Am I the only one suspicious that DJT didn't write Pruitt's resignation letter himself? It sounds an awful lot like his 'medical evaluation' letter which he dictated during the primaries.
Not enough spelling errors or poor punctuation. He might have dictated it or had it ghostwritten, though.
Did it mention his amazing electoral college victory, that no one even thought was possible? His inauguration crowd size?
See above if you want to read the full text.
What makes me think this wasn't written by Pruitt at all is how many times the letter praised Donald Trump and how little it mentioned Pruitt himself. In three paragraphs there was literally one single line about Pruitt's experience and reason for leaving ("...the unrelenting attacks on me personally, and on my family..."
At the same time the letter praises Trump's courage, steadfastness, resolute commitment and leadership. It mentions what an honor it was to serve Trump no fewer than 3 times. Interestingly, not once in Pruitt's resignation letter did it mention what an honor it was to serve America or the EPA - only that the honor was in serving Trump in those capacities.
In three occasions the letter details how 'successful' Trump has been - beyond what anyone could have imagined (could this by Trump's signature hyperbole at play?).
True, his references to God and divine providence are not typically Trump-speak, but even when praising God the letter goes out of its way to say how God has selected Trump to lead (e.g. divine providence)
To me the whole thing sounds like Trump trying to imitate Pruitt's deep religious faith and tone, but the faith part is all wrong, and he can't resist praising himself above all else. Pruitt here is blessing Trump, and instead of giving reverence to God for everything, he's giving reverence to Trump. In this letter Trump comes out higher than God.