As a bare minimum they would be rooting for the conservative to deny rights to LGBTQ folks and women who need an abortion. As detailed on these discussions here there are more reasons for an abortion than "got pregnant, don't want a baby."
I still get confused by the "protect the fetus! and ignore the child they become" conservative politics. If life was that sacred then wouldn't conservatives be the people who wanted the best schools for everyone, for everyone of all genders and ethnicity to prosper, and to seek peace around the world without military intervention?
Just doesn't add up.
Little about the self-proclaimed "compassionate conservatives" adds up under scrutiny.
Over and over they support serial adultery while calling themselves 'traditionally family based'.
They are openly hostile to the LGBTQ community and use a narrow interpretation of the bible as a shield.
Their treatment towards immigrants and the poor is not even remotely compassionate nor christian.
They tend to be the most full-throated supporters of unfettered firearms, the military, the death penalty and war, never acknowledging the inherent hypocrisy therein.
Harsh penalties for first time offenders are great, but programs aimed at reintroduction of felons into society are taboo.
Crack 'addicts' with brown skin needed to be locked up on a first offense, but white 'victims' of opioid abuse need immediate support to help them 'break the cycle of addition'.
They talk about freedom and democracy but want to limit citizenship to people who just happened to be born here. They speak of 'amnesty' as if it were an evil to be stamped out and forbidden.
They talk about 'law and order' but are willing to separate peaceful and cooperative parents from their children in order to act as a 'deterrent' for others.
They label any judge which rules in their favor a 'constitutionalist' and deride any who rules against as 'legislating from the bench'.
They talk about 'states rights' and returning power to the local governments, except when local governments are so brash as to have contrary opinions regarding environmental standards, immigration enforcement, military recruiters, affirmative action, or civil-rights protections - in which case to hell with those 'sanctuary cities', the government must force them to capitulate.
...i could go on, but it just makes me angry.