58:44 AM »
Can't recall Chase either, cause I've only done a few sales with them, but I believe Barclay, B of A, Discover, and Citi always had our names on it.

I'll start paying attention, and maybe others will report in.

Citi and Cap One put the AUs name on there. Not that it concerns me, however.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #218 on: January 11, 2017, 12:02:26 PM »
Has anyone tried using USBank cards before?  They seem to be the one CC company that doesn't let you add AUs online, you have to fill out a form and mail/fax it back.  Seems to be more of a hassle than other cards.  Has anyone been able to do it otherwise?


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #219 on: January 11, 2017, 12:08:01 PM »
Just got my first add.  Barclays card just over 2 years old, $27500 limit, closing date is 15th of the month.  No nibbles on my other cards yet.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #220 on: January 11, 2017, 12:10:40 PM »
Can't recall Chase either, cause I've only done a few sales with them, but I believe Barclay, B of A, Discover, and Citi always had our names on it.

I'll start paying attention, and maybe others will report in.

Barclays shows AUs name, can confirm.

Citi and Cap One put the AUs name on there. Not that it concerns me, however.

Okay, what the heck.

Barclays puts my name on the envelope (the AU name is obviously on the CARD, but not visible without opening the envelope).  This isn't me misremembering, as I use a mail scanning and just went and LOOKED at the most recent AU cards I got.

I just went and dug up a Barclays one, and a B of A one, and a Discover one, and all three are generic from the outside with our name, nothing about the AU.

I wish they put the AU names on it, as it would make it easier to just shred without even having them open it.

It's possible the company is sending back mail not addressed to me or my wife (actually, as I type this, I realize that's very likely--we had to sign a form for the post office that they could open mail addressed to us, so they may be sending back mail not addressed to us.  That may throw up red flags with the CC companies... hmm, will have to think about this), and I don't track receiving the cards or not, so that could totally be happening, but I'm definitely receiving ones that don't have any AU info.  Weird.
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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #221 on: January 11, 2017, 12:12:19 PM »
Barclays definitely sends the AU cards to my address with the AU name on the letter. On all 3 of my orders with the "old" company anyways.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #222 on: January 11, 2017, 12:13:09 PM »
US Bank is a call to add or remove an AU. I have added 4 and removed 2 so far (so, halfway through the 2nd cycle) Single add or remove per call. I make sure i can confidently pronounce the name, and do a quick Google on any unusual name so that I can chat with the rep as needed. "Actually no, Ivan isn't Russian, his family name is Armenian"


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #223 on: January 11, 2017, 12:16:17 PM »
Barclays definitely sends the AU cards to my address with the AU name on the letter. On all 3 of my orders with the "old" company anyways.

This is SO WEIRD.  What is different about me?  Are the cards bouncing back to Barclays, then they're resending them with my name on the envelope or something?

I just attached a picture of a recent AU card from Barclays (I blacked out the info, but it was my name/address, not an AU).  Do your envelopes look like that/have the same Barclay return address?  (The giant bar code is from the scanning company, cuts off the return address, sorry about that).
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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #224 on: January 11, 2017, 12:19:54 PM »
Just got my first add.  Barclays card just over 2 years old, $27500 limit, closing date is 15th of the month.  No nibbles on my other cards yet.

Cool, thanks for the data point!

Seems a few people have gotten sales now, I'm glad to hear it.

The process is clunkier (versus the slick portal--like I said, the technology is the big disadvantage to the new one), but hey, you made a bit more on that sale than you would have with the old company (with their new schedule), so worth putting up with, IMO.  It'll add up.  :)

US Bank is a call to add or remove an AU. I have added 4 and removed 2 so far (so, halfway through the 2nd cycle) Single add or remove per call. I make sure i can confidently pronounce the name, and do a quick Google on any unusual name so that I can chat with the rep as needed. "Actually no, Ivan isn't Russian, his family name is Armenian"

LOL.  Awesome.  I just say it outloud once, twice if necessary before the call, then stumble my way through it.  But I only call to remove (and only with B of A, all my adds are online, and most my removals--Discover, Barclays, etc.).
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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #225 on: January 11, 2017, 01:03:56 PM »
Barclays definitely sends the AU cards to my address with the AU name on the letter. On all 3 of my orders with the "old" company anyways.

This is SO WEIRD.  What is different about me?  Are the cards bouncing back to Barclays, then they're resending them with my name on the envelope or something?

I just attached a picture of a recent AU card from Barclays (I blacked out the info, but it was my name/address, not an AU).  Do your envelopes look like that/have the same Barclay return address?  (The giant bar code is from the scanning company, cuts off the return address, sorry about that).

Your mail provider is probably sending them back.  That happened to me with a PO Box a while back.  No negative result from CC company.

They never re-send them to me however.  Are you sure you are actually receiving them all?


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #226 on: January 11, 2017, 01:08:29 PM »
They never re-send them to me however.  Are you sure you are actually receiving them all?

Yeah, I typically have them opened before shredding (though sometimes I can tell from the look of the envelope, and just shred right away).  Definitely receiving cards with AU names on them, just the envelopes have our names.  Really weird to me that it's different for you guys.  But thanks for everyone reporting that, good to know.   :)
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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #227 on: January 11, 2017, 02:04:55 PM »
Thought I would add my update to the thread...

I sent the paperwork in on Dec 29th for two credit cards that are both under $10k and 6 years old. 

I just received two sales for the one that closes first.

All in all, I have spent about 30 minutes between PMing ARS for info, filling out the paperwork, and adding the AUs for a return of $150.  Adding each AU online took about 1 minute. 


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #228 on: January 11, 2017, 02:29:47 PM »
Send 3 cards and got confirmation that it would be 2-4 weeks till something comes up on 01/04. All cards between $10,000 & 19,000 and between 6 and 10 years old.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #229 on: January 11, 2017, 04:07:54 PM »
Barclays definitely sends the AU cards to my address with the AU name on the letter. On all 3 of my orders with the "old" company anyways.

This is SO WEIRD.  What is different about me?  Are the cards bouncing back to Barclays, then they're resending them with my name on the envelope or something?

I just attached a picture of a recent AU card from Barclays (I blacked out the info, but it was my name/address, not an AU).  Do your envelopes look like that/have the same Barclay return address?  (The giant bar code is from the scanning company, cuts off the return address, sorry about that).

Yes, looks exactly the same. Definitely has the AU name on it and I know the others did too because my son commented on it, asking who the people were (he is in charge of getting our mail).


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #230 on: January 11, 2017, 06:04:47 PM »
I signed up on Dec 30 with the new company and got my first request to add n AU today (Jan 11).  For a Capital One card.  The online AU process asked for the name, SS, DOB and a phone number. I thought they were requesting a phone number for the AU and I could go no further without providing a number.  I contacted the new company about this and was told to use my own phone number, which I did and it looks like the AU got added OK and I should be getting a card in the mail soon.  This was for a 3 year old Cap One card with a $15K limit.

The tips from this thread I have been copying down say I will have to remove a Cap One AU by calling and I have no idea how to pronounce what looks like a Russian or northern Eastern European name, so any tips on how to find out on the Internet how to pronounce foreign names would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2017, 06:20:12 PM by PennySaved75 »


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #231 on: January 11, 2017, 06:08:15 PM »
The tips from this thread I have been copying down say I will have to remove a Cap One AU by calling and I have no idea how to pronounce what looks like a Russian or northern Eastern European name, so any tips on how to find out on the Internet how to pronounce foreign names would be appreciated.

No disrespect meant to our fine credit card customer service representatives, but I doubt that the vast majority of them know how to pronounce these names.  Even if they did, the fact that you or I, as an average American, don't know how to pronounce them would be hardly surprising and I really doubt it would raise even 1/10 of an eyebrow.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #232 on: January 11, 2017, 06:51:17 PM »
The tips from this thread I have been copying down say I will have to remove a Cap One AU by calling and I have no idea how to pronounce what looks like a Russian or northern Eastern European name, so any tips on how to find out on the Internet how to pronounce foreign names would be appreciated.

I hope I don't sound too snarky, but... Google. "[name] pronunciation".


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #233 on: January 11, 2017, 07:01:58 PM »

I hope I don't sound too snarky, but... Google. "[name] pronunciation".
Thanks.  I tried that and could not find exact spelling of either the first or last name, but got some pronunciations that are very close to the spellings so that will probably suffice.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #234 on: January 11, 2017, 07:09:51 PM »
If the spelling is close then an audio recording from Google will be just fine. People pronounce their names in so many different weird ways that no CSRs will tell the difference. Happy calling!


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #235 on: January 11, 2017, 07:11:57 PM »
Yeah, I've bungled plenty of names during a call to CS. I phonetically sound it out before with my best guess, then call so I can say it smoothly, even if it's wrong.
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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #236 on: January 11, 2017, 07:32:58 PM »
In the email with the paperwork it says to spend $50-500 on the card.  Do I need to spend that much? and when should I start spending on the card? now or wait until I have sold a tradeline?


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #237 on: January 11, 2017, 07:35:07 PM »
In the email with the paperwork it says to spend $50-500 on the card.  Do I need to spend that much? and when should I start spending on the card? now or wait until I have sold a tradeline?
No, it just needs to close with a balance that the CC company won't wipe out (often they wipe balances of 0.99 or less, depending on the company).

I "refill" my Amazon gift card balance with $2.50. You do it when you get the tradeline sale, right away, so it posts and shows up before the statement close.
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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #238 on: January 11, 2017, 07:43:13 PM »
Very suave amount, $2.50. Should bump over even the Discover freebie amount without being excessive.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #239 on: January 11, 2017, 07:58:20 PM »
So it is OK to have only a charge that was made on the credit card a few days before I added the AU, or do I have to make another charge after adding the AU?  I already have an automatic charge for my Netflix account on this card, which should post for next month's credit card bill.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #240 on: January 11, 2017, 08:00:10 PM »
So it is OK to have only a charge that was made on the credit card a few days before I added the AU, or do I have to make another charge after adding the AU?  I already have an automatic charge for my Netflix account on this card, which should post for next month's credit card bill.

As long as there is a balance when the statement closes, you're good.  The CC may not report to the AUs line if the balance is 0.

A monthly reoccurring fee is perfect, as long as the statement closes with a balance and you pay it off every time after that (not before, and not late).
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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #241 on: January 11, 2017, 08:26:20 PM »
So I got an authorized user for a Discover card, and the address for the authorized user that is in the email sent by the company's assistant is different then the address on the driver's license.
So what do I do ?


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #242 on: January 11, 2017, 08:40:37 PM »
Weird. I've never looked at the docs (only had to upload once, usually Discover auto approves), so I wonder if this has happened before to me.

I just use the address in the email (or portal, for the old company), but if I noticed a discrepancy, I'd email the customer service, which is what I'd suggest here.  If you do, let us know what they say!
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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #243 on: January 11, 2017, 09:16:09 PM »
So I got an authorized user for a Discover card, and the address for the authorized user that is in the email sent by the company's assistant is different then the address on the driver's license.
So what do I do ?

I think a lot of people have an outdated address on their license - when I moved I wasn't given a new ID card, they just updated the address in their database. I would probably just go with the one in the email.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #244 on: January 11, 2017, 11:07:54 PM »
Okay, what the hec k...This isn't me misremembering, as I use a mail scanning and just went and LOOKED at the most recent AU cards I got...It's possible the company is sending back mail not addressed to me or my wife (actually, as I type this, I realize that's very likely--we had to sign a form for the post office that they could open mail addressed to us, so they may be sending back mail not addressed to us.

I think it is likely the mail scanning service, since as I recall, depending on the plan you sign up for, you can have a different number of people/names receiving mail at a given address (it starts at two people/business and you can add more I think). So now I'm curious what traveling mailbox does with mail it receives that's not addressed to either of you, and if it raises flags with the credit card companies. We'll be in a similar situation, if/when we ever get a sale again :)

I think a lot of people have an outdated address on their license - when I moved I wasn't given a new ID card, they just updated the address in their database. I would probably just go with the one in the email.

This is a good point. I think it varies from state to state whether they issue a new driver's license every time you move or not. I'd email customer service anyways.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #245 on: January 12, 2017, 05:11:16 AM »
So I got an authorized user for a Discover card, and the address for the authorized user that is in the email sent by the company's assistant is different then the address on the driver's license.
So what do I do ?

I think a lot of people have an outdated address on their license - when I moved I wasn't given a new ID card, they just updated the address in their database. I would probably just go with the one in the email.

+1. My license still has my address from 2 years ago on it. The DMV has the correct address in their database though and they gave me a paper that I keep in my car with the correct address in case I get pulled over.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #246 on: January 12, 2017, 05:33:50 AM »

So now I'm curious what traveling mailbox does with mail it receives that's not addressed to either of you, and if it raises flags with the credit card companies. We'll be in a similar situation, if/when we ever get a sale again :)

Been selling for 7 months now and no cancelled cards yet, so....


I am a former teacher who accumulated a bunch of real estate, retired at 29, spent some time traveling the world full time and am now settled with three kids.
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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #247 on: January 12, 2017, 08:49:29 AM »
I've always just paid off my credits before they were due so I'd like to clarify how it works. You say you should wait until after the card posts. What does that mean?

Does that mean you should wait until after the payment due date? Does that mean you would pay interest?

Sorry for the ignorant questions and thanks for your help.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #248 on: January 12, 2017, 09:20:29 AM »
I've always just paid off my credits before they were due so I'd like to clarify how it works. You say you should wait until after the card posts. What does that mean?

Does that mean you should wait until after the payment due date? Does that mean you would pay interest?

Sorry for the ignorant questions and thanks for your help.

You must wait until after the statement posts. The statement must report a balance. You need to also make a payment before the due date as well.


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Re: Selling Tradelines / Piggybacking Part II: $1000+/hr, 20-40k/yr. Side Gig
« Reply #249 on: January 12, 2017, 09:29:11 AM »
I've always just paid off my credits before they were due so I'd like to clarify how it works. You say you should wait until after the card posts. What does that mean?

Does that mean you should wait until after the payment due date? Does that mean you would pay interest?

Sorry for the ignorant questions and thanks for your help.

The statement closing date and the payment due date are different.  You always want to pay you credit cards off and not incur interest.  Just make sure you charge something during the month so that there is a balance on the account when the statement closes.  Log into your credit card account and you should be able to see the statement dates and the payment due dates.  Or you can log into credit karma and get the info. 


Wow, a phone plan for fifteen bucks!