Funny thing is the Progressives are just as responsible in electing Trump as voters who actually voted for him. Recall some of the more "lively" debates on this forum. The Trump Show thus far and those issues share a common root: Post modernism.
A large group of "people" willingly gave up on facts in the name of tolerance. Tolerate all except intolerance right? Do these un-learned individuals (who also happen to think they are not stupid) even know what Popper originally said?
"But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument.” - Karl Popper
Popper’s definition of intolerance was not hate speech and it was not even being an a-hole. An act of intolerance was originally meant to be as simple as being irrational and refusing to be open to arguments. These days, however, most people equate intolerance to hate speech and being an a-hole; thus the people in power focus on suppressing such behaviors, leaving the originally defined form of intolerance to thrive in our society.
This misguided post-modern view of intolerance believes that each person is permitted to decide for himself with complete disregard to how the physical world operates, as if there is no objective truth, only narratives and perspectives. In short, we allowed people to have their own alternative realities, to freely believe whatever they want to believe in, refuting any rational arguments that may say otherwise.
When we abandon critical thinking in favor of inclusiveness or, as they say in China, “a harmonious society”, often we fall into the trap of neutrality and become afraid of rational and intelligent engagement. We become unwilling to be challenged by contrary opinions or even consider them, no matter how overwhelmingly compelling the evidences are.
The absence of critical thinking and intellectual rigor fuels the doxastic nature of delusion, a systematic rejection of reality in favor of a fantasy world based on our own narratives. Intolerance breeds intolerance in a self-sustaining feedback loop. Ironically, it is observed tolerance in modern societies also breeds intolerance, likely because we operate under a misconstrued definition of intolerance.
Tolerance of refuting rational argument and denouncing all argument leads to frustrations, misunderstandings, and contempt; this in turn breeds division and mistrust, until, the delusions are manifested as actions and we arrive at full on intolerance that threatens the security of the society. Once we get to this stage, tolerance is always supplanted by intolerance and only reinstated after much bloodshed.
Trump was not elected on November 8th, 2016; he was elected the day when we first gave up facts and truth for tolerance, inclusiveness, and "social justice". Crime and Punishment has come full cycle. Fight for what's true, not for what is "politically correct", no matter the cost.