Author Topic: No tax  (Read 2368 times)


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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  • Posts: 53
No tax
« on: December 05, 2021, 01:18:42 PM »
Changed my pension contributions to 67% of my salary + 8% contribution from my employer. This should enable me to have to pay no tax and nothing to my student loans which get written off after 30 years (I'm from the UK). Really excited about it but finances will be tight and I'll have to plan well. Has anyone else done something similar? Would like to hear your stories.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: No tax
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2021, 03:29:53 PM »
I'm planning a similar strategy for 2022.  Half my income will be tax free due to my unique work situation.   For the taxable half of my income, I'll be allocating 50%(the highest my employer allows) into 401k, and maxing traditional IRA's.  This will yield roughly a 0 to -4% tax rate, so I plan to have no taxes withheld from my paychecks, and may get a small refund.  I won't be in the same situation as far as student loans.  I have a relatively small balance, with a fund stashed away to pay them off in the spring if when student loan forgiveness does not come to pass here in the states.  Since I will take home 90% of my remaining taxable wages(since FICA and state tax), I'll still be able to invest some after tax money.  I'm old and almost broke, so this is needed.