I started tracking net worth late in 2013. I'll list my beginning and ending NW for each year starting with 2014:
Year Starting Ending Change % Change
2014 $70,000 $125,000 $55,000 79%
2015 $125,000 $133,000 $8,000 6%
2016 $133,000 $171,000 $38,000 29%
2017 $171,000 $231,000 $60,000 35%
So 2017 is my best year so far in gross dollars, but it doesn't compare to 2014 as far as percent change. I had significant headwinds this year, as I pulled a bunch of money out of the market in January to buy a house (great timing, eh?) and I also started a new job and am not eligible for the 401k until I have a year under my belt (I will be eligible starting January 2018). So, 2018 should be a better year as far as retirement contributions go, but I don't expect it to match 2017 with regard to investment returns.