Once you realize political bias is a combination of environment and genetically inherited brain chemistry which you can overturn through greater detachment and rationality, the world becomes a much more amazing, open, beautiful place. I might sound like a jerk but when I read political debates on this site (which is far above average), most of the posts are not even wrong.
Eh-not a jerk. But waltzing into a political debate and telling the participants that, if only they'd be more rational (like, for example, you!), they'd have access to a more amazing world is more like a room-clearing fart.
Well maybe this is a room that deserves to be cleared (it already stank before I arrived anyway). I doubt there is any concise way to demonstrate how liberating oneself from ideological prison is wonderful so I'm probably wasting my time preaching detachment. But so is everyone else when they argue back and forth without ever changing their minds about anything, which seems to be the outcome of such discussions for 99.99% of participants.
I've been following this thread since the start; A Definite Beta Guy was right to call out here (or maybe the Russia thread which is very similar?) about the red-colored shed, and then I saw theoatmeal linked about parallel themes. But you're right, this is probably not the place to question the motivations of why people hold their particular political beliefs.
Or, maybe the belief that you earnestly adhere to is that your detachment makes you superior to and more rational than those who debate political ideas. It explains why your detachment is more performative than, say, someone like MMM who both preaches AND practices detachment. I've also found that many who have found the religion of detachment right now find it to be a convenient excuse for not being called on the carpet for their Trump support. Were you equally detached about Hillary's emails? When those in your circle started talking about "lock her up", did you scold them about their biases and advise them to be detached, or do you save the scolding for those on the other side?
I don't mean to change anyone's mind. I know that many people have entrenched beliefs. But liberals have been silent for far too long, and it has allowed conservatives to fester in their own echo chamber to such a degree that they are now contorting themselves to defend Roy Moore. The result is that we have people in this very thread musing about whether it's really wrong for a 32 year old to try to "bang" a 14 year old girl. Perhaps your energy and scolding might better be directed at those whose party identity and biases run so deep that they cannot condemn Roy Moore.