Author Topic: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?  (Read 805491 times)


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #650 on: February 02, 2017, 01:19:00 PM »
I've been playing WoW on and off for years now. I was a avid player in Cataclysm but never really tried raiding or serious PvP. I even didn't buy Legion, I'm waiting for a sale. I'm now doing the achievments, trying to drop rare mounts, pet battles, etc. Any WoW players?

Back in the good old days, when Ragnaros was "it". 40 person raids were awesome.

Molten Core, Nefarian's Raid, Naxxramus, and Ahn Qiraj were awesome 40-man raid experiences. The cut down to 25 for raids certainly made things a lot more reasonable, but it lost that magic of having 40 people working together on those vanilla raids.

Played vanilla back in high school in a mostly-adult guild. Finishing MC and BWL with them were some of my favorite times gaming ever. Went off to college and lost all the spare time and had to step back. Played for a bit when Cataclysm came out but I'm pretty much done for good I think, not enough free time to really make any progress anymore. I consider myself lucky if I get to put 10 minutes into Pokémon Sun on any given day (about halfway through the main game now, started right before the new year).

That's where I am these days. I get 30-60 minutes of Overwatch in every few days and that's about all I seem to have time for. To be in high school again.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #651 on: February 02, 2017, 03:18:40 PM »
Probably done with MMOs forever, but I don't regret (most) of my time in WoW.

Same. Killing Rag was great! Raiding the Core 8 times in order to get enough points to win a bid on one piece of loot was not.

Looking back, I can't imagine why Blizzard thought 40 was the right number for end-game raiding.

Well at the time the blueprint for MMOs was Everquest and in comparison to that, vanilla WoW was downright friendly. I barely batted an eye at the prospect of spending an entire Saturday working through Molten Core with only a fringe possibility of getting something out of it. That was just the way things were, and it was fun.

I'm more of a single player type gamer..but like the idea of MMOs ( constantly updated, live events, etc... ).

With the recent changes, I've heard that Elder Scrolls Online is doable solo and is becoming more like a traditional Elder Scrolls game. Have any of you tried this?  I love the Elder Scrolls series and was thinking of giving ESO a shot.  Looks like they also have a 'Morrowind' addon coming that looks cool.

The only other MMO I've enjoyed is Guild Wars II....because much of it can be done solo. They also have many live-event quests where 'join in' with others for a short time...but then go your separate ways.

My SO bought me ESO and I really like it. We usually only play together so we're not much playing atm. But, great quests, songs and graphics. I also played guild wars 2 a bit and liked it, I think I'm going to play that soon as I have so many content to clear.

Too much game, not enough time :(.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #652 on: February 02, 2017, 04:44:34 PM »
Probably done with MMOs forever, but I don't regret (most) of my time in WoW.

Same. Killing Rag was great! Raiding the Core 8 times in order to get enough points to win a bid on one piece of loot was not.

Looking back, I can't imagine why Blizzard thought 40 was the right number for end-game raiding.

Well at the time the blueprint for MMOs was Everquest and in comparison to that, vanilla WoW was downright friendly. I barely batted an eye at the prospect of spending an entire Saturday working through Molten Core with only a fringe possibility of getting something out of it. That was just the way things were, and it was fun.

I'm more of a single player type gamer..but like the idea of MMOs ( constantly updated, live events, etc... ).

With the recent changes, I've heard that Elder Scrolls Online is doable solo and is becoming more like a traditional Elder Scrolls game. Have any of you tried this?  I love the Elder Scrolls series and was thinking of giving ESO a shot.  Looks like they also have a 'Morrowind' addon coming that looks cool.

The only other MMO I've enjoyed is Guild Wars II....because much of it can be done solo. They also have many live-event quests where 'join in' with others for a short time...but then go your separate ways.

I got ESO when it was on a free play weekend; I think it was $10 for the full game.

I put a few hours into it but wasn't that impressed. I played GW a fair way through but I don't think I completed any of the campaigns; GWII I played to "the end" when it came out but stopped pretty quickly after that. And as mentioned above, WoW quite a bit.

I also didn't finish Skyrim, but did finish Oblivion. I much preferred the latter, somehow. Maybe because I now live in Canada and hate the winter, and the whiteness of Skyrim was not appealing.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #653 on: February 02, 2017, 06:23:28 PM »

I got ESO when it was on a free play weekend; I think it was $10 for the full game.

I put a few hours into it but wasn't that impressed. I played GW a fair way through but I don't think I completed any of the campaigns; GWII I played to "the end" when it came out but stopped pretty quickly after that. And as mentioned above, WoW quite a bit.

I also didn't finish Skyrim, but did finish Oblivion. I much preferred the latter, somehow. Maybe because I now live in Canada and hate the winter, and the whiteness of Skyrim was not appealing.

I totally feel you there, I'm in Canada too. I usually start playing games in the autumn till spring as I hate getting cold and the snow. Can't wait till all this white stuff is gone.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #654 on: February 02, 2017, 06:42:34 PM »
I'm playing Don't Starve. It's the beessst.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #655 on: February 02, 2017, 07:48:21 PM »
Probably done with MMOs forever, but I don't regret (most) of my time in WoW.

Same. Killing Rag was great! Raiding the Core 8 times in order to get enough points to win a bid on one piece of loot was not.

Looking back, I can't imagine why Blizzard thought 40 was the right number for end-game raiding.

Well at the time the blueprint for MMOs was Everquest and in comparison to that, vanilla WoW was downright friendly. I barely batted an eye at the prospect of spending an entire Saturday working through Molten Core with only a fringe possibility of getting something out of it. That was just the way things were, and it was fun.

I'm more of a single player type gamer..but like the idea of MMOs ( constantly updated, live events, etc... ).

With the recent changes, I've heard that Elder Scrolls Online is doable solo and is becoming more like a traditional Elder Scrolls game. Have any of you tried this?  I love the Elder Scrolls series and was thinking of giving ESO a shot.  Looks like they also have a 'Morrowind' addon coming that looks cool.

The only other MMO I've enjoyed is Guild Wars II....because much of it can be done solo. They also have many live-event quests where 'join in' with others for a short time...but then go your separate ways.

I got ESO when it was on a free play weekend; I think it was $10 for the full game.

I put a few hours into it but wasn't that impressed. I played GW a fair way through but I don't think I completed any of the campaigns; GWII I played to "the end" when it came out but stopped pretty quickly after that. And as mentioned above, WoW quite a bit.

I also didn't finish Skyrim, but did finish Oblivion. I much preferred the latter, somehow. Maybe because I now live in Canada and hate the winter, and the whiteness of Skyrim was not appealing.

Interesting.  I live in Minnesota and absolutely love Skyrim.  The 'special edition' is great. 

I also love Morrowind and Oblivion...some very fond gaming memories there.  However, they feel dated now and are hard to go back to.

I also really dig Fallout3, New Vegas, and Fallout4. 

As you can tell, I'm a huge fan of Bethesda.

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #656 on: February 03, 2017, 09:36:54 AM »
Does Age of Empires 2 count? They just came out with an expansion for it... and it's an 18 year old game.

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #657 on: February 03, 2017, 10:28:42 AM »
The husband and I each have a gaming PC (I inherited his one when I built him a new one). We also have a PS3, PS4, PSPs (2), & a 3DS.

PC games: World of Warcraft (I'm a newbie healer, been on and off the game for years, and mostly in it for the side quests - herbalism/alchemy. We're working on paying our subscriptions entirely with in-game gold rather than real currency. I mostly play to keep the husband company.), Elder Scrolls Online (not so much these days, since the gameplay is so poor, mostly played for RP anyway), The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind, Portal, Fall Out New Vegas, and, The Witcher games (all of them), Fall Out 4 (I haven't played it yet). He has various other games but I haven't played them. The husband plays Crusader Kings a lot.

PSP: Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite, Exit, Kula World, Dead head Fred (I've never finished it), Flow, Final Fantasy 1, 2, & 7 (maybe 5 also, can't remember, but that's my favourite), Potapon (1-3), Bust a Move: Ghost, Tenchu, Ghost in the Shell (I think?), Jack and Daxter, and likely others I'm forgetting/belong to husband.

PS4 (many of which I haven't played): Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian, Heavy Rain, Mass Effect (1 & 2), Dark Souls, many others I'm forgetting...

PS3: Dark souls...not sure what else we kept for this console.

3DS: Animal Crossing, Phoenix Wright (not sure which one) and some others that belong to the husband person.

Can you tell I like puzzle games? :D

EDIT: Oh, The Last of Us, yusss...other poster jogged my memory. And Beyond Two Souls. Lots of others I'm forgetting that may have been traded in at this point, too...
« Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 10:30:54 AM by Kiwi Fuzz »


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #658 on: February 03, 2017, 10:29:00 AM »
My girlfriend bought us Bioshock Collection to play together. It looks amazing, they really improved the graphics.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #659 on: February 03, 2017, 10:44:51 AM »
Anyone planning on getting the Nintendo Switch when it comes out on March 3rd? The Zelda game looks great, but I'm considering holding off on things until later when it has a bigger library.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #660 on: February 03, 2017, 10:55:02 AM »
Anyone planning on getting the Nintendo Switch when it comes out on March 3rd? The Zelda game looks great, but I'm considering holding off on things until later when it has a bigger library.

I'm not sold on the Switch yet.  Probably going to get Breath of the Wild on the Wii U for now ( yes, we actually have a Wii U ). 


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #661 on: February 03, 2017, 12:33:50 PM »
Anyone planning on getting the Nintendo Switch when it comes out on March 3rd? The Zelda game looks great, but I'm considering holding off on things until later when it has a bigger library.

I'm not sold on the Switch yet.  Probably going to get Breath of the Wild on the Wii U for now ( yes, we actually have a Wii U ).

I was thinking the same thing.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #662 on: February 03, 2017, 12:37:27 PM »
Anyone planning on getting the Nintendo Switch when it comes out on March 3rd? The Zelda game looks great, but I'm considering holding off on things until later when it has a bigger library.

I'm not sold on the Switch yet.  Probably going to get Breath of the Wild on the Wii U for now ( yes, we actually have a Wii U ).

I'm pretty sad - there will be a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on Switch. I have a U, which I bought to play Xenoblade Chronicles X which I just didn't think was all that good (that's after playing Xenoblade Chronicles on an emulator).

I love the Xeno games, or at least some of them - the 'original', Xenogears, and Xenoblade Chronicles. X is ok. If 2 is a 'true sequel' to Chronicles... man.

But - I've played 3-4 games on the Wii U. Sigh. At least I got it for a good price in boxing day or new year sales. I'm not much into Zelda.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #663 on: February 03, 2017, 12:44:50 PM »
Anyone planning on getting the Nintendo Switch when it comes out on March 3rd? The Zelda game looks great, but I'm considering holding off on things until later when it has a bigger library.

I'm not sold on the Switch yet.  Probably going to get Breath of the Wild on the Wii U for now ( yes, we actually have a Wii U ).

I'm pretty sad - there will be a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on Switch. I have a U, which I bought to play Xenoblade Chronicles X which I just didn't think was all that good (that's after playing Xenoblade Chronicles on an emulator).

I love the Xeno games, or at least some of them - the 'original', Xenogears, and Xenoblade Chronicles. X is ok. If 2 is a 'true sequel' to Chronicles... man.

But - I've played 3-4 games on the Wii U. Sigh. At least I got it for a good price in boxing day or new year sales. I'm not much into Zelda.

I also bought a Wii U just for Chronicles X. Not a bad game, but disappointing compared to Xenoblade Chronicles. I'm not holding my breath for Chronicles 2 now.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #664 on: February 03, 2017, 02:32:42 PM »
I've heard really good things about Xenoblade, I've seen some gameplay but never got the game myself.

Personally I'm waiting for Monster Hunter for the Switch. That's an auto-buy for me.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #665 on: February 03, 2017, 02:54:24 PM »
I'm playing Don't Starve. It's the beessst.

I love Don't Starve! Don't Starve Together is really fun to play with small groups of people. I get mixed results going onto the random servers though. One I went onto recently was named "Texas", it was really hot and I couldn't ever live more than a few days without dying from the environment, hah.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #666 on: February 03, 2017, 02:58:52 PM »
I'm playing Don't Starve. It's the beessst.

I love Don't Starve! Don't Starve Together is really fun to play with small groups of people. I get mixed results going onto the random servers though. One I went onto recently was named "Texas", it was really hot and I couldn't ever live more than a few days without dying from the environment, hah.

Yeah! I set up DST nights with friends, it's a lot of fun. We usually get wrecked by the giants though; I've only ever beaten them on one player. I got a friend who hasn't played video games since she was a kid to start playing and now she's addicted. A funny text I got while at work:

"Pls help. When we talk I need to understand. This angry tree is on my dick even though I've planted all my pine cones. Bout to set tree king on fire, he won't know what hit his piney ass."

I was laughing so hard -- this woman is an international lawyer who brokers treaties between countries by day and models for make up companies in her free time. The immediate descent into gaming vulgarities was so incredible.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #667 on: February 03, 2017, 03:15:43 PM »
I downloaded don't starve and don't starve together. I've not really delved deep into them, and my initial impression was that they were fun, but difficult. How do you know what to do and what each item is for?


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #668 on: February 03, 2017, 03:16:01 PM »
Anyone planning on getting the Nintendo Switch when it comes out on March 3rd? The Zelda game looks great, but I'm considering holding off on things until later when it has a bigger library.

I want to get the Switch, but probably not right when it comes out - though I do want the Zelda game. I'm mostly interested in Splatoon 2 at this point. I've got a Wii U (which I got initially because of Super Mario Maker), have very few games for it, but the amount that I have played Splatoon has more than justified the price of the console.

As an aside, I've enjoyed what little I've played of Overwatch, but as my only console is a Wii U (well, and a 3DS), and I own a Mac (for work reasons), I will unfortunately be forever relegated to playing it on other people's systems.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #669 on: February 03, 2017, 03:24:58 PM »
I'm playing Don't Starve. It's the beessst.

I love Don't Starve! Don't Starve Together is really fun to play with small groups of people. I get mixed results going onto the random servers though. One I went onto recently was named "Texas", it was really hot and I couldn't ever live more than a few days without dying from the environment, hah.

Yeah! I set up DST nights with friends, it's a lot of fun. We usually get wrecked by the giants though; I've only ever beaten them on one player. I got a friend who hasn't played video games since she was a kid to start playing and now she's addicted. A funny text I got while at work:

"Pls help. When we talk I need to understand. This angry tree is on my dick even though I've planted all my pine cones. Bout to set tree king on fire, he won't know what hit his piney ass."

I was laughing so hard -- this woman is an international lawyer who brokers treaties between countries by day and models for make up companies in her free time. The immediate descent into gaming vulgarities was so incredible.

Hah! To be fair those Treeguards are incredibly annoying, especially if they get led to your camp!


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #670 on: February 03, 2017, 03:29:48 PM »
I downloaded don't starve and don't starve together. I've not really delved deep into them, and my initial impression was that they were fun, but difficult. How do you know what to do and what each item is for?

The basic building stuff, you end up doing so frequently that it's just a matter of playing enough to remember what you need. For more complicated pieces, such as the list of recipes, I'll usually play with a wiki page open - the chart halfway down this page is incredibly useful: Other things are just trial and error (for me at least, as I don't like to have to Google every single thing). Playing on a team is great for that too, since the hive mind can remember plenty of things that my tiny mind alone can't!


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #671 on: February 04, 2017, 11:48:30 AM »
For those who have not palyed mass effect 2, you can get the game free now. Ubisoft and other publishers would from time to time post free games to download.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #672 on: February 04, 2017, 06:11:30 PM »
For those who have not palyed mass effect 2, you can get the game free now. Ubisoft and other publishers would from time to time post free games to download.
Thanks for the heads up. Downloading it for free now.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #673 on: February 04, 2017, 10:46:41 PM »
For those who have not palyed mass effect 2, you can get the game free now. Ubisoft and other publishers would from time to time post free games to download.
Thanks for the heads up. Downloading it for free now.

Easily one of my favorite games ever. Enjoy!


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #674 on: February 05, 2017, 02:32:57 PM »
Mass Effect 2 is fantastic. Totally recommend it.

I finished Witcher 2 last evening. I am going to play Dear Ester today. It received a lot of buzz at the time...never got into walking simulators, but I think I should at least try this game.

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #675 on: February 07, 2017, 02:32:58 AM »
Started grinding away at Mad Max. Interesting, but seems like it could get repetitive after awhile.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #676 on: February 07, 2017, 08:29:31 AM »
Started grinding away at Mad Max. Interesting, but seems like it could get repetitive after awhile.

I played through it a while back and loved it.  Typical Mad max storyline, but well done.  The vehicle combat was great and is what made it different for me.  I think I was burned out from Fallout 4 and the time. 

I will say that I'm a big fan of the 'post apocalyptic' genre so I may be more forgiving than others in critiquing the game. 

« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 01:09:06 PM by farmecologist »


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #677 on: February 07, 2017, 11:33:34 AM »
Borderlands telltale game. Great fun if you love the series, not really a game (it's more like watching an interactive film)

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #678 on: February 07, 2017, 01:02:08 PM »
There is a free-to-play Fire Emblem game on iOS now. Cue drop in work productivity!


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #679 on: February 07, 2017, 01:08:07 PM »
There is a free-to-play Fire Emblem game on iOS now. Cue drop in work productivity!

I love Fire Emblem, this didn't hit my radar somehow, though. Is it truly free-to-play or is it just free-to-start (a la Super Mario Run)?


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #680 on: February 07, 2017, 01:38:26 PM »
There is a free-to-play Fire Emblem game on iOS now. Cue drop in work productivity!

I love Fire Emblem, this didn't hit my radar somehow, though. Is it truly free-to-play or is it just free-to-start (a la Super Mario Run)?

Free to play. Pay to win?
Quote from: Wikipedia
The game's currency are known as "orbs", which can be used to acquire new heroes. Missions may cost more than one stamina to play while stamina is recovered at a rate of one point per five minutes to a total of 50. Orbs are either earned by completing in-game activities or with in-app purchases. Orbs can also be used to cast 'Light's Blessing' which heals all your units, revives any of your defeated units makes all activation skills ready to activate and allows a player's team to move again; in addition, orbs can be used to permanently increase experience gained by units or to replenish stamina.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #681 on: February 07, 2017, 04:16:07 PM »
Mass Effect 2 is fantastic. Totally recommend it.

I finished Witcher 2 last evening. I am going to play Dear Ester today. It received a lot of buzz at the time...never got into walking simulators, but I think I should at least try this game.
Did you complete both Roche and Iorveth story lines? I did the Ivoreth line, made some choices and ended up with this really messed up ending :) I still think Enderal conversion is a better game than Witcher. I am looking forward to playing the add-on to Enderal, whenever that gets finished. 

Is Fire Watch also a walking simulator?


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #682 on: February 07, 2017, 05:27:38 PM »
Oh, man, great topic!  Too many people hate on video games as an "easy to lose control over" spending habit, so thanks for making the post about ideas for enjoying video games!  There are a lot of tech people in the forum and many younger people (myself included!) became interested in studying computer science or technology through video games, and that training is what allows us to optimize our Mustachian lives, right?

I confess that I have a unique advantage when it comes to playing video games in a Mustachian way on this one-- I teach a video game / computer science class for high school students, so I actually earn money for playing my students' games.  ;-)  Since I started teaching the class, most of my gaming tends to be in the form of free web-based games that I use to help teach the class about the current game genre of study.

For purchased console and computer games, though, I'm all over the map.

Multiplayer games (Wii Sports, some of the Mario Party games) became a fun low-cost alternative activity to scale back non-Mustachian friends that got excited about an over-priced "Bar-cade" (similar to Dave & Busters) that opened near us.  I get a surprising amount of enjoyment out of the online multi-player ".io" games that have come out in the last 1-2 years (,,, etc) - the low-end graphics mean that the games still work on older (more Mustachian?) computers.

I've held on to many of the classic Simulation games like Civilization, Tropico, Alpha Centuri, Roller Coaster Tycoon that were gifts or purchases over the years.  Terraria is a great newer game in a similar style and usually comes up with a 4-license pack for a reduced price during Steam sales.

I'm also a sucker for RPG games with a clever story, although age has finally started to teach me that they all tend to have the same story and that I don't get as much enjoyment out of them as I think I'm going to.  My long-standing rule for RPG games is that they have to be in the bargain bin or at a garage sale before I'm allow to buy them.

Final thought:  I'm usually 1-2 console generations back from the latest release, so once every few months, my wife and I raid the $2-3 bargain bin at Game Stop and come out with an unexpected gem or two.  Nerf Strike Elite, believe it or not, should have been a dumb game, but it turned out that we near-obsessively played all the way through to every weapon upgrade, secret code unlocked, and achievement earned.  It's up there with the name-brand vs generic debate; sometimes the "off-brand" game isn't worth the money, but sometimes it turns out to be just as good or better!

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #683 on: February 08, 2017, 02:13:09 AM »
Started grinding away at Mad Max. Interesting, but seems like it could get repetitive after awhile.

I played through it a while back and loved it.  Typical Mad max storyline, but well done.  The vehicle combat was great and is what made it different for me.  I think I was burned out from Fallout 4 and the time. 

I will say that I'm a big fan of the 'post apocalyptic' genre so I may be more forgiving than others in critiquing the game. 

Yeah. I'm a huge fan of Post Apocalyptic media as well. I'm enjoying the game, just grinding through the first few areas has gotten a bit repetitive. It's looking like it will pick up once I let go of the need to clear every inch of desert as soon as I come across it and actually allow myself to explore a bit.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #684 on: February 08, 2017, 05:19:11 AM »
I think I am going to start playing Battlefield 1 single player.

I also purchased Mad Max the other day for $4.99.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #685 on: February 08, 2017, 10:07:53 AM »
Reading this thread also got me thinking....anyone like classic arcade games?

I was really into the MAME scene a while back.  It can REALLY eat up your time...but is an excellent hobby, especially if you build a cabinet, etc...

Check this out for starters :,10.0.html is a very active community of builders, etc...Impressive stuff!

As for myself, I built a monster cabinet a few years was a fun process. 


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #686 on: February 08, 2017, 10:15:56 AM »
Reading this thread also got me thinking....anyone like classic arcade games?

I was really into the MAME scene a while back.  It can REALLY eat up your time...but is an excellent hobby, especially if you build a cabinet, etc...

Check this out for starters :,10.0.html is a very active community of builders, etc...Impressive stuff!

As formyself, I built a monster cabinet a few years was a fun process.

Yeah man! I built a huge 4 player cabinet from scratch back in college. Had so much fun with that thing, it was a bummer to have to sell it when I moved. Been thinking about making another one for years now, but this time feeling a bartop project powered by a raspberry pi.

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #687 on: February 08, 2017, 10:35:25 AM »
Well, this was a non-mustachian move... (unless I actually input dollar per hour of entertainment, then it isn't so bad.)

I just preordered 6 Nintendo Switch games.  Amazon gives you 20% off if you preorder; which is pretty significant savings.  The games will trickle out throughout the year, so we won't get them all at once.

The only problem: no one actually has the console available for preorder.  So no idea if I'll be able to get my hands on something to PLAY them with.

(Did decide because this will be a Nintendo year to not order the latest version of Civilization. Will get it next year or so after the price goes down. The price rarely goes down on big named Nintendo games.)

Miss Unleaded

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #688 on: February 08, 2017, 10:59:13 AM »
Really not mustachian but I play Eve Online. I don't have much time to play so I pay my sub with cash.

I also like Civilization, especially Civ IV: BTS.

Beyond that, I'm a fan of adventure games. I just don't have a lot of time for gaming much these days, sadly.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #689 on: February 08, 2017, 12:39:02 PM »
Point and click adventure game on my surface pro 4 fanless version the cheapest one with crappiest processor, extremely happy so easy to play beautiful point and click on the train during commute. They are not HW demanding so a fanless, cool and quiet surface does its job very well and I can play all the adventure from steam

Sent from my YD201 using Tapatalk


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #690 on: February 08, 2017, 01:29:06 PM »
Reading this thread also got me thinking....anyone like classic arcade games?

I was really into the MAME scene a while back.  It can REALLY eat up your time...but is an excellent hobby, especially if you build a cabinet, etc...

Check this out for starters :,10.0.html is a very active community of builders, etc...Impressive stuff!

As formyself, I built a monster cabinet a few years was a fun process.

Yeah man! I built a huge 4 player cabinet from scratch back in college. Had so much fun with that thing, it was a bummer to have to sell it when I moved. Been thinking about making another one for years now, but this time feeling a bartop project powered by a raspberry pi.

I hear you...I have no idea how i would ever move the is probably 250+ pounds!


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #691 on: February 08, 2017, 01:43:04 PM »
Currently Gears of War 4 (I like horde, but the wall bouncing in vs. drives me nuts...I guess I'm getting old)

Doom 4 was great I thought.  Deadrising 3 was good but I didn't think it was as good as the 2nd because they changed the aim system.

Shadow of the Colossus was great, I never got into ICO, but the next game looks pretty good (for the next version PS4)

I want to get Mad Max just because I thought that movie was so good!

Difficult to fit gaming in w/ work, exercise, and the rest of life though :/


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #692 on: February 09, 2017, 05:49:51 AM »

I want to get Mad Max just because I thought that movie was so good!

Difficult to fit gaming in w/ work, exercise, and the rest of life though :/

I have the same problem, and I don't even have kids yet.

That said, I reserve weekends for games.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #693 on: February 09, 2017, 08:16:24 AM »

I want to get Mad Max just because I thought that movie was so good!

Difficult to fit gaming in w/ work, exercise, and the rest of life though :/

I have the same problem, and I don't even have kids yet.

That said, I reserve weekends for games.
I have kids, and am very busy, but still find a bit of time for games.

  #1 - I play more during the winter.
  #2 - I often do not get enough sleep.

#2 is the key...late evenings are just about the only time I have to do anything related to hobbies, etc... It will be a bit better when kid #2 drives - somehow he talked me into driving him to school.  This gets me to work earlier, which is good, but I have to get up far too early!


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #694 on: February 09, 2017, 01:28:11 PM »

I want to get Mad Max just because I thought that movie was so good!

Difficult to fit gaming in w/ work, exercise, and the rest of life though :/

I have the same problem, and I don't even have kids yet.

That said, I reserve weekends for games.
I have kids, and am very busy, but still find a bit of time for games.

  #1 - I play more during the winter.
  #2 - I often do not get enough sleep.

#2 is the key...late evenings are just about the only time I have to do anything related to hobbies, etc... It will be a bit better when kid #2 drives - somehow he talked me into driving him to school.  This gets me to work earlier, which is good, but I have to get up far too early!

yeah...#2 is about the only way I've found to fit some gaming in...single and no kids though.

Getting my MBA back in '09 I learned how much time is available outside of work to do other things! (that was a time suck)

Now it's 530am gym, then work, then date/go out and if I have no plans do some gaming...which is hard to do when get up is so early (and I live in FL so usually weather is nice unless it is raining...vs CA that just had climate!)

I love climbing but there is no gym or place to do that here :( I've fallen into some gaming.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2017, 01:31:26 PM by Fred2004 »


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #695 on: February 09, 2017, 02:22:03 PM »

I want to get Mad Max just because I thought that movie was so good!

Difficult to fit gaming in w/ work, exercise, and the rest of life though :/

I have the same problem, and I don't even have kids yet.

That said, I reserve weekends for games.
I have kids, and am very busy, but still find a bit of time for games.

  #1 - I play more during the winter.
  #2 - I often do not get enough sleep.

#2 is the key...late evenings are just about the only time I have to do anything related to hobbies, etc... It will be a bit better when kid #2 drives - somehow he talked me into driving him to school.  This gets me to work earlier, which is good, but I have to get up far too early!

yeah...#2 is about the only way I've found to fit some gaming in...single and no kids though.

Getting my MBA back in '09 I learned how much time is available outside of work to do other things! (that was a time suck)

Now it's 530am gym, then work, then date/go out and if I have no plans do some gaming...which is hard to do when get up is so early (and I live in FL so usually weather is nice unless it is raining...vs CA that just had climate!)

I love climbing but there is no gym or place to do that here :( I've fallen into some gaming.

Ha! yeah about the highest place in Florida I have seen are the garbage dumps outside of Miami ( and I'm not joking..they are HUGE ).  Isn't one of them called Mount Trashmore or something?  I love visiting Florida though.  However, I have a hard time with the summers - that humidity is brutal.  It's all cool if I'm on the beach though.

Sorry for the lack of gaming content in this post.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #696 on: February 09, 2017, 02:31:12 PM »
Just bought Witcher 3 with all the expansion packs! Kind of pricey but one of the best game's I've ever played.

About 24 hours of play time into it and I can see it easily climbing to a few hundred eventually so the cost/time isn't too bad. Like many here though I don't have much time for it, only Fri-Sun when I am home and there are so many other priorities when you are gone 5 days a week.

I think it will be my go-to game for quite a while.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #697 on: February 10, 2017, 01:40:16 AM »
I'm back to modded minecraft (FTB and skyfactory) with some friends. Good fun but takes plenty of hours ^^


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #698 on: February 10, 2017, 03:58:21 AM »
Pokemon duel! I play about 45 min every day on the treadmill and I'm losing some extra pounds! Really excited about that combo :D


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #699 on: February 10, 2017, 11:45:13 AM »
Just bought Witcher 3 with all the expansion packs! Kind of pricey but one of the best game's I've ever played.

About 24 hours of play time into it and I can see it easily climbing to a few hundred eventually so the cost/time isn't too bad. Like many here though I don't have much time for it, only Fri-Sun when I am home and there are so many other priorities when you are gone 5 days a week.

I think it will be my go-to game for quite a while.

It is mind-blowing how expansive that game it. Be careful because it will definitely suck you in!