year Net worth increase notes
2000 (12,450) moved to the states
2001 26,337 38,787
2002 35,124 8,787 bought a house!!
2003 39,356 4,232
2004 61,587 22,232
2005 83,819 22,232
2006 102,206 18,387
2007 130,159 27,953
2008 130,667 507 increased as the market dropped!!
2009 183,772 53,105 House at max val - started paying off consumer debt..
2010 222,549 38,776
2011 228,475 5,926
2012 215,030 (13,445) only decrease - unemployed for 5 months, moved to florida. House had dropped 100k in 3 years!
2013 357,849 142,819 good investment returns. Took profit. Bought new house outright.
2014 415,417 57,568 big european vacation - and found MMM
2015 ??? 100k ??? 100k is a big target… but who knows.. Now at the mercy of the markets!
The average is now close to 30k per year since I started tracking it - but accelerating. A few tough years but I think thats called life.
with the stuff I've been learning on MMM I expect to be killing the last of the consumer debt and maxing out the 401k this year - the rest of the 100k target will be down to the investments in the market - and we are not off to the greatest start ever in 2015 but I keep reminding myself that this is ok as I'm still buying...