Author Topic: Going south for a couple of months, who will look after the property?  (Read 2234 times)

falling leaves

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I'm playing with the idea of going away for a couple of months this winter.

I'm in Vancouver BC and we get snow sometimes, sometimes quite a bit, sometimes it freezes up quite badly and when it does there's usually something that will happen. In the 16 years I've owned the house I've had a burst pipe, huge snow that collapsed the garage roof, bottle ice on the sidewalks, snow shovelling that needs taking care of.

I have some international students living in my house, they are mostly really good, they pay the rent on time and don't damage the place. But, for the most part they really wouldn't be able to do anything if something came up like... snow clearing, a lock malfunctions, an electrical breaker flips.. all the things that can and do happen in an older house.

I feel my responsibilities towards them, but I'm also really bored sitting at home now that it's dark and raining.

Does anyone out there deal with this kind of thing in their own lives? I guess having a short term rental brings up similar challenges as does being a landlord in general.

I have a friend that I could ask, but to be real he's a handy guy but I guarantee if it's a good ski day or something like that he'd prioritise that over helping out.

I think I'd rather just pay someone who's reputable, but I don't know who I'd approach for that on call and only for a couple of months kind of service.


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Re: Going south for a couple of months, who will look after the property?
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2024, 08:48:00 PM »
It really depends on how much you want to avoid the problems you describe... It's great that you have a buddy who could help - if you offered to overpay him, really overpay him, whatever amount that might be, would that get him to put you first over skiing? If you were to retain a professional it seems like they would want some kind of monthly payment and then a charge if they really have to do something. Shoveling snow is one thing, a tenant might be willing to do that for a rent credit, or maybe you don't even need to worry much about that. But it would take a good friend and/or someone highly paid to move a foot + of snow off a garage roof when that is an issue across your city. And the money would probably be worth it to keep your roof from collapsing.

falling leaves

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Re: Going south for a couple of months, who will look after the property?
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2024, 09:29:43 PM »
It really depends on how much you want to avoid the problems you describe... It's great that you have a buddy who could help - if you offered to overpay him, really overpay him, whatever amount that might be, would that get him to put you first over skiing? If you were to retain a professional it seems like they would want some kind of monthly payment and then a charge if they really have to do something. Shoveling snow is one thing, a tenant might be willing to do that for a rent credit, or maybe you don't even need to worry much about that. But it would take a good friend and/or someone highly paid to move a foot + of snow off a garage roof when that is an issue across your city. And the money would probably be worth it to keep your roof from collapsing.

I'm thinking to ask my neighbour who has a landscaping business. He's a trustworthy guy and he's motivated by money. My friend who likes to ski might say yes and then not do it :) and that wouldn't be good


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Going south for a couple of months, who will look after the property?
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2024, 10:01:33 PM »
Really good neighbors are worth their weight in gold!


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Re: Going south for a couple of months, who will look after the property?
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2024, 05:16:36 AM »
With a few cameras and smart sensors (water, humidity, temp, etc) you can remotely watch the house yourself.  If needed hire someone to drop by once a week to water plants and check on it.  That person would either alert you to issues or deal with them on their own using a pre-agreed list of vendors.  I know many people who have seasonal homes and most have a local person who stays all off-season and does nothing but cruise around checking on empty houses.  Ask around.

We are the FIRST ever winter occupants of our current home, which was built in 1978. The previous three owners all spent rainy wet winters in sunnier locations.  Our neighbors across the street are golf addicts so they will depart next week for six months in Palm Springs. Neighbors behind us winter in Manhattan of all places, taking advantage of off-season AirBNBs left vacant by the snowbirds who flee to Florida every winter.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2024, 05:20:11 AM by GilesMM »


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Re: Going south for a couple of months, who will look after the property?
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2024, 08:51:55 AM »
If you don't mind somebody actually living at your place you might look into getting a house sitter. Lots of mustachian types here use Trusted House Sitters as a way to travel cheaply and/or have someone watch their house while gone. The person staying at your house may not be able to do repair or maintenance work but they can call someone local to to that before anything big happens. I've never used them as just gotten a friend or my sister to check on my place.

ETA: Are your tentents actually living in the house with you? If so that might make it harder to get a house sitter but I'm sure one of your tenants would do some basic maintenance and be available to call a local repair person if they see something that needs fixing for a rent reduction.   
« Last Edit: November 14, 2024, 09:02:57 AM by spartana »


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Re: Going south for a couple of months, who will look after the property?
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2024, 08:58:04 AM »
Will the international students be living in the house the whole winter?  Most students generally fly back home for a month.  I'd be concerned they all end up leaving for some period of time and the house being unoccupied.  Silly things can happen-- tenants might shut off the heat while it's empty, etc. 

falling leaves

  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Going south for a couple of months, who will look after the property?
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2024, 12:43:44 PM »
Will the international students be living in the house the whole winter?  Most students generally fly back home for a month.  I'd be concerned they all end up leaving for some period of time and the house being unoccupied.  Silly things can happen-- tenants might shut off the heat while it's empty, etc.

They'll be here the whole winter. And yes, shutting off the heating and things like that is a real possibility. I think it'll be OK, I've decided I'm just going away for 6 weeks and I have a cleaner coming by each 2 weeks and I'll also be in touch with each of the students weekly.


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Re: Going south for a couple of months, who will look after the property?
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2024, 02:05:23 PM »
Plenty of snowbirds do this every year.  Look for companies that market to them, or ask any snowbirds you know.