The Greenland thing is much more problematic than what gets presented in the foreign media. Those 56 000 people living up there are not Danish, they are 90 % Inuit who identify as Greenlanders. When the Danish PM said she can't sell Greenland because it belongs to the Greenlanders, it was not a nice and polite phrase. There are years of conflict, rasism, oppression, and attempts of genocide behind those words. The reason Greenland now belongs to the Greenlanders is not because the Danish are so nice. That is due to the home rule act of 2009, and a very strict wording from the UN that you can't mess with land belonging to native people.
So what Trump is doing is deeply racist (asking the white folks if he can buy their colony), and it nourishes some very old conflicts that might have a backlash. One of the old actions the Danish have had to atone for these last few years, is selling the Thule area to the US for them to build an airbase in the 1950s. The people living in that village were forced out, with only a few days warning. Their hunting grounds became closed off, and they were moved to a much less desirable area to the north. Lately they have gotten access to some of the hunting grounds again, after half a century of fighting.
So what might happen if Trump insists on starting fights? The relationship between Greenland and Denmark is fragile. And the US in connected to Denmark in peoples' minds. According to the home rule act, Greenland can demand to take over more and more power from Denmark (as the Faroes have been doing for years - they are now almost independent of Danish funding, and are fighting Denmark for places at the negotiation tables in the EU, Arctic council, IWC, etc). Greenland is popular due to resources and location, and the Chinese are very much wanting a piece of the pie. If the US stumbles too much in the diplomacy, Greenland might very well decide that China seems like a much better business partner.
Trump just canceled a meeting with the Danish PM because she said Greenland isn’t for sale.
Hey, Trump supporters: you are idiots.
Is Svalbard for sale? Norway could make some quick cash.
I think you just picked the country least likely to ever need some quick cash.
We are good, thanks. If Trump would like to know how to buy parts of the world, he could have a look at our list of foreign property: (click on the country/region, and then on "eiendom", and you will see the adresses of all the property we currently hold in that region. Yes, we do own parts of Times Square in New York, Oxford Street in London, etc).
Also - F no you are not getting into Svalbard. We are holding on to the peace with Russia with our fingernails. We DO NOT need the US making a mess of that shit.
On the other hand; should Greenland decide they want to correct the error that was made in 1814 when Denmark stole parts of Norway, we would be happy to welcome them back. That also goes for the Faroes, Iceland, Shetland, Orkneys, Hebridies, and Isle of Man.