This thread made me curious about our progress. We haven't tracked NW so I went to Vanguard and just pulled our retirement savings totals for as far back as I could. Feel pretty good about this, but regret the $ wasted over the years before landing on MMM. Hoping to see some bigger gains going forward. :)
$51,225.09 12/31/05
$80,038.12 12/31/06
$106,744.13 12/31/07
$103,123.87 12/31/08
$162,172.69 12/31/09
$218,666.31 12/31/10
$249,987.31 12/31/11
$320,336.60 12/31/12
$435,649.50 12/31/13
$518,275.26 12/31/14
$593,962.10 12/31/15