My other point was that Clinton hired an ex-spy who is British who allegedly gleaned all of his information from Russians. We have also learned that the vast majority of his reports were entirely fictional and worse led to FISA warrants under very dubious credibility.
You are a damned dirty liar. Name
one thing in the Steele Dossier that was proven to be fictional.
MOD EDIT: Please don't call people names. Rule #1Which led to spying on Carter Page and indirectly Trump and provided a basis for opening the Mueller investigation by a handful of players that have had their careers ruined because of their bias.
Carter Page in particular may not have been proven guilty of anything, but the
"handful of players" who's lives were "ruined" by the court system where because of the multitude of laws that they broke, not because of their "bias".
Like the Trump example, I am eagerly awaiting Muellers report to see where the facts lie, because there is a tremendous amount of speculation.
From "The Mueller investigation has revealed no evidence of collusion" to "Hey let's not jump to conclusions based on the many guilty please the Mueller investigation has managed to extract, we have to wait for the final report guys!" The truth is already out there to anyone who cares to look for it.
[snip another bunch of lies, unjustified speculation about whether Hillary would have been equally as traitorous, and "both sides are just as bad"]
The Senate Bi-Partisan Intelligence Committeee has recently found NO direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians. I fully suspect Mueller has found no such information either after two years. But hey, I could be wrong. But I am speculating, and we know what can happen with that.
Senate (controlled by Republicans) "Bi-Partisan" Intelligence Committee has found no
direct evidence... right, nice bit of spin there. Because of course only a video of Trump confessing would be "direct" evidence for someone who constantly operates through flunkies.
Everybody is getting shitty and biased information. The news media in this country is a national disgrace. They have caused more harm and divided this country like no other. You want to look for a traitor? Turn on the news.
Right, the old Fox News "the mainstream media (somehow we are not included) are the bad guys" / Trumpian "people who report on me are the enemies of the public" line. I'm not saying NPR are angels incarnate or anything, but they sure are a hell of a lot more Patriotic and American that lying parrots like you.
Way to not actually address anything substantive that was brought up between your initial post and now, and instead just repeat your talking points again in a slightly different phrasing. Propaganda-spewing intellectually-dishonest-debaters like you are the enemies of the public, not journalists who trend a little too much towards click-bait titles.
At this point it's very clear what you are to everyone who cares to look. When the mods hit you with the "100 posts not in Off Topic for new posters" rule you immediately started spamming every conversation you could find with low-effort nonsense so that you could rush back here to Trump's defense. Don't worry, I'll go ahead and flag this conversation to the mods and be done. Mods, please do something.