Author Topic: Why do you drink coffee?  (Read 23213 times)


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #50 on: February 10, 2017, 11:19:59 AM »
A well made cup of espresso is the single greatest achievement of humankind.  It's the closest thing to an admission by nature that we are the chosen creatures of God that I've ever seen.



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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #51 on: February 10, 2017, 11:44:41 AM »
Ritual of a warm drink (will swap tea as well), taste and while occasionally I like the caffeine aspects, that is secondary. I know this because I happily drink decaf and half calf as much as the real stuff. For a long time I thought I had to be careful with coffee. But then I started drinking it black and realized that its not the coffee I need to be careful with, its the cream and sugar. I felt a little stupid realizing this as I already knew that I was extremely sugar sensitive since I was a very little kid but everyone kept talking about caffeine so I really thought it was the caffeine I had to limit... I can drink a cup before bed and never even notice. Prefer it black but can tolerate minimal sugar in it but definitely think milk or cream is gross (been 2 years since I switched).


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #52 on: February 10, 2017, 12:22:24 PM »
One of the greatest pleasures of my life is waking up early, before the world around me, and drinking 2-3 cups of hot black coffee at a leisurely pace by myself.

Sometimes I think, sometimes I read, sometimes I play computer games.

I am convinced the solitude to think is what I am after, but nothing enables that like a cup of coffee.

When I dream of FIRE, EVERY morning starts this way. Every. Damn. One.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #53 on: February 10, 2017, 12:47:42 PM »
Because I closed!


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #54 on: February 10, 2017, 04:09:27 PM »
I don't drink coffee. Never have. I do enjoy the smell of roasting beans and a brewing pot though.

I don't drink because I don't like the taste. I don't understand the notion of an acquired taste really: if it tastes like shit the first time, why try again?

I never wanted to become one of those assholes in the military that had a permanent coffee cup attached to their hand. Seemed like most of the people with the permanent cup was a dick.

Funny story though- when I was working the officer's mess, they had me make the coffee. I had no idea how much to put in, so sometimes I'd throw in X scoops, sometimes Y scoops. Sometimes they'd say "great coffee" sometimes they'd not.

Anyway, I work night shifts and people think I'm crazy when they hear I don't drink coffee. It's not that hard.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #55 on: February 26, 2017, 08:47:44 PM »
Did you always like it or is it really an acquired taste? If my body doesn't like coffee, is that something I will get used to over time?

I like it.  It is inexpensive.  Don't try to "acquire" a taste, that will lead to expensive things (Does 21 y/o whiskey taste better than 2 y/o?  HELL YES.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #56 on: February 27, 2017, 08:15:23 AM »
This might seem like a silly question, but I genuinely am curious! Caffeine, even in tea upsets my stomach. And I never really liked the taste of coffee unless it had a lot of creamer/sugar. But maybe I'm just not used to it? It seems that people refuse to cut out coffee for money-saving purposes, so maybe I'm missing out on life...

Why do you drink coffee? For the caffeine, taste, both? Are you actively trying to quit?

Habit.  Sometimes it wakes me up, but not often.  I like the taste.  I take it with lots of milk and no sugar.  Occasionally I like hazelnut creamer it. Not trying to quit at all, though I seem to have drinking less lately because my morning cut of coffee at my desk very often ends up being still half full when I ream ready to pour it out.

Did you always like it or is it really an acquired taste? If my body doesn't like coffee, is that something I will get used to over time?

I think I always liked it once i started drinking it.  Don't remember to be honest.

How much do you spend on coffee in a year (including cost of coffee maker, cups, creamer, etc)? Is it slowing your retirement? What are some frugal ways to drink coffee? Bulk order online, etc?

I don't buy anything fancy.  For home I buy whatever I find on sale at the supermarket (Folgers, Maxwell House) plus I always have some instant coffee at home too.  Most of my coffee I drink at work though, for free.  I also occasionally buy a bottle of creamer and keep it in the fridge at work. 

I think I buy cup of coffee outside maybe 10 times a year; maybe less.  I don't only really like 7-11 coffee and there is no 7-11 anywhere near me.  I don't like Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds coffee at all.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #57 on: February 27, 2017, 08:19:42 AM »
I drink coffee purely the caffeine. Can't stand the taste. If I don't have to work I don't drink it.

I do enjoy tea though.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #58 on: February 27, 2017, 02:11:48 PM »
Have it for the ritual, the taste, and the caffeine (seems to help things get moving in a few different ways).

I loved waking up early and having a coffee and reading a book, leisurely browsing the web or playing a video game before work. It's a necessity IMO for early morning fishing trips.

Periodically, I've gone a month or two without it just to see how I feel, but I always go back to coffee. The only downside is that I sometimes feel a slump in the afternoon, but I think part of it was at times I wasn't keeping up on my water intake when I'm drinking a lot of coffee.

Overall, the cost has been minimal for the enjoyment/benefits, if I'm not picking up a cup from a coffee shop. Maybe sets me back $100/year, which is well worth it to me.

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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #59 on: February 27, 2017, 06:30:51 PM »
caffeine (seems to help things get moving in a few different ways).

I like this aspect of it... But then I feel sick for hours after. Last week I made my tea too strong and felt like I was going to throw up after just one cup. Not top overwhelming but definitely an icky sick feeling. With just a cup or two of tea! I have no idea what coffee would do, I haven't had it in years. Maybe something is wrong with me...


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #60 on: February 27, 2017, 08:59:36 PM »
I started drinking "coffee" in high school.  Not real coffee though, it was the stuff with tons of milk and syrup that cost a fortune ;). In college I started drinking black coffee because it was wayyy cheaper.  I eventually developed a deep love for real black coffee that will never go away lol

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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #61 on: February 28, 2017, 06:37:42 AM »
I eventually developed a deep love for real black coffee that will never go away

That is the power of addiction.  Ask a recovering alcoholic or heroin addict and they'll tell you the same thing.  They have a deep love for the drug that will never go away.

I say this as a big fan of coffee, who is currently able to manage his habit.  :P


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #62 on: February 28, 2017, 07:09:56 AM »
I eventually developed a deep love for real black coffee that will never go away

That is the power of addiction.  Ask a recovering alcoholic or heroin addict and they'll tell you the same thing.  They have a deep love for the drug that will never go away.

I say this as a big fan of coffee, who is currently able to manage his habit.  :P

Yeah, but I can actually do coffee in moderation.  Alcohol?  Not so much.  :-(


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #63 on: February 28, 2017, 08:11:52 AM »
I eventually developed a deep love for real black coffee that will never go away

That is the power of addiction.  Ask a recovering alcoholic or heroin addict and they'll tell you the same thing.  They have a deep love for the drug that will never go away.

I say this as a big fan of coffee, who is currently able to manage his habit. 
Haha, yeah I casually joke around that I'm addicted to coffee.  I have cut back quite a bit lately but I will probably always have 8 ounces a day.

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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #64 on: February 28, 2017, 11:34:55 AM »
I am old enough that I remember that a cup of coffee to my parents meant Folgers crystals.  I detested that coffee, and that was pretty much all I knew growing up.  The coffee culture in the US begin in earnest when I was in college, but I skipped it pretty much entirely.  I did like tea and drank that pretty frequently (still do). 

I started drinking coffee at work.  It was absolute swill, but it was my first full time job and it kept me awake.  I found it drinkable if I diluted it with loads of cream and sugar.  I was up to 3 cups a day when I started having stomach acid problems, so I cut down to 2 cups, then 1 cup.  I finally just stopped drinking it all together for about 5-6 years except for the occasional dessert Cappuccino at a restaurant.  One day, when my kids were really little, I got an offer for a free pod machine if I was willing to do some market research.  It was a Senseo, and I really liked the Crema on top.  I got back into the habit of drinking about 2 cups a day.  I stopped using that thing, and gradually built up a few gadgets for making good quality coffee on the cheap.  A french press, a burr grinder, and Aeropress.  I still drink about 2 cups a day plus an occasional iced coffee.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #65 on: February 28, 2017, 11:56:28 AM »
Caffeine's a hell of a drug?

They won't let me drink whiskey at work?


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #66 on: February 28, 2017, 12:49:31 PM »
Caffeine's a hell of a drug?

They won't let me drink whiskey at work?

If whiskey improved productivity instead of inhibited it I bet they would have whiskey machines that pour free whiskey at the workplace.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #67 on: March 01, 2017, 10:15:28 AM »
I've associated coffee with getting into serious work-mode since i had a short job-orientation internship when i was 14 years old.
How much do you spend on coffee in a year (including cost of coffee maker, cups, creamer, etc)? Is it slowing your retirement? What are some frugal ways to drink coffee? Bulk order online, etc?
1 can / 2 days puts me at:
21g of ground coffee / can and 8-10€ / kg (buying the good stuff in bulk on sales): 34.5€ for black coffee
10g sugar / can, 0.7€ / kg : 1.3€
sometimes adding milk, lets average it out to 50ml / can, 0.8€ / l: 7.3€
43.1€ / year.

i don't think it places high on my list of financial vices to cull.

Caffeine's a hell of a drug?

They won't let me drink whiskey at work?

If whiskey improved productivity instead of inhibited it I bet they would have whiskey machines that pour free whiskey at the workplace.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2017, 10:22:00 AM by Burghardt »


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #68 on: March 01, 2017, 10:21:49 AM »
I drink coffee (well actually espresso) because I love the taste and I think it gives me a little extra alertness - might be a placebo though. I am fine when I don't drink it, so I don't think I'm addicted, and I don't drink it every single day, but most days. I enjoy the ritual of making it with my little stovetop pot. The coffee I get is 5 bucks a bag and I think I buy some every 2-3 weeks, so it probably costs me about 120 bucks a year. I rarely buy coffee out, if I do it's just to get some study time in at a coffee shop.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #69 on: March 01, 2017, 10:26:24 AM »
I don't drink coffee because I'm addicted.  I drink it because I GET THOSE DAMN HEADACHES WITHOUT IT!

As to cost... I bet we're around $200 a year.  (I know how much the 2lb bag we buy costs at Sams... I just am sort of wildly guessing as to how many we buy a year.)


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #70 on: March 01, 2017, 10:33:13 AM »
I've associated coffee with getting into serious work-mode since i had a short job-orientation internship when i was 14 years old.
How much do you spend on coffee in a year (including cost of coffee maker, cups, creamer, etc)? Is it slowing your retirement? What are some frugal ways to drink coffee? Bulk order online, etc?
1 can / 2 days puts me at:
21g of ground coffee / can and 8-10€ / kg (buying the good stuff in bulk on sales): 34.5€ for black coffee
10g sugar / can, 0.7€ / kg : 1.3€
sometimes adding milk, lets average it out to 50ml / can, 0.8€ / l: 7.3€
43.1€ / year.

i don't think it places high on my list of financial vices to cull.

Caffeine's a hell of a drug?

They won't let me drink whiskey at work?

If whiskey improved productivity instead of inhibited it I bet they would have whiskey machines that pour free whiskey at the workplace.

LOL, unfortunately a very limited window of efficacy that is hard to precisely achieve and maintain as opposed to caffeine where unless you consume an exorbitant amount it will be beneficial. But maybe the real solution is vodka and energy drink mixers instead of Whiskey then or Four Loko ;P

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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #71 on: March 01, 2017, 12:02:17 PM »
Like most people answering, I just love coffee.  Also I come from a family of coffee drinkers, so I do know it is a learned habit. 

As a side note, there is also a self-justification of something that you know is an addiction, and coffee is partly an addiction.  But I always felt that everyone needs some sort of crutch for stressful times.  Coffee is a very harmless one (much less so than other ways of handling stress).  So for me it has been coffee, and as such unless there is ever a medical reason to quit I'll stick to black coffee as one of life's less offensive ways of coping.

And thinking about this made me need a coffee...


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #72 on: March 02, 2017, 06:57:36 AM »
Because I closed!

Okay, I got the reference.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #73 on: March 02, 2017, 07:13:21 AM »
This might seem like a silly question, but I genuinely am curious! Caffeine, even in tea upsets my stomach. And I never really liked the taste of coffee unless it had a lot of creamer/sugar. But maybe I'm just not used to it? It seems that people refuse to cut out coffee for money-saving purposes, so maybe I'm missing out on life...

Why do you drink coffee? For the caffeine, taste, both? Are you actively trying to quit?  For the caffeine. We've cut back to 1/4 caf and I want to dump it forever over the summer.

Did you always like it or is it really an acquired taste? If my body doesn't like coffee, is that something I will get used to over time?

Hated it. Still don't really enjoy the taste. But it does somewhat counteract the lack of sleep.

How much do you spend on coffee in a year (including cost of coffee maker, cups, creamer, etc)? Is it slowing your retirement? What are some frugal ways to drink coffee? Bulk order online, etc?

Not sure exactly how much spent per year but it annoys me. I feel awful with no caffeine so I plan to drop it when my schedule is less crazy.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #74 on: March 02, 2017, 07:22:28 AM »
I brew a pot of coffee each morning to bring to work in my Thermos. I drink it black, and use only a few teaspoons full of coffee grounds to make the pot. So, I estimate my monthly costs at roughly $10. Although drinking water is probably best, I like the flavor of coffee (less boring!).

Lately I have switched to using 50% coffee and 50% ground chicory. The chicory has no caffeine and apparently improves the health of your gut. The first 10 days or so were bad, but now I appreciate the taste.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 07:24:02 AM by NathanP »


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #75 on: March 02, 2017, 07:24:08 AM »
Love the taste and the ritual of it.  Also have a mild caffeine addiction.  If I skip coffee for a few days for whatever reason I will have mild headaches.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #76 on: March 02, 2017, 10:48:18 AM »
I brew a pot of coffee each morning to bring to work in my Thermos. I drink it black, and use only a few teaspoons full of coffee grounds to make the pot. So, I estimate my monthly costs at roughly $10. Although drinking water is probably best, I like the flavor of coffee (less boring!).

Lately I have switched to using 50% coffee and 50% ground chicory. The chicory has no caffeine and apparently improves the health of your gut. The first 10 days or so were bad, but now I appreciate the taste.
curious how that works for you
There's a slight difference between the english and german wikipedia articles here
Both claim gut health, improved bowel function, relief of constipation - but while the english version states it "may help humans with weight loss", the german one says it increases apetite.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #77 on: March 02, 2017, 12:32:08 PM »
I brew a pot of coffee each morning to bring to work in my Thermos. I drink it black, and use only a few teaspoons full of coffee grounds to make the pot. So, I estimate my monthly costs at roughly $10. Although drinking water is probably best, I like the flavor of coffee (less boring!).

Lately I have switched to using 50% coffee and 50% ground chicory. The chicory has no caffeine and apparently improves the health of your gut. The first 10 days or so were bad, but now I appreciate the taste.
curious how that works for you
There's a slight difference between the english and german wikipedia articles here
Both claim gut health, improved bowel function, relief of constipation - but while the english version states it "may help humans with weight loss", the german one says it increases apetite.

I don't want to derail the thread, but the only side effect I noticed was a bit of extra stomach gas. That was only for the first few days after I made the switch to using ground chicory "coffee". I don't suffer from any digestive issues, so I cannot comment on any other benefits.

My primary reason for making the switch was to reduce my daily caffeine intake. Any health benefits are a bonus.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #78 on: March 02, 2017, 03:06:49 PM »
I never really cared for coffee until I was standing the mid-watch (midnight to 4:00am) on a midshipmen cruise on the USS John F. Kennedy.  I drank the coffee, the bug-juice (think kool-aid) to try to stay awake.

Now I drink french press with coffee-mate each morning.  Love it.

Lots of things slowed down my retirement over the years, coffee is the least of all of them.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #79 on: March 02, 2017, 03:11:52 PM »
BLACK. Unless there's real cream or half-n-half available, then I add that, but no sugar.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #80 on: March 11, 2017, 07:56:10 AM »
Because it's fun getting all cranked up on legal drugs at work

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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #81 on: March 13, 2017, 10:40:06 AM »
I don't drink coffee because I'm addicted.  I drink it because I GET THOSE DAMN HEADACHES WITHOUT IT!

Haha, this is sarcasm, right?


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #82 on: March 18, 2017, 11:13:43 PM »
I drink an absurd amount of coffee, left to my own devices. I have been to places that knew me where they would leave me the percolator, then replace it with another percolator when I was done with it. I caused terrible indignation for my SO when I drank 6 espressos and yawned.

It was always the flavor. Though I had been suspicious of how much I went through sometimes, I never seem to lose sleep, never get headaches, occasionally don't buy it for a month at a time on my "going to just do this socially for a while" kicks, and just... really enjoy coffee. I have been routinely warned that all "this will end" by people who say coffee no longer agrees with them.

Coffee and I are like... THIS though.


Oh and +10 points for the person who said "after I close."

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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #83 on: March 19, 2017, 06:22:16 PM »
I never really got into coffee. I tried to start drinking it in nursing school but I immediately got cavities so I went the cheaper/less sugar route and just got caffeine pills. 200mg wakes me up well. I mostly take one when I'm in the middle of a 16 hour shift, so a couple times a week. One $5 bottle will last me months and months.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #84 on: March 20, 2017, 07:15:18 AM »
I never really got into coffee. I tried to start drinking it in nursing school but I immediately got cavities so I went the cheaper/less sugar route and just got caffeine pills. 200mg wakes me up well. I mostly take one when I'm in the middle of a 16 hour shift, so a couple times a week. One $5 bottle will last me months and months.

I took a 200mg caffeine pill once and thought I was dying. I was shaking for hours.

Is there like a 10mg version? Haha.

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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #85 on: March 20, 2017, 08:36:04 AM »
I took a 200mg caffeine pill once and thought I was dying. I was shaking for hours.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #86 on: March 23, 2017, 03:43:55 PM »
Coffee is life.

I started drinking coffee when I was ~9ish.  I was the only kid during the holidays, and it was always the same tradition: after dinner, the men would collapse in the living room, put on whatever game, and fall asleep, while the women would sit around the table drinking coffee before dessert was ready. I wanted to be a grown up, so I would drink coffee too. (In my memory, I drank the same stuff as everyone else, but I'm fairly certain it was just milk and sugar with a splash of coffee. Still, it made me like the taste!)

When I was in high school, we had volleyball practice before school started, so my mom would get up with me at 530, we'd sit and have coffee, then she'd take me to practice. It became a morning ritual I really enjoyed, and we continued after the volleyball season ended (although a little later).

I used to drink it with tons of milk and sugar. Now I'm down to a splash of almond or skim milk and a splenda or a little bit of sugar. I can drink it black too, but I enjoy it more with a bit of extra flavoring.

Work provides free coffee, so I'm set five days a week. On weekends or any days off, I have a $20 coffee maker and I buy whatever grounds are on sale. Honestly I'm not big on the taste (good coffee is goooood, but I'll drink crap too). It's all about the morning ritual... the smell of coffee, holding the hot cup in your hands, taking that first burning sip, taking that second, much nicer sip...

I do *occasionally* indulge in Starbucks treats - it's very rare during most of the year, but I do admit I love their pumpkin spiced lattes during the fall (the fall is my season, everything is just wonderful). I think I managed only two this past year because I'm focusing on losing weight, and as delicious as they are, Hello Sugar Land! And the skinny ones don't taste as good.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #87 on: March 23, 2017, 04:08:34 PM »
It's a socially accepted psychoactive substance. It is highly addictive. It isn't grown within 2000 miles of me.

It tastes ok once you get used to it, find the right beans and the right brew method. I drink out of habit.

See this comical honest ad about coffee:

I honestly think if tomorrow we woke up and there was no coffee in existence there would be blood in the streets.

^This, coffee tastes like butt, but the caffeine is nice. I finally gave up on trying to choke down the stuff at work and switched  to black tea.

Side note, despite the coffee centric nature of this thread(North Americans I assume), tea is the most widely consumed caffeinated beverage. Coffee is largely an American and European(excluding UK) thing.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #88 on: March 23, 2017, 04:13:07 PM »
Coffee is largely an American and European(excluding UK) thing.

Delicious coffee was a German custom (most people know it wasn't much of a British one!). As a German-American custom, it was readily available when the colonies and Britain weren't super friendly.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #89 on: April 05, 2017, 11:25:53 PM »
It tastes good, smells good and it keeps me up during work time. ;p


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #90 on: April 06, 2017, 12:09:48 AM »
Why do you drink coffee? For the caffeine, taste, both? Are you actively trying to quit?
Caffeine. My job requires me to think all day, without the caffeine I'm just not as sharp early in the morning and in the evening. I have quit caffeine more than once, and it hindered my work.
Did you always like it or is it really an acquired taste? If my body doesn't like coffee, is that something I will get used to over time?
I still don't *like* it after 10 ears of daily drinking, though I guess I am somewhat used to the flavor.
How much do you spend on coffee in a year (including cost of coffee maker, cups, creamer, etc)? Is it slowing your retirement? What are some frugal ways to drink coffee? Bulk order online, etc?
I drink instant coffee w/ milk at home, cheap espresso at work - both are 0.2$ per cup, so ~146$ a year.

I think I'll try caffeine pills as a cheap replacement, though.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #91 on: April 06, 2017, 06:07:06 AM »
I still don't *like* it after 10 ears of daily drinking, though I guess I am somewhat used to the flavor.

Maybe it's because you're drinking instant coffee? :P But I know almost nothing about coffee so...

Caffeine pills definitely seem like the way to go if you don't like the taste.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #92 on: April 06, 2017, 06:58:58 AM »
If I only drank Dole grapefruit juice or Minute Maid orange juice I might think I don't like fruit juice, either. :p

Many people who don't like coffee are trying burned, expired, super-high-acid vending-machine-quality coffee.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #93 on: April 06, 2017, 08:00:01 AM »
I still don't *like* it after 10 ears of daily drinking, though I guess I am somewhat used to the flavor.

Maybe it's because you're drinking instant coffee? :P But I know almost nothing about coffee so...

Caffeine pills definitely seem like the way to go if you don't like the taste.
Heh. Nah, I've had countless types of coffee from various beans; although some are better than others, and instant is definitely not among the best, there isn't a single kind that wouldn't be improved if the coffee was replaced with something tastier.
I had a business meeting at a cafe the other day so I ordered a melange, and while it wasn't bad, I definitely would have preferred caffeinated (and cheap) juice!

I just checked, and 100mg caffeine pills over here are 0.2$, so no monetary advantage over instant coffee.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2017, 08:01:37 AM by farfromfire »


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #94 on: April 08, 2017, 07:42:53 AM »
Why do you drink coffee? For the caffeine, taste, both? Are you actively trying to quit?
Caffeine. My job requires me to think all day, without the caffeine I'm just not as sharp early in the morning and in the evening. I have quit caffeine more than once, and it hindered my work.

This is a very disturbing thing to read.  If my work depended on daily ingestion of a psychoactive drugs that I don't enjoy, I'd find a new job.


  • Stubble
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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #95 on: April 08, 2017, 08:29:18 AM »
Why do you drink coffee? For the caffeine, taste, both? Are you actively trying to quit?
Caffeine. My job requires me to think all day, without the caffeine I'm just not as sharp early in the morning and in the evening. I have quit caffeine more than once, and it hindered my work.

This is a very disturbing thing to read.  If my work depended on daily ingestion of a psychoactive drugs that I don't enjoy, I'd find a new job.
I enjoy the drugs very much! Just not the accompanying flavor.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #96 on: April 09, 2017, 01:57:12 AM »
Hey, I only skimmed the responses, but I think we have missed these two:

Yes  - Addiction and ritual are two prime reasons.  (Addiction makes me love the taste) and also:

1)  Hot drinks (tea / coffee) have a nice warming, soothing effect, when it is cold out or when I have cramps.  Warms up my hands in winter, too.

2)  I reach for another cup of coffee to stave off eating.  It crushes food cravings and suppresses my appetite  (and / or the milk I add gives me the tiny between meal amount that I need).   I don't feel like eating potato chips after I drink coffee.

3) To go with #3, if I have eaten (or forgotten) my lunch, drinking coffee tides me over until I get home, so I don't eat from the cafeteria or snack vending machine.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #97 on: April 09, 2017, 03:21:26 AM »
3) To go with #3, if I have eaten (or forgotten) my lunch, drinking coffee tides me over until I get home, so I don't eat from the cafeteria or snack vending machine.

It's the opposite for me! I have had to create a Life Rule about coffee: You are not allowed to drink coffee without eating food within the same hour. Otherwise it drives my blood sugar nuts. I don't need much - just a biscuit or bit of fruit or some nuts. However, my body is chronically incapable of homeostasis in all sorts of ways so I'm not exactly surprised.


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #98 on: April 09, 2017, 05:59:13 AM »
I drink coffee because it's impossible for me to Human in the mornings without it. I am drinking it right now and becoming bearable to be around. :-P


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Re: Why do you drink coffee?
« Reply #99 on: April 09, 2017, 06:02:38 AM »
Coffee yum! My life would be diminished without it.

One of my favorite things is pouring the roasted beans out of a new bag (Costco) and plunging my nose and face into all the amazing aroma. I drink drip coffee with a 10 ml of half/half, about 3-4 cups in the morning. If I am doing a presentation, I use decaf as I get nervous with the public speaking, but then I look for a cup of regular as soon as I am done.

One day if I become super spendy, I will still drive a 10+ year old car, but my kitchen will have a $500 coffee grinder and a la pavoni espresso machine. Hey my cup is empty!