December NetWorth Update / 2016 Overview
Start of 2016
cash $72,369
short term investments $40,087
retirement investments $34,544
pensions $72,283
car values $11,000
life insurance policies $7,600
home equity $111,952
Net Worth $349,835
End of the year:
Retirement Investments $75,991
Short Term Investments $41,915
Cash $46,230
Pensions $143,669
Home Equity $121,114
Car Value $10,600
Life Insurance $8,500
Net Worth $448,019
2016 Finances At A Glance
Our net worth increased by $98,184
Our net worth not counting pension increased by $54,864
We added $41,447 to our retirement accounts
We paid off final $28,000 on your years
We paid for rest of wife's Ed Specialist degree and 15 credits for my MA+15 out of pocket
DW got a new job, increasing our salary by about $15,000/year. Great job babe!!
Looking Ahead to 2017
We will try to fill up both of our 403/457/Roth's for total of $83,000 invested
We will pay about $10,000 more towards principal on our mortgage
We will contribute about $10,000 towards our pensions
In total, about $103,000 of our income will go towards savings next year
Because we will be putting so much into investments, our bank account will dip
Saving this aggressively will likely decrease our bank balance by about $23,000
Subtracting these numbers, our true savings will be ~$80,000 next year
Assuming normal growth, our current investments should grow ~$10,000 next year
So, a good year means we increase our net worth by ~$90,000 in 2017
I believe these numbers are ambitious but doable
This puts us on schedule to be FI by around 41 and definitely able to retire at 48 as has been our plan.