I'm waiting for someone to convince me the polling stations and ballots won't be sabotaged. So many states and counties that poll as Biden landslides seems to be going out of their way to make Democrat votes impossible to count.
Republican voter suppression is very real. It is definitely already happening in NC again this year, and see also Texas limiting drop-off locations to one per county.
However voter suppression and similar shady tactics only work at the margins, they may shift the vote a percent or three. If it's actually going to be a landslide then the result will not change. The absolute best defense against election stealing is to ensure that it's actually a landslide.
The problem is that method of voting (where you have a choice) can skew by party line.
I saw it this June in the special election to replace my Rep. Early voting is fairly new here (just introduced last November), and absentee voting was allowed due to Covid. In person voting was heavily R. Early voting was 50:50 (but light). Absentee ballot voting was 2/3 D, 1/3 R, but took a month to certify and count. So the reported vote distribution shifted from easy R (night of) (R candidate claimed victory) to close call barely R squeeker win a month later.
If the presidential election follows this pattern, Trump could claim victory on in person/early vote numbers. When total counts come later (if they aren't invalidated somehow) he could complain of tampering when the proportions shift.
Yes, and that trend has only increased, now it's like 3/4 D 1/4 R for mail-in voting according to polls. But that doesn't really matter, because in spite of how much Trump will inevitably whine I don't think he'll actually be able to stop the counting of mail-in votes. If he does and he wins then it's literally leave the country or start a revolution time, because that would be an outright invalid election.
will happen is that the Republicans will attempt to throw away any mail-in ballot they can concoct an excuse to throw away. Currently in NC they're rejecting ballots from black areas at a rate of 4%, and white areas at a rate of 1%.
But again, that only matters on the margins. They may actually be able to keep NC from going to Biden because the vote is so close here, but if it was going to be a landslide then the result would not change. So let's hope for and work towards making it a landslide so they can't steal it.