As others have pointed out, he was the one who ended DACA - but that's been temporarily halted by the federal courts. SCOTUS is unlikely to take up the issue until at least summer 2020, when the presidential race will be in full swing.
Right, the DACA offer is a hoax. He created the DACA problem in the first place, with the stroke of his pen. You don't punch someone in the face and then try to "negotiate" a payment in exchange for you not punching them in the face anymore. That's just assault.
Not that Trump hasn't tried this tactic before. I understand that "The Art of the Deal" includes this very advice, about getting what you want by creating a problem and then offering to fix that problem in exchange for the thing you want. It's a way to generate artificial leverage, of giving something up in a negotiation without actually giving anything up.
Even if Trump agrees to "fix" DACA, it's only temporary. He could break it again in a month, or a future president could. The only way DACA gets truly fixed at this point is if Congress passes a legislative fix, and the courts back it. If he wants to use DACA as a bargaining chip, he needs to get the republicans in the Senate to agree to fixing it permanently.
The rest of his offer is stuff that both sides already agree needs to get done, like increased funding for immigration courts. That one is a given from every angle, so it's not exactly a concession or incentive to anyone. That's like saying he'll re-open the government in exchange for border wall funding. Every person on every side agrees that government needs to be reopened, so you're not compromising by agreeing with them and doing your damn job. Quite the contrary, you're kind of an asshole for refusing to do it in the first place.
Best strategy might be just to let the legislature craft their deal and then rail against it later. Some will fall for it.
I think we all need to prepare for the possibility that we're going to be listening to Donald Trump's angry tweets until the day he dies. Long after he is out of office, he's going to be tweeting about crooked Hillary and American carnage and NO COLLUSION in all caps. It doesn't matter if he loses an election, or goes to jail. He's always going to be a former president and certain believers will pay him hundreds of thousands of dollars to give fiery speeches about how the country is doomed and only he can fix it. Even a complete and total electoral refutation of his agenda and policy goals won't stem his twitter tide, he's going to spend the remainder of his days making the same outrageously false claims that made him famous in the first place. I don't think there is any Darth Vader redemption story in his future. I predict that he's going down swinging, a liar to his last breath.
That's the "Future of the Trump Presidency" that I worry about. It will never really be over until he finally has a cheeseburger-inspired coronary.