It's been ten months now and Trump hasn't accomplished anything at all, so hopefully things will continue this way. Trump has proven to be completely inept when it comes to getting his ideas turned into law. Honestly, I'd be perfectly fine with the USA operating on auto-pilot for another three years until we can shake up the Yahtzee can and dump it out again in 2020.
Sadly, The Orange POS had accomplished an enormous amount of low grade damage, that will take years to repair, if at all. His choice of department heads was specifically done to do the largest amount of damage to them as possible. Tillerson has gutted state, with 60% of the most senior diplomats walking out the door. DeVos is a criminal who has no interest in anything but her billions, and her continually failing push to destroy public education, and promote her Evangelical Jihad. After 14 years of study and battling to prevent a FOREIGN mining company from destroying the most pristine remaining salmon hatchery ground on the planet, in Bristol Bay AK. Dopey's Interior secretary spent an hour with the mining co. CEO, and said, "fuck it, you can start your permit process immediately". There are extremist and totally incompetent judges now seated on the bench that could still be there 45 years from now. Some were picked only because they were young conservative nutjobs, that would hopefully live a long time, and spread the hate. The next three years will be nothing but pushing as much of the greed, radical conservatism, and "save the 1%" agenda as possible, and a huge amount of damage is being done, very quietly.
If he does manage to destroy the ACA, and pass this radical tax bill, he will have had some huge accomplishments, that will have massive and lasting negative effects on the poor and middle class.