“Progressive” city governance is a different thing than progressive national politics, and older east coast cities tend to have much more pragmatic, moderate city governance. NYC vs SF city government is night and day difference.
I think Buttigieg is significantly more electable than Newsom bc of how toxic California is to important constituencies, and because being gay is way less of a big deal than it was even a few years ago (especially for a man who doesn’t outwardly present flamboyantly). At this point, lots of Americans have a gay kid somewhere in their orbit—whether their own child, a cousin, a niece or nephew, a friend’s kid, someone in their church…
I honestly think a midwestern, white, ex-military man can pretty easily win the votes of many of the kinds of voters who might hesitate slightly at his being gay. I remember reading an anecdote online during the 2020 primary of some guy’s conservative dad speaking highly of Buttiegieg—the commenter asked his dad if he knew Pete was gay, and the dad was obviously surprised and flustered and then basically said, “well, who cares about that?”
Also think Whitmer, Booker, Beshear, etc., could be great options, but I’ve been most impressed by Pete’s communication.