My wife and I are net worth millionaires for the first time! We have no one to share to personally, so I figured we'd share here among anonymous kindred spirits.
-36m, 33f, one daughter (5 months)
-$773,640.68 in equities (100% VTSAX, S&P 500, or similar)
-$45,567.21 in pension fund (employee contributions)
-$157,000.00 in appraised home value (paid off)
-$2129.92 in 529
-$24,638.37 in cash
-$1,002,976.18 TOTAL
I've been following MMM since the beginning of the blog. Although my wife and I didn't meet until 2015 or get married until 2019, since 2011 collectively we've saved ~28% of our total gross income into retirement accounts (some years as low as 0% and as high as 38%) and ~12% into paying off all debt (student loans x 2, auto loan, credit cards, and our mortgage - some years as high as 28% and now 0% :D ). Combined gross income started around 50k and is now up to around 175k. It took ~10 years to go from a negative net worth to 500k. The second 500k took 3 years. That's wild to me looking back on it.
We are solidly in the boring middle, but this was a nice milestone to hit. Like all of the other goals, it came much sooner than anticipated. The next milestone I have my eyes on is 1 million in retirement assets; we'll see how soon that one hits.
I also fully expect to lose and regain "millionaire status" a handful of times over the next several months due to our current AA. Markets do be volatile, after all.
It's also interesting how unremarkable it feels, even though by all measures it's a very remarkable thing. We had a similar feeling when we paid off our home. Maybe by the time we reach FI we simply won't care at all!