Author Topic: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...  (Read 1453436 times)

Just Joe

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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #900 on: January 03, 2018, 08:07:21 AM »
I suggest we give Kim-Jung Il and Trump pistols and let them take 20 paces each.

Actually - how about 10 paces each so they don't miss?

Then the rest of us can get back to living and enjoying life.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #901 on: January 03, 2018, 08:08:45 AM »
Yeah  I love having our hard earned tax dollars go to a circus of a White house.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #902 on: January 03, 2018, 08:11:25 AM »
Like the McD's commercial:  I'm Loving It!!

POTUS is having a d***-measuring contest.  On twitter.  About nuclear buttons.

Get a grip.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #903 on: January 03, 2018, 08:22:39 AM »
Every time I read one of Trump's tweets I look up to Heaven and ask Baby Jesus to hold my hand. :/


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #904 on: January 03, 2018, 09:26:35 AM »
Like the McD's commercial:  I'm Loving It!!

Can you explain what it is that you are loving about this? Specifically, I'm curious how you feel about how he has shifted US foreign policy.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #905 on: January 03, 2018, 10:45:39 AM »
I'm amused that Trump has cried wolf so many times now that the markets no longer respond negatively when he threatens to nuke North Korea. "A threat of global thermonuclear war? Ho-hum. Just another day in Trump's America."


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #906 on: January 03, 2018, 11:08:06 AM »
I'm amused that Trump has cried wolf so many times now that the markets no longer respond negatively when he threatens to nuke North Korea. "A threat of global thermonuclear war? Ho-hum. Just another day in Trump's America."

Trump is the weakest and least credible president we've had in a long time.  Foreign leaders were to quick to realize he's not very well informed, not very bright, and not very interested in furthering the goals of America.  He's only in it because it flatters his old man vanity, and lines his pocketbook.

So it doesn't really matter what he says, they know he's not serious, doesn't have the support of congress or the American people, and can't back up any of his juvenile threats.  He's all PR and no policy.  He subscribes to the "perception is reality" school of leadership (ignorance is strength!) , which works great for tv celebrities but not so great for international conflicts.

Now wall street has caught on, too.  He's a petulant toddler with a megaphone, so we try our best to ignore the meaningless shouting and patiently await the day that some adults are in charge again.  In the meantime, he can only shout.

Last week my four year old told me I wasn't going to get any candy if I didn't play the jump on daddy game with her.  Oh noes!  That's kind of how I feel about Trump right now. 


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #907 on: January 03, 2018, 11:13:56 AM »
Like the McD's commercial:  I'm Loving It!!

Can you explain what it is that you are loving about this? Specifically, I'm curious how you feel about how he has shifted US foreign policy.

Acroy believes that all government is evil and inherently bad.  Given that:

Trump is the weakest and least credible president we've had in a long time.

he's overjoyed, because there's finally a political leader that embodies everything he wants from the government.  The worse that Trump makes things, the happier Acroy will be in general because it fits the world-view that he's got.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #908 on: January 03, 2018, 12:24:15 PM »
The power of the Trump presidency is in taking generally reasonable people and pushing them to the point where they kinda hope that North Korea nukes the US just to shut the current president up.

How hard is it for an American to move to Toronto?

Asking for tens of millions of friends.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #909 on: January 03, 2018, 05:00:50 PM »
The power of the Trump presidency is in taking generally reasonable people and pushing them to the point where they kinda hope that North Korea nukes the US just to shut the current president up.

How hard is it for an American to move to Toronto?

Asking for tens of millions of friends.

Don't make us build a wall and then charge your country for it.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #911 on: January 03, 2018, 06:43:51 PM »
The power of the Trump presidency is in taking generally reasonable people and pushing them to the point where they kinda hope that North Korea nukes the US just to shut the current president up.

How hard is it for an American to move to Toronto?

Asking for tens of millions of friends.

Don't make us build a wall and then charge your country for it.

Just add ice skating skills to your requirements for Canadian citizenship. No American could pass the exam.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #912 on: January 04, 2018, 12:11:44 PM »
I'll just leave this latest thing here...

For those that don't know, it's an excerpt of the upcoming book about the Trump White House, and wow, wow, wow, wow... (4 of 4 "wow"s). 
I'll put the disclaimer if this book is truth, it's even more crazy in the White House than I could have imagined.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #913 on: January 04, 2018, 12:24:19 PM »
Silly Zamboni keeps thinking the 2-bit side show of the executive branch can't get any more absurd . . .

Just add ice skating skills to your requirements for Canadian citizenship. No American could pass the exam.

Whoo-hoo! Zamboni is an excellent skater . . . heck Zamboni even smooths the ice for those who come behind. Canada can't keep me out!

(I shall stop referring to myself in the 3rd person now.)


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #914 on: January 04, 2018, 02:21:51 PM »


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #915 on: January 04, 2018, 02:33:50 PM »

Fire and Fury goes on sale early - tomorrow, in fact.

The Streisand Effect should really help sales, eh?


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #916 on: January 04, 2018, 02:38:25 PM »

Fire and Fury goes on sale early - tomorrow, in fact.

Wow, that cease and desist letter really did the trick, eh?


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #917 on: January 05, 2018, 07:43:17 AM »
The "full" Trump Presidency will be over sometime in 2018.  I see us having President Pence before the end of this calendar year, most likely before the midterm elections.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #918 on: January 05, 2018, 08:17:42 AM »
All copies of Fire and Fury are sold out - Amazon pre-orders won't even ship until February.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #919 on: January 05, 2018, 08:50:40 AM »
The "full" Trump Presidency will be over sometime in 2018.  I see us having President Pence before the end of this calendar year, most likely before the midterm elections.

All copies of Fire and Fury are sold out - Amazon pre-orders won't even ship until February.

Although these are two different posts, I think they warrant the same response


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #920 on: January 05, 2018, 09:11:40 AM »
The power of the Trump presidency is in taking generally reasonable people and pushing them to the point where they kinda hope that North Korea nukes the US just to shut the current president up.

How hard is it for an American to move to Toronto?

Asking for tens of millions of friends.

Don't make us build a wall and then charge your country for it.

Just add ice skating skills to your requirements for Canadian citizenship. No American could pass the exam.
I'm not horrible. But then I'm originally from the Chicago area.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 09:17:17 AM by partgypsy »


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #921 on: January 05, 2018, 03:02:16 PM »
I'll just leave this latest thing here...

For those that don't know, it's an excerpt of the upcoming book about the Trump White House, and wow, wow, wow, wow... (4 of 4 "wow"s). 
I'll put the disclaimer if this book is truth, it's even more crazy in the White House than I could have imagined.

Who need Game of Thrones... here is the live version right here in front of us :)


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #922 on: January 06, 2018, 09:11:18 AM »
He's, like, really smart.



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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #923 on: January 06, 2018, 05:13:13 PM »

President Donald Trump’s mental health might lead to the extinction of the human species, the Yale psychiatrist briefing lawmakers on the president's psychological state told Newsweek on Friday.
What Lee would say is that a history of violence—like Trump’s “verbal aggressiveness, history of boasting about sexual assault, history of inciting violence at his rallies, and history of endorsing violence in his key public speeches”—is the best predictor of future violence. “He has also shown an attraction to violence and powerful weapons," she said, including nuclear weapons. "He has also repeatedly taunted a hostile nation."
If the idea of Trump starting a species-ending nuclear war doesn't make you all that concerned, don't worry—that's normal. "Many people will be numbed," Lee said. "That's a normal human response to such a monumental risk of danger that is before us."


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #924 on: January 10, 2018, 08:33:19 AM »

Trump Administration Waives Punishment For Convicted Banks, Including Deutsche — Which Trump Owes Millions

"We're going to be the most transparent administration ever."

White House plans to destroy Trump election fraud commission's voter data

Just Joe

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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #925 on: January 11, 2018, 09:18:44 AM »
So any recall petitions floating about yet?


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #926 on: January 11, 2018, 10:01:36 AM »
On the same day Trump mentioned Hillary Clinton at least three times, Kellyanne said on CNN that no one in the administration mentions Clinton or thinks about her.

Eight hours later Trump fired off another tweet about "Crooked Hillary."

Why do people take these idiots seriously?

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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #927 on: January 11, 2018, 10:41:37 AM »
Fake Media (aka Morning Joe on MSNBC) pointed out today that although the word "collusion" appears in numerous transcripts on the White House site a search for that word in their search engine comes up blank.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #928 on: January 11, 2018, 12:00:30 PM »
Fake Media (aka Morning Joe on MSNBC) pointed out today that although the word "collusion" appears in numerous transcripts on the White House site a search for that word in their search engine comes up blank.
It's true. Just checked it. Not surprisingly, the word "pardon" does produce search results, though.

A Definite Beta Guy

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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #929 on: January 11, 2018, 03:29:27 PM »
Like the McD's commercial:  I'm Loving It!!

POTUS is having a d***-measuring contest.  On twitter.  About nuclear buttons.

Get a grip.

Heh, I'll admit that I find this more amusing than worrying. It's substantially less dangerous than the standard responses anyways. Ex: whenever NK runs a missile drill, SK runs a missile drill simulating bombing the crap out of Pyongyang. It makes perfect sense, because it shows:

1. We're willing to bomb you back.
2. We absolutely can do it.
3. We have a really, really fast response time.

But it's also dangerous, because it could possibly be misread as an ACTUAL attack on North Korea, and not just a drill.

Trump's tweets don't really fall into the same category. I'd be laughing if Obama had made similar comments about ISIS, and then posted some videos of us bombing them.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #930 on: January 11, 2018, 04:49:50 PM »
Jan 4: Dept. of Interior announces that nearly all coastline will be opened for offshore drilling.

Jan 6: Michael Moore threatens to start fracking near Mar a Lago.

Jan 10: Trump Administration prohibits drilling off Florida's coast.

The Michael Moore thing was most likely satire, but the timing is pretty funny. And, of course, the whole thing is a troubling example of the Trump Administration changing laws to benefit itself.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #932 on: January 11, 2018, 05:32:00 PM »
New Vic Berger Super Cut - Stable Genius


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #933 on: January 12, 2018, 07:56:57 AM »

Holy ***t.   I can't...what the **** is this??

Wall Street Journal interview -

“I probably have a very good relationship with Kim Jong Un. I have relationships with people. I think you people are surprised.”

Is it "probably a very good relationship" or Little Rocket Man?

WSJ reporters asked if that meant he talks directly to Kim, which would be a major departure from US policy over the past decade. Trump replied: “I don’t want to comment on it. I’m not saying I have or haven’t. I just don’t want to comment.”

LOL what?

On the border wall, he explained, “[Mexico] can pay for it indirectly through NAFTA. We make a good deal on NAFTA, and, say, I’m going to take a small percentage of that money and it’s going toward the wall. Guess what? Mexico’s paying.”

That's....not how that works, but ok.

“I don’t know what the word permanent means,” Trump said


“[Trump] claimed that firing former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey should have elicited grateful applause from across Washington.”

Uhhhh Washington generally doesn't approve of obstruction of justice, let alone applaud it.

“Mr. Trump offered an unsolicited rebuttal to Fire and Fury, saying it showed the need for new libel laws. But he acknowledged that was unlikely to happen, saying that the Republican-controlled Congress doesn’t have the ‘guts’ for that debate.”

Wait wait, the anti-PC, anti-snowflake POTUS got offended by a book and now wants to shut down free speech?  Also, has no one in his administration told him THERE ARE NO NATIONAL LIBEL LAWS??

Trump “acknowledged that Pyongyang may be trying to separate Washington and Seoul. ‘If I were them, I would try,’ he said. ‘The difference is I’m president, other people aren’t,’ he said. ‘And I know more about wedges than any human being that’s lived.’”


We have elected the dumbest possible person to the Oval Office.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #934 on: January 12, 2018, 09:57:18 AM »
We have elected the dumbest possible person to the Oval Office.

Perhaps, but at least he's not from a shithole country. I wonder if my home country is a shithole or not. Hrm.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #935 on: January 12, 2018, 10:09:40 AM »

We have elected the dumbest possible person to the Oval Office.

I kind of prefer Rupert Murdoch's wording on something, for once.

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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #936 on: January 12, 2018, 10:25:33 AM »
We have elected the dumbest possible person to the Oval Office.

Perhaps, but at least he's not from a shithole country. I wonder if my home country is a shithole or not. Hrm.

Is Donald Trump your president? If not, points in your favor.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #937 on: January 12, 2018, 10:29:04 AM »
eeww. Of all the trump tweets, I thought it was just him in character or whatever; I didn't care. But if that is true...

Why Norway? They are already used to government handouts, they would just come here and complain about the education. Or how about some German or French so they can sit in front of a cafe and smoke cigarettes.

At least the ones who come here now work or babysit their grand kids or whatever.

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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #938 on: January 12, 2018, 10:36:07 AM »
If they want to mooch, they can mooch off of Norway's welfare system much more easily than they can mooch off our system.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #939 on: January 12, 2018, 10:39:00 AM »
eeww. Of all the trump tweets, I thought it was just him in character or whatever; I didn't care. But if that is true...

Why Norway? They are already used to government handouts, they would just come here and complain about the education. Or how about some German or French so they can sit in front of a cafe and smoke cigarettes.

At least the ones who come here now work or babysit their grand kids or whatever.
Not a tweet. It was a verbal statement at a meeting on immigration in the Oval Office. Classy, no? I think Norway was just what popped to mind as a country of super-white/blonde people in his perception. We probably need more of those, by his thinking.

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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #940 on: January 12, 2018, 12:00:51 PM »
eeww. Of all the trump tweets, I thought it was just him in character or whatever; I didn't care. But if that is true...

Why Norway? They are already used to government handouts, they would just come here and complain about the education. Or how about some German or French so they can sit in front of a cafe and smoke cigarettes.

At least the ones who come here now work or babysit their grand kids or whatever.
Not a tweet. It was a verbal statement at a meeting on immigration in the Oval Office. Classy, no? I think Norway was just what popped to mind as a country of super-white/blonde people in his perception. We probably need more of those, by his thinking.

Nah. Well, maybe, but Norway was specifically mentioned because the Norwegian PM is visiting the US right now.

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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #941 on: January 12, 2018, 01:17:54 PM »
eeww. Of all the trump tweets, I thought it was just him in character or whatever; I didn't care. But if that is true...

Why Norway? They are already used to government handouts, they would just come here and complain about the education. Or how about some German or French so they can sit in front of a cafe and smoke cigarettes.

At least the ones who come here now work or babysit their grand kids or whatever.
Not a tweet. It was a verbal statement at a meeting on immigration in the Oval Office. Classy, no? I think Norway was just what popped to mind as a country of super-white/blonde people in his perception. We probably need more of those, by his thinking.

Nah. Well, maybe, but Norway was specifically mentioned because the Norwegian PM is visiting the US right now.

Oh yeah, that's definitely it.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #942 on: January 12, 2018, 02:13:48 PM »
We have elected the dumbest possible person to the Oval Office.

Perhaps, but at least he's not from a shithole country. I wonder if my home country is a shithole or not. Hrm.

My brother is on Facebook indignantly pointing out that the LIBERAL MEDIA is cruelly overplaying this story, and that those countries ARE shitholes anyway and so he's just TELLING IT LIKE IT IS.

If I felt like starting a fight, I'd ask him if he realized what sort of horrible things people probably said about the countries that our grandparents emigrated from.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #943 on: January 12, 2018, 02:19:15 PM »
We have elected the dumbest possible person to the Oval Office.

Perhaps, but at least he's not from a shithole country. I wonder if my home country is a shithole or not. Hrm.

My brother is on Facebook indignantly pointing out that the LIBERAL MEDIA is cruelly overplaying this story, and that those countries ARE shitholes anyway and so he's just TELLING IT LIKE IT IS.

If I felt like starting a fight, I'd ask him if he realized what sort of horrible things people probably said about the countries that our grandparents emigrated from.

I had someone arguing that he mentioned places, not people, so it was ridiculous to call the comments racist.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #944 on: January 12, 2018, 02:25:43 PM »
i think there might, just might, be a pattern emerging. See also interrupting a meeting to ask why the woman of asian descent was reporting on Pakistan instead of Korea. *facepalm*


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #945 on: January 12, 2018, 03:34:41 PM »
eeww. Of all the trump tweets, I thought it was just him in character or whatever; I didn't care. But if that is true...

Why Norway? They are already used to government handouts, they would just come here and complain about the education. Or how about some German or French so they can sit in front of a cafe and smoke cigarettes.

At least the ones who come here now work or babysit their grand kids or whatever.

Yeah Norway, I mean who wants to go there, what with their universal healthcare, subsidized education for all, etc. They must be miserable paying all those taxes.

This reminds me of the time I spent deployed to Bosnia working with the Danes. They strapped 60+ pounds onto their backs and rucked 10-12 miles up to were we were doing joint training. Meanwhile the Americans were cruising by them in their armored Humvee's. All those government handouts made them so lazy... oh wait! They knew how to throw a party too. Some of the coolest guys/gals I ever met.


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #946 on: January 13, 2018, 12:01:28 AM »
Sometime I wonder what is the lowest point, and I am still surprised (I shouldn't) that the president manage to invent the new bottom...


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #947 on: January 13, 2018, 12:33:45 AM »
What is scary is that those that you would want to remain in political positions (those with an independent perspective) are leaving in droves.  I also wonder about this with FI-ER.  Sure, the workplace should treat us better, but what is left for the next generation if all of those that can stand up for others just decide we'd rather pack up and leave it for the new hires to suffer through?  'Not our problem' will eventually become a problem.
"As a junior foreign service officer, I signed an oath to serve faithfully the President and his administration in an apolitical fashion, even when I might not agree with certain policies. My instructors made clear that if I believed I could not do that, I would be honor bound to resign. That time has come," Feeley wrote.

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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #948 on: January 13, 2018, 03:52:12 AM »
Trump is the best US President the rest of the world has had since WWII. Awful for the USA, but that's not our problem, thank god.

I mean, if Hilary had wanted Australia, for example, to follow the US into war in Korea, or further deregulate everything, or further free our own trade while the US kept up its own barriers, or give up on climate and human rights treaties, we'd do it. But Trump? Not even our politicians will dare follow him. Hilary was malicious and smart, Trump is malicious and dumb. That's much safer.

Trump in 2020, and after that change your constitution so he can keep getting re-elected even if he's 112 years old, comatose on life support (at least he might stop tweeting then).


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Re: So Let's Speculate about the Future of a Full Trump Presidency...
« Reply #949 on: January 13, 2018, 09:51:23 AM »
i think there might, just might, be a pattern emerging. See also interrupting a meeting to ask why the woman of asian descent was reporting on Pakistan instead of Korea. *facepalm*
I enjoyed that. Occasionally, there is a refreshing, naive, child-like sincerity to Trump. (Yes, it also has the bad qualities pointed out in the article but let's celebrate Trump's ability, even when not intentionally doing so, to pack so many insulting ideas into such a brief statement; Trumpisms > Shakespearean insults)