Many of your examples given for overt racism don't hold water with me and I really don't feel like itemizing each one but let's address one of the easy ones. Calling Elizabeth Warren Pocohantas is not racist, it's actually quite funny because he is calling out a very liberal Democrat on the hypocrisy of appropriating another's culture for gain, something she should own up to. Native Americans should be angry with her, not Trump.
If you don't believe that calling a woman with proven Native American ancestry "Pocahontas" is racist, (and in fact think it's funny) then we don't really need to keep discussing this. Contrary to your claims, you are racist. Your support of Trump would therefore fit the stereotype you're saying is unfair.
Goodness gracious, bless your heart. Is this your gotcha moment where once and for all you've proven me a racist?
Let's recap, Elizabeth Warren, who by her own admission and test results (and wow did she play into the hands of Trump on that one) is at best 4 to 5 generations removed from any native american ancestry. We are talking hundreds of years of separation between an ancestor and her current life. She has absolutely no connection whatsoever to Native Americans. None. There is a reason tribes within the United States require a certain amount of Indian blood for them to consider somebody a member of their tribe. I noticed you have failed to mention that certain tribes, namely the Cherokee, have asked her to stop insulting them with her dubious claims of affiliation. Is Warren a racist?
But that didn't stop her from claiming minority status for personal gain. It's documented, it's there. When Trump calls her Pocohantus he is highlighting her poor behavior, especially coming from a liberal championing minority causes. What makes it funny is that instead of owning up to her poor behavior and hypocrisy, she continues to double-down (muh high cheek bones), and much like you wants to paint Trump as the bad guy here pulling the racism card. Is Trump insensitive? Yes, and he should out of respect stop using Pocohantus as a punchline but the onus here is on Warren. She has the power to put this issue to bed with a simple apology.
A few days ago I opened my first post with an admonishment. Not every Trump supporter is an idiot and not every Trump supporter is a racist. That should be self-evident but here I am having to argue this issue again.
Firstly, people like you have cheapened the meaning of the word racist. It has no gravitas, and has become a running meme, a running joke through its incredible misuse. You guys have taken the power away from it by applying it to anybody that doesn't march in lock-step with your very broad and many times changing definition. You should consider stopping that because this behavior will ultimately cause you more harm than someone like me, and intolerance is intolerance, and people remember which side treated them like shit. Now before you start typing a response to all of the abuses the other side is guilty of, I want you to stop and consider what I have just written. Painting broad swaths of people with cheap labels has consequences. And yes, both sides are guilty of this but you are the one that called me racist. ;)
Secondly, this habit of attributing motive to every perceived slight has got to stop. You don't have the power to read minds or intimately know why a person does what they do. Nor do I, but in the absence of mind-reading we make calculated guesses based on words and/or actions. What is interesting is that two people can witness the same event and can come up with two wildly different explanations of what just occurred. As mature adults we must account for this and take this into consideration. Before I start calling people names I have the responsibility to consider why someone would believe what they believe, even if I disagree with their interpretation. This world is nuanced and while some issues are black and white, there still is a tremendous amount of gray we have to navigate.
Thirdly, I would ask you to honor your agreement that you signed stating that you wouldn't insult or defame other posters. As the mods seem to be absent from this particular thread I am forced to implement my own rules here: If you continue to personally insult me than I am going to stop responding to any thing you have to offer. I have been very forthright in my answers to your baiting questions, let's be honest here, but if I feel you aren't acting in good faith going forward then I am writing you off.