I still hold out hope that there is some definitive collusion or at least sunlight on why Trump likes the Russians and Putin so much.
I don't believe there was collusion. He had a constant stream of people joining and quitting his campaign and later Cabinet. And again, about 200 of the 600-something positions the Senate's supposed to confirm don't even have nominations. He can't even collude with people he's
supposed to work with, it's simply not plausible that he could collude with a foreign power. He's too stupid.
Maybe it's a grey area, but I feel like I'm missing something important about the financial obligations and ties of the guy who commands America's attention.
When even a failed presidential campaign costs over $1 billion, you are only going to get rich people seriously try out for it. They don't have to be rich enough to supply all the funds themselves, but they do have to be rich enough for the people who
are rich enough to take them seriously. Nobody gets that rich without buddying up to government, so there are endless conflicts of interest and regulatory capture and corruption and all that. Trump's not unique in that, it's just the inevitable result of the system the US has chosen - it's basically an elected version of an 18th century monarch.
I only wish the Electoral College would've taken it's position seriously and not put us in a position of relentless public shootings (unanswered with any legislation), immigration fiasco (family separation and jails filling up with people that still see this as better than what they are leaving), trade wars (our allies wondering just wtf is wrong with this great life we are all enjoying), and helplessly watching us withdraw and become politically unstable.
That's the system you've chosen. The Electoral College votes the way the general public told them to vote. Their doing otherwise would be grounds for legal challenges, and probably lead to all sorts of civil unrest. And of course, if they'd binned Trump then they could as easily bin some later candidate you actually like. So I don't think you really want to set that precedent.
Trump is not personally responsible for all the shootings, nor their being unanswered by legislation. It's not like he's vetoed legislation, nothing's passed US Congress. You overestimate the power of the US President, and this overestimation of their powers is what leads to rich, corrupt and ambitious men like Trump seeking office. So in saying, "but it's all his fault!" you're reinforcing the ideas and system that brings men like him to power. And the shootings are reflective of deeper problems in US society which cannot be fixed by a piece of legislation or two.
There was an immigration fiasco before Trump, and there will be one after.
Now, trade wars are something he's desperately tried to start. But that's because, "therefore be it thy course, dear Harry, to busy giddy minds with foreign quarrels" - Henry V. Anyone who is poor at running their country and doesn't want to just resign needs to distract the people, preferably with something outside the country. Previous Presidents did it by bombing and invading countries, he's doing it with a little bombing but mostly tariffs. I'll take tariffs over bombs.
Your country is less stable, but it's been on that track for a long time. He's speeding up the process, but he didn't start it. It wasn't Trump who removed banking regulations, who dropped trade barriers and mismanaged US companies to send jobs overseas and halve the size of Detroit, or brought drugs into US cities to fund covert foreign conflicts. Your country has had its leaders - of all parties - desperately try to fuck it up thoroughly for generations now. Trump is just the turd ketchup on the shit sandwich that American leadership has slapped together over many decades. Eat up.