How does the double jeopardy rule (can't be tried twice for the same offence, essentially) apply vis a vis impeachment and criminal charges? If Trump is impeached (or impeachment proceedings are started but no finding of impeachment) for actions which are criminal, does that prevent future criminal charges on the same matters?
If it does, Trump should be wanting impeachment proceedings to start, because the risk of losing the Presidency could be a much lesser penalty for him, with lower chances of suceeding, than a series of criminal indictments brought on 21 January 2020 or 2024.
Edited based on nereo's comments below, where they pointed out I was conflating impeachment and removal from office.
My understanding is that impeachment has zero bearing on legal criminal charges and is a purely political act. Theoretically, any congress with enough votes to do so could impeach any president for pretty much anything they could come up with as long as they could convince enough of their members that the acts in question were 'high crimes or misdemeanors'. And I don't think there is even any legal definition for those terms as it applies to impeachment.
Having said that, it is incredibly unlikely that Trump is impeached *ETA and actually removed from office*. I am baffled as to why this keeps being brought up on this board, or by anyone in the press or in politics. Dems do not have the votes to *ETA remove him* even if they could impeach. And they are unlikely to get the votes *ETA to remove him* even with a big blue wave in November. The GOP have already proved themselves unwilling to stand against Trump, and they won't stand against him until their base voters (not swing voters) turn on Trump.
And the GOP base is not going to turn on Trump, no matter what. They have proved it over and over.
Not to mention, if the Dems start proceedings to impeach, even if those proceedings are purely cosmetic *ETA and are not intended to result in Trump's removal from office*, the only thing they will accomplish is driving some of the GOP leaners who don't like Trump back to Trump's corner for the 2020 presidential election.
Given how moronic attempting to impeach Trump is as a strategic move, I would be shocked if some Dems didn't try it if they take the House. B/C they seem terminally stupid about strategy, and eager to lose winnable races.