Yes, Trump tweets things that can easily be disproved - the size of his inauguration crowd being just one. But FIREstache's point about these recent tweets hasn't been refuted, just argued against.
Actually, Dabnasty pretty effectively refuted FIREstache's argument with his comments here:
If nothing I stated was incorrect, then my comment was not refuted, and someone simply disagreed with my opinion.
Also, I didn't ignore it and follow up with a response, and his post was actually in quoting a follow-up post, not directly to me, and despite my opinion not being swayed, I didn't respond after the name-calling directed towards me. He is welcome to his own opinion. Hopefully we are all allowed to express differing opinions here without personal attacks.
FIREstache you have constantly over and over again shown that you don't know how to conduct a discussion on this forum. Even in this response you seem to not understand how people are refuting your arguments nor what an "opinion" even is.
Here is the general flow of the conversation:
FIREstache: "I believe
Anyone else: Well
x cannot be true because of evidence a, b, and c
FIREstache: <nothing>
2 pages laterFIREstache: "Well since
x is obviously true"
Everyone else: "Hey you never actually responded to anyone's comment and just started repeating the same things."
FIREstache: "Don't kick me out just because I have a different opinion!"
This isn't facebook. This is a place where hopefully we discuss and debate matters. But you don't, you don't engage. Maybe you're not a troll, but the way that you behave in this thread and
all the other political off topic ones is exactly how trolls operate. Learn to refute, debate, and think in a conversation. If you're
just here to state your opinion and nothing else, then you're not adding to the conversation.