The Republican Party could have chosen a candidate in 2016 who was not racist and corrupt and who would have carried out a Republican agenda.
Yes but they would have lost. I mean, how do you raise a billion dollars for your election without some corruption? Think carefully, now.
Your system encourages corruption. Racism, well, that's another question.
Just don't choose Biden. In the choice between a rich sleazy
boring old white guy, and a rich
sleazy entertaining old white guy, it is not clear why the people would choose the boring one.
You guys are continuing to deny the issues which got Trump elected: the decline of the waged class. Being members of the salaried or investment classes, you don't see the decline of the waged class as an issue. Trump snuck in through this blind spot. If you don't open your eyes to it, and you probably won't, not only will Trump win again in 2020, he'll get another go and do 2024 as well.
This was written before Trump won, and like me, he predicted the win. this carefully, or you're going to have Trump in office until he dies of old age - at which point things get nasty, because his supporters will insist it's an assassination.