Great TIME magazine cover.
Melania? She is ineffectual, because of her past. She's lost and she's afraid. There is no one she can lean on or help her navigate in this shadowy Trump world. This bubble that protects her but also holds her prisoner.
I've never seen her so lost and bumbling and barely able to stumble through her scripted encounter as when she visited that shelter. Even her accent was stronger than usual.
An immigrant and a woman - living within this vortex of lies and misinformation without the backing and reassurance of a family like the Bush first ladies enjoyed. Not to mention zero experience in the political scene of Washington.
Nothing in her past has prepared her, a natural introvert, for the world she now inhabits.
That jacket episode? Who cares, she's given up.
POTUS twitter, "Melania has learned ..." ...ugh!
She is by far the most vulnerable person in the Trump Universe and she knows it. If she is not clever and/or brave enough to fight Trump it is understandable. No one else seems to be able to put a stop to anything that he does either, with few exceptions.
It is only a bit disappointing to have a First Lady with no influence at all - for many reasons.
Melania's jacket, I take it at face value.