Learning, Sharing, and Teaching > Reader Recommendations

What books have changed your life?

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A Guide to the Good Life by William Irvine

"Simple Living Guide" by Janet Luehrs... hasn't aged well in parts, but still so significant to me
"Four Hour Work Week" by Tim Ferriss... even though I ended up being an employee anyway, and the side hustle game is not for me, it really helped develop my inclination to challenge assumptions
"Four Hour Body" by Tim Ferriss... the idea of "minimum effective dose" is a key concept I use in my life
"The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield... I get something new out of this every time I read it. The one I've been holding close lately is the idea, 'if something is irritating you, go and fix it right now... that small source of irritation is draining your attention and motivation more than you know'
"Nourishing Traditions" in all of its controversial glory. Completely changed the way I look at food, cooking, and eating

Those are the non-fiction that occur to me right now =)

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Elegant, full of humor, and at the same time biting social commentary.

The Museum at Purgatory by Nick Bantock. I've always liked to read books but this was the first book I loved to read over and over again. I have an unreasonable attachment to it. Not sure how it "changed" my life according to your original question   , except to open my eyes to what is possible when one marries graphic art to textual art. I suppose you could say it unlocked my appreciation for a higher form of art, and thus a higher form of thinking and living.


--- Quote from: BeHere on February 14, 2016, 07:52:46 PM ---A Guide to the Good Life by William Irvine

--- End quote ---


Also, the Complete Extant Works of Epictetus, The Magic of Thinking Big, and Feeling Good.

And Eat to Live 3 years ago. Have more energy and fit back into clothes from high school which seemed impossible post-30.


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