Oh, that would be juicy if Christy got in and there was bad blood! What did Kushner's father go to jail for?
All of the same stuff that Trump is going to jail for: campaign finance violations, tax evasion, and witness tampering. That last one was salacious, involving hiring a hooker to seduce his brother in law and then sending the sex tape to his own sister, in retaliation for the brother in law cooperating with federal investigators.
They certainly sound like perfect upstanding members of society. Role models we should all aspire to *gag*.
Dumb muppets.
Dumb muppets that hold the fate of the world in their hands. Let's hope our institutions are strong enough to withstand a few years of gross national mismanagement.
I think Donald Trump is the inevitable conclusion to the baby boomer generation. They inherited a postwar economy unlike anything every seen before, have amassed more personal wealth than any group of people in history, flagrantly strip mined the planet's resources to make it happen, then blamed their own children for ruining everything by being lazy and entitled. What could be a more fitting capstone to their generation than electing their archetype to the presidency?
Like every other politicians of his era, Trump is a me me me right now kind of guy. Screw the deficit, let's cut taxes! Screw the environment, let's juice short term profits! Screw the rule of law, there's power to be grabbed! "Waaah, I was born rich and privileged but it's been so hard for me to continue being rich and privileged!"
America will have to pay for these sins eventually. Today's youth seem unlikely to receive the same social security benefits that Donald Trump and his generation will get. They will never have the protection of union jobs. They will never be able to afford a college education by working a summer gig, and as a cohort they will never be able to afford to buy a house and raise a family in their 20s without a college degree. For the first time in American history, the economic outlook for today's young people is not better than it was for their parents and it's the parent's fault for creating that situation. We seem to have forsaken our sense of obligation to the future, of our country and of our own families.
This is the future America has built for itself, and it's the future Donald Trump is delivering as promised. I'm really looking forward to reading the new history books when I am 100 years old.
Donald Trump has always been a con man, and I don't think he thought very carefully about how his malfeasance might be exposed if he became President. Now that we have proof that he's committed multiple felonies, his political legacy is forever ruined. Like Nixon, he will either go to jail or be pardoned and either way history will laugh at him. From here on out, everything else he does while in office will just be an attempt to add spin to the overarching historical narrative of former President Trump as criminally corrupt.