I think we agree on how US elections work, and I’m not against how the system was designed since it has a utility in giving low-population states a voice. But I’m sure you’re aware that defrauding the electoral college is the RICO case against Trump. Gaming it, sure, I’ll agree that any successful candidate only need win the electoral college. Can you throw me a bone and concede that Trump has not won the popular vote in either of the two previous elections?
Was the popular vote result ever in question? I can't say I've paid a ton of attention, though "legal cases against Trump" seem to be more a case of "throw spaghetti at the wall and see if anything sticks" than anything sane, given the "creativity" in some of the cases against him.
The powers that be are obviously horrified by the thought that Trump might win again, and are outdoing one another in "legal absurdities to try and prevent that." Unfortunately, he's rather antifragile in those ways, and the more the system seems stacked against him through absurdities, the more support he's likely to find.
Should the keeper of the nuke codes, who loves beautiful phone calls, have a well-documented alliance with Putin?
Define "alliance"? Four years of trying to find a smoking gun about Russian collusion came up largely empty. And when it comes down to it, given a choice between proxy wars against Russia that we have going on now, or politicians talking among themselves, I'd rather have the second. Nothing good is going to come of the Ukraine meat grinder, just hundreds of thousands of deaths and draining weapons stocks the west seems to have forgotten how to build in large quantities, while Russia has geared up a solid supply chain for their military.
I personally find it amazing how he speaks in public so much, with that extra factor to deal with.
Ok, and the reason for his wandering aimlessly on stage? The... rather grade-school level cheat sheets handed to him about where he sits, how he behaves during meetings, etc?
I'm sure everything can be excused away by suitably motivated reasoning, but the straightforward and reasonable explanation is also "he's getting old, and is showing signs of [reduced mental acuity, cognitive decline, whatever you want to call it]."
Believe me, I'd far rather have a choice between some 50 year olds. But that doesn't seem to be in the cards, so I fully expect a retirement center grade comedy election season again.